Sufi–Salafi relations

The relationship between Salafism and Sufis – two movement of Islam with different interpretations of Islam – is historically diverse and reflects some of the changes and conflicts in the Muslim world today.[1]

Salafism is associated with literalist, strict and puritanical approaches to Islam. In the Western world it is often associated with the Salafist jihadism which espouse violent jihad against civilians as a legitimate expression of Islam.[2] Sufism is associated with the use of prayer, music, dance and the teachings of Sufi masters—who may serve as an intermediary between God and humans—to achieve a spiritual sense of the meaning of God.[3]

While there are Muslims who believe that Salafism and Sufism "overlap", the "standard" Salafi response to Sufism has been called "polemical".[4] According to various observers, Salafists have been "usually ... unrelentingly hostile to devotional Sufi practices",[5] arguing that Sufism is "irreconcilable with true Islam",[4] and one of the elements "corrupting" modern day Islam.[6] Relations between the two movements have been described as one with "battle lines drawn",[7] or a "rift" found in "practically every Muslim country",[8] and in "the Muslim diasporic communities of the West"[9] as well.


Following a tripling in the price of oil in the mid-1970s and the progressive takeover of Saudi Aramco oil company between 1974 and 1980, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia acquired large sums of revenue from oil exports. It began to spend tens of billions of dollars throughout the Islamic World to promote the movement of Islam favored in that country — known as Salafi or Wahabbi Islam.[10][11][12] According to Pnina Werbner, Saudi funding of "the Wahhabi/Salafi critique" (along with the forces of modernization) put "Sufi tariqas" in "danger of disappearing altogether" in the 1970 and 80s. Though the tariqas have "revived themselves" since then, Werbner describes the twenty-first century as dawning "with battle lines drawn up between" the two groups "within the world of Sunni Islam."[7] states that Salafi groups have been "accused of perpetrating the destruction and burning of a number of Sufi mosques and shrines" as of 2011, a "reflection of the resurgence of the long suppressed animosity" between the two groups.[13] The Grand Mufti of Al Azhar Ali Gomaa, himself an adherent of Sufism, criticized this trend as unacceptable.[13]

Difference in beliefs and practices

There are a number of Sufi beliefs and practices that Salafi believe are "un-Islamic":

Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab viewed authentic sufism in a positive light comparing it to the sciences of tafseer, hadith, and fiqh, according to Deobandi Alim Abd al-Hafiz al-Makki.[19] He cites a letter by Abd-al-Wahhab that states;[19]

We do not negate the way of the Sufis and the purification of the inner self from the vices of those sins connected to the heart and the limbs as long as the individual firmly adheres to the rules of Shari‘ah and the correct and observed way. However, we will not take it on ourselves to allegorically interpret (ta’wil) his speech and his actions. We only place our reliance on, seek help from, beseech aid from and place our confidence in all our dealings in Allah Most High. He is enough for us, the best trustee, the best mawla and the best helper. May Allah send peace on our master Muhammad, his family and companions.

Conflicts in Muslim countries


Sufism has been called the "default setting" of Muslim religious life in Egypt[20][21][22] where there are 74 Sufi orders (tarikas)[23] and an estimated 15 million practicing Sufis.[24] The number of salafis in Egypt has been estimated at 5-6 million.[25] Before the 2011 revolution Scholar Tarek Osman describes Salafis as the "most important or pervasive Islamic force in the country," with an influence "many times more than that of organized political Islam."[26]

A May 2010 ban by the ministry of awqaf (religious endowments) of centuries old Sufi dhikr gatherings (devoted to the remembrance of God, and including dancing and religious songs) has been described as a "another victory for extreme Salafi thinking at the expense of Egypt's moderate Sufism". Clashes followed at Cairo's Al-Hussein Mosque and al-Sayyida Zeinab mosques between members of Sufi orders and security forces who forced them to evacuate the two shrines. [23]

In early April 2011, a Sufi march from Al-Azhar Mosque to Al-Hussein Mosque was followed by a massive protest before Al-Hussein Mosque, "expressing outrage at the destruction" of Sufi shrines. The Islamic Research Centre of Egypt, led by Grand Imam of Al-Azhar Ahmed el-Tayeb, has also renounced the attacks on the shrines.[13] According to the newspaper Al-masry Al-youm (Today’s Egyptian), in Egypt's second biggest city — Alexandria — the headquarters for 36 Sufi groups and home of half a million Sufis, "16 historic mosques" belonging to Sufi orders have been "marked for destruction by Salafis". Aggression against the Sufis in Egypt has included a raid on Alexandria’s most distinguished mosque, named for, and housing, the tomb of the 13th century Sufi Al-Mursi Abu’l Abbas.[27] According to Guardian journalist Irfan al-Alawi, "Salafis have alleged that Sufis are agents of the west as well as heretics. The extremists want to take control of Sufi mosques, after they destroy shrines within their precincts."[27] In the governorate of al-Qalyubiya, two Salafis were arrested at the end of March 2013 after "a group of their followers razed five local shrines."[27]


For "nearly 700 years", the Sufi tradition of Islam has been "part of the cultural and spiritual life" of Indian-controlled Kashmir. However, according to journalists Tariq Mir[28] and Asit Jolly, Wahhabism or Salafism is making "deep inroads" into Kashmir society.[29] Since 2000 or so, "Wahhabist preachers" have spread across Kashmir and that movement of Islam has grown rapidly, now making up 1.5 million of the nearly eight million Indian Kashmiris.[28] Some 700 well patronized mosques and 150 schools[30] have been built in Kashmir by the "religious and welfare organisation", Jamiat Ahle Hadith funded primarily by Saudi Arabian sources. According to state police and central intelligence officers,[29] this construction is part of $35-billion program reportedly devoted to the building of mosques and madrassas in South Asia.[29]

Kashmir's predominantly Sufi-Hanafi community is reportedly anxious over Jamiat Ahle Hadith's rapid proliferation, its increasing popularity among youth,[29] and "mysterious fires" in 2012 that left six Sufi places of worship either completely or partially burnt (although investigators have so far found no sign of arson).[31] Journalist Mir wonders how Sufism will fare against Wahhabism/Salafism inroads "in an age of globalization, free travel, and religious satellite channels".[14] Many Sufi Barelvis believe that the beneficiaries of Saudi largesse are not just the Ahl-e-Hadith (who come closest to Wahhabism) but also the variety of Sunni Islam espoused by seminaries like the Darul Uloom Deoband and Nadwatul Ulema.[32] [33]

(The term "Wahabbi" in India can have contradictory definitions depending on the user of the term, according to author Yoginder Sikand. It is used by Barelvi and related Muslims to refer to Sunni critics of "practices associated with the shrines of the Sufis". These critics being principally Deobandi and Ahl-e Hadith Muslims. Deobandi used the term to refer to the more strict Ahl-e Hadith who oppose taqlid (‘imitation’) of one of the four Madhhab (major schools of Sunni jurisprudence), and any form of Sufism. The Ahl-e Hadith refer to themselves as "Salafi" not Wahabbi.[18])


Prior to the regime of Muammar Gaddafi, Libya was a monarchy, whose king was head of the Senussi Sufi order. The flag of that kingdom was used by the rebels who overthrew Gaddafi in 2011.[34]

Following the overthrow of Muammar Gaddafi, several Sufi religious sites in Libya were deliberately destroyed or damaged.[35] While as of 31 August 2012 "no group has claimed responsibility" for the attacks on the sites, the Interior Minister Fawzi Abdel A’al was quoted describing the attackers as "groups that have a strict Islamic ideology where they believe that graves and shrines must be desecrated," an apparent reference to Salafists.[36] The BBC has also identified the destroyers as "Salafist Islamists".[37]

In September 2012, three people were killed in clashes between residents of Rajma (50 km south-east of Benghazi) and "Salafist Islamists" trying to destroy a Sufi shrine in Rajma, the Sidi al-Lafi mausoleum.[37] In August 2012 the United Nations cultural agency Unesco urged Libyan authorities to protect Sufi mosques and shrines from attacks by Islamic hardliners "who consider the traditional mystical school of Islam heretical". The attacked have "wrecked mosques in at least three cities and desecrated many graves of revered Sufi scholars".[38]


In Mali, Sufis and Salafis are subject to a "deep religious divide" following the destruction of the Sufi shrines and tombs by Salafis in the north of that country, according to the Africa Report.[39]

From April 2012 to January 2013 the Islamist Movement for Oneness and Jihad in West Africa (Jamāʿat at-tawḥīd wal-jihād fī gharb ʾafrīqqīyā) and Ansar Dine were in control of Gao, Timbuktu and Kidal in North Mali.[40] "About 30 militants armed with assault rifles and pickaxes" destroyed three mausoleums 30 June 2012, and three more the next day according to witnesses. The group said it planned to destroy all 16 of the main shrines in Timbuktu.[41] Ansar Dine, the group claiming control of the city, is blamed for the attacks.[42] Its leader Mullah Mohammed Omar, stated "Muslims should be proud of smashing idols. It has given praise to God that we have destroyed them."[43] Another leader, Abou Dardar, was quoted by Agence France-Presse as saying that "not a single mausoleum will remain in Timbuktu."[44]

The destruction was criticized not only by Sufis but by a number of Arab and Muslim authorities, political parties, and authors, and even at least one Salafi leader.[45] Nabil Na’im (a senior leader of the Egyptian Islamic Jihad), criticized the way the Salafis in Mali handled the "problem" of shrines.[46]


Nigeria is the home of the Izala Society, a Salafi organization established in 1978 "in reaction to the Sufi brotherhoods",[47] specifically the Qadiri and Tijan Sufi orders.[48]

According to Ramzi Amara,

Today the Izala is one of the largest Islamic societies not only in Northern Nigeria, but also in the South and even in the neighbouring countries (Chad, Niger, and Cameroon). It is very active in Da‘wa and especially in education. The Izala has many institutions all over the country and is influential at the local, state, and even federal levels.[49]


Sufism has been a "part of the fabric of life in the Pakistan region for centuries".[50] Salafi Islam is a more recent addition, having been introduced into Pakistan from "Arab-Afghans" (i.e. Arab and other Muslims from outside Afghanistan, who came to Pakistan to fight in Afghanistan) mujahedeen were fighting Soviet occupiers in the early 1980s. They found common agendas and support from Deobandi movement.[51] In Pakistan the dynamic between Sufi Muslims and fundamentalists has lately entered an especially intense phase with the proliferation of militant groups.[50]

There are hundreds of shrines to Sufi saints spread across the cities and countryside of Pakistan.[52] From March 2005 to 2010, 209 people were killed and 560 injured in 29 attacks on Sufi shrines.[53][54] In 2010 bomb attacks escalated, detonating in the presence of thousands of worshipers, and in the nation’s largest cities, such as Karachi and Lahore. Five attacks that year killed 64 people.[55][56] At least some of the attacks are attributed to banned militant organizations of Salafi backgrounds.[57][58][59] Salafist criticize dancing and drumming at shrine festivals, which in their view, does not accurately reflect the teachings and practice of the Prophet and his companions.[50][56]

Russia, Dagestan

While Islam arrived in Dagestan in the late Middle Ages as Sufi Islam "infused with local customs", Salafists began to have an impact by way of Afghanistan after the Soviet Union crumbled in the late 1980s[60] (although one Salafist scholar—Yaseen Rasulov—maintains that the ideas of salafist jurist Ibn Taimiyah were already popular in Dagestan in the 16th and 17th centuries and that Salafist have always led jihad against colonizing Russians).[61] According to the Abu Dhabi National newspaper

Salafis dislike the Sufi alliance with the government. Sufis run the government-sanctioned Spiritual Board of Muslims, to which the official clergy belong. They also support a secular state. Salafis do not.[60]

According to the Economist magazine "The Islamisation of the conflict" between Caucus Muslim (in Dagestan and Chechya) and Russia after the 1994 and 1999 Chechnya War "opened up a fierce sectarian fight between Sufism" and Salafism.[62] By the late 2000s the Salafis in Dagestan "were winning support among young Muslims", while the Sufis were "tainted by association with a corrupt and dysfunctional state".[62] Salafist are associated with the forest-based insurgency that has killed an average of three policeman a week in 2011, while police killed 100 people they identified as rebels, over a nine-month period in 2011.

In late August 2012, a revered Sufi scholar Sheikh Said Afandi and 5 others were among killed in Dagestan suicide bomb attack. A seventy-five year old cleric in the Sufi Brotherhood, Afandi was a key Sufi leader in the North Caucasus and had publicly denounced Salafism.[63][64]

Saudi Arabia

In Saudi Arabia for many years Sufi brotherhoods, (also known as "mystical" brotherhoods), were proscribed by the government, and a "monopoly on religious matters" was given to the official "scholarly Islam of ulemas", according to Gilles Kepel.[65] The official religion supported by the ulema in Saudi Arabia is often referred to as Wahhabism, but according to at least one source (Saudi author Abdul Aziz Qassim), its adherents prefer to call it the "Salafi movement of the Sheikh".[66][67]

However, the 9/11 attacks (where 15 of the 19 hijackers turned out to be Saudi), brought scrutiny to the official religion in Saudi. Amongst other things it has "put the brakes on the practice of takfir" of other interpretations of Islam by the Saudi religious establishment, according to one Sufi in Saudi Arabia quoted in a Washington Post article. As of 2006 Sufi gatherings are legal in the Kingdom.[68]


Traditionally, Islam in Somalia has followed moderate Sufism (as well as Ash’ariyah theology and Shafi’i jurisprudence).[69] Salafi theology has arrived in Somalia in recent decades via the influence of students educated at Islamic universities in Saudi Arabia and migrant workers returning from Saudi.[69] Somali students of religion educated in Saudi Arabia, were often employed by the many Saudi institutions created to preach "the right theology" (i.e. Salafi theology) and received "massive economic and technical assistance" from their well-funded former hosts.[69]

Extreme versions of Salafism such as Al-Shabab and earlier Hizbul Islam have used force to impose their version of Islamism[69] (though those groups appear to be in conflict with most Salafi scholars[70]). Under areas of Al-Shabab rule in Somali, Sufi ceremonies were banned[71] and shrines destroyed.[72] As the power of Al-Shabab has waned, however, Sufi ceremonies are said to have "re-emerged".[73]


According to the Beirut-based Al-Akhbar news site, conflict has been "simmering" between the two largest "religious sects" in Sudan—Salafis and Sufis.[74] Al Jazeera estimates that more than 60% of Sudanese are affiliated with Sufism, while 10% are tied to Salafi groups, though that number is growing.[75] Salafis, particularly the largest and oldest Salafi group Ansar al-Sunnah al-Muhammadiyyah, oppose Sufi beliefs and practices they find to be "heresies and perversions" and have been active preaching publicly against (what they believe are) unIslamic activities. Arab Afghan Jihadist Salafists have also been active in Sudan since the 1990s, sometimes violently.[75] In January 2012 a fight broke out between Sufis celebrating the Prophet Mohammad’s birthday and salafis.

Dozens of people were injured before the Sudanese police arrived at the scene to stop the fighting. Beyond the known differences between the two groups on the permissibility and religious legitimacy of the celebration, this specific clash took place in the context of rising tensions between the two groups [(Sufi and Salafi)], that arose after unknown persons dug up and burned the tomb of a Sufi on 2nd December 2011. The exhumed body was that of Sheikh Idris oud al-Arbab ... The Sufi sects had accused the Salafi groups of desecrating and burning the tomb; the Salafis had denied any involvement, but the relationship between the two groups became increasingly tense leading up to the assault on the mawlid on 31st January 2012.[75]

Following this disturbance and complaints by Sufis, the Khartoum government announced a ban on Ansar al-Sunnah clerics preaching in public areas. Several "Sufi domes and shrines" have also been destroyed in Sudan, something Ansar denies any involvement in.[74]


In an article on the rise of Salafism in Tunisia, the media site Al-Monitor reported that 39 Sufi shrines were destroyed or desecrated in Tunisia, from the 2011 revolution to January 2013. The shrines, called zawaya, are mausoleums built to house the remains of ancient holy men.[76]

According to journalists Peter Beaumont and Patrick Kingsley,

The Salafist component in Tunisia remains a small minority, but it has prompted rows and mistrust among secularists and moderate Islamists. The Salafists are spread between three broad groups: new small political movements that have formed in recent months; non-violent Salafis; and violent Salafists and jihadists who, though small in number, have had a major impact in terms of violent attacks, arson on historic shrines or mausoleums considered to be unorthodox, demonstrations against art events ... and isolated incidents of attacking premises that sell alcohol outside Tunis.[77]

In Non-Muslim countries


Wahabbism is opposed by some Hui Muslims in China, primarily by the Sufi Khafiya, some Hanafi Sunni Gedimu and a number of Jahriyya. The Yihewani (Ikhwan) Chinese sect founded by Ma Wanfu in China was originally inspired by the Wahhabi movement, but evolved away from their origins. When Ma Debao and Ma Zhengqing, attempted to introduce Wahhabism as the Orthodox main form of Islam in China, Yihewani reacted with hostility, accusing Ma Debao and Ma Zhengqing of being traitors of foreign influence, alien to the native popular cultural practices of Islam in China, "Heterodox" (xie jiao), and "people who followed foreigner's teachings" (wai dao),[78] and Wahhabi teachings were deemed as heresy by the Yihewani leaders. Yihewani eventually became a secular Chinese nationalist organisation.[78]

Ma Debao established a Salafi / Wahhabi order, called the Sailaifengye menhuan in Lanzhou and Linxia, separate from other Muslim sects in China.[79] Salafis have a reputation for radicalism among the Hanafi Sunni Gedimu and Yihewani. Sunni Muslim Hui tend to avoid Salafis, even family members.[80] However Salafis in China are so low in number they are not included in classifications of Muslim sects in China.[81]

Before the Chinese Communist Revolution, the Kuomintang Sufi Muslim general Ma Bufang, backed the Yihewani (Ikhwan) Muslims and persecuted the Salafi / Wahhabi Muslims -- forcing them into hiding, preventing them from moving or worshiping openly. The After the Communist revolution the Salafis were allowed to worship openly until a 1958 crackdown on all religious practices.[78]

United States

In the United States, Sufi leader Muhammad Hisham Kabbani is well known for his vocal criticism of Wahhabism.[82] Kabbani, who moved to the United States in 1990 as an emissary of his teacher, Shaykh Muhammad Nazim Al-Haqqani, the grand shaykh of the Naqshbandi order, has described Wahhabism as being "like an octopus" because 'Its tentacles are reaching everywhere.' According to Kabbani, when he arrived in the US from Lebanon in 1990 he was shocked to hear Wahhabi doctrines being preached at Friday sermons. 'I asked myself: Is Wahhabism active in America? So I started my research. Whichever mosque I went to, it was Wahhabi, Wahhabi, Wahhabi, Wahhabi.' In 1999, during a forum organised by the US Department of State, Kabbani charged that '80 per cent' of the mosques in the US were run by extremists.[83]

See also


  1. Akbar Ahmed Journey Into America: The Challenge of Islam, 2010, page 261 "The relationship between Salafis and Sufis, in particular, is complicated and reflects some of the changes and current conflicts in the Muslim world."
  2. Dr Abdul-Haqq Baker, Extremists in Our Midst: Confronting Terror, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011
  3. An Introduction the Modern Middle East: History, Religion, Political Economy ... By David S. Sorenson
  4. 4.0 4.1 Salafi Ritual Purity: In the Presence of God By Richard Gauvain, p.305
  5. Princeton Readings in Islamist Thought: Texts and Contexts from Al-Banna to ... By Roxanne Leslie Euben, Muhammad Qasim Zaman
  6. Encyclopedia of Islam By Juan Eduardo Campo, p.601 ("Salafists have ... promote[d] their message that Islam, as well as Muslim society, is in crisis, having been corrupted from within by backward-thinking Ulama, Sufism, a spurious innovations.")
  7. 7.0 7.1 Werbner, Pnina (2006). "Learning the lessons from the neorevivalist and Wahhabi movements". In Jamal Malik, John Hinnells. Sufism in the West. Routledge. Even back in 1971, [J. Spencer] Trimingham argued that the Sufi tariqas were in decline and danger of disappearing altogether under the dual threat of modernization and the Wahhabi/Salafi critique heavily supported by propaganda materials funded by the superior wealth of the Saudi regime. ... However, this has not materialized: during the decades of the 1980s and the 1990s, tariqas have revived themselves as they have begun to fight back against the Wahhabi/Salafi critique, and the twenty-first century dawn with battle lines drawn up between these two conflicting groups within the world of Sunni Islam.
  8. as of 2007
  9. Knysh, Alexander (2007). "Contextualising the Salafi-Sufi Conflict,". Middle Eastern studies 43 (4): 503–30 at p.507. ISBN 9781136446931. The rift between the Salafis/Wahhabis and the Sufis is not unique to the Caucasus. It is found in practically every Muslim country today (as well as the Muslim diasporic communities of the West),
  10. Kepel, Gilles, Jihad: The Trail of Political Islam Belknap Press of Harvard University Press (31 March 2003)|2002|pp=69–75
  11. How Saudi petrodollars fuel rise of Salafism| 30 September 2012
  12. documentary The Qur'an aired in the UK, The Qur'an review in The Independent
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 "Salafi Violence against Sufis". Retrieved 24 February 2013.
  14. 14.0 14.1 Mir, Tariq. "Kashmir: From Sufi to Salafi". November 5, 2012. Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting. Retrieved 20 March 2013.
  15. Salafi intolerance threatens Sufis
  16. What Is the Difference Between Sunni, Shiite and Sufi Muslims?
  17. 17.0 17.1 "Intercession - Tawassul". Retrieved 23 March 2013.
  18. 18.0 18.1 18.2 ‘Wahhabism’ in India|Yoginder Sikand | |2 November 2007
  19. 19.0 19.1 al-Makki, Abd al-Hafiz. "Shaykh Muhammad bin ‘Abd al-Wahhab and Sufism". Retrieved 30 May 2011. Through the grace of Allah, I studied each volume page by page and never came across any place in which Shaykh Muhammad bin ‘Abd al-Wahhab criticizes, refutes or rejects Tasawwuf or any one of the Sufi shaykhs on account of his Tasawwuf.
  20. Deasy, Kristin (September–October 2012). "The Sufis’ Choice: Egypt’s Political Wild Card". World Affairs. Retrieved 21 April 2013.
  21. "Sufism has become the 'default setting' for Muslim life in Egypt, in the words of a recent Carnegie Endowment report". source: The Sufis’ Choice: Egypt’s Political Wild Card|World Affairs, September/October 2012; Salafis and Sufis in Egypt
  22. Brown, Jonathan. "Salafis and Sufis in Egypt" (PDF). December 2011. Carnegie Papers. Retrieved 21 April 2013.
  23. 23.0 23.1 Salafi intolerance threatens Sufis| Baher Ibrahim|| 10 May 2010
  24. Hill, Jess (7 February 2012). "The Battle for Egyptian Islam". Global Mail. Retrieved 26 April 2013.
  25. What is Salafism and should we be worried?| First Post| by Venetia Rainey| LAST UPDATED APRIL 20, 2011
  26. Egypt on the Brink by Tarek Osman, Yale University Press, 2010, p.221
  27. 27.0 27.1 27.2 al-Alawi, Irfan (11 April 2011). "Egyptian extremism sees Salafis attacking Sufi mosques". The Guardian. Retrieved 21 May 2013.
  28. 28.0 28.1 Mir, Tariq. "Kashmir: The Rise of a Hard Faith". Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting. Retrieved 11 March 2013.
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  34. Schwartz, Stephen. "The Sufi Foundation of Libya's Revolution". 08/23/11. HuffPost. Retrieved 23 May 2013.
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  36. Libya: Stop Attacks on Sufi Sites | | 31 August 2012
  37. 37.0 37.1 Libya clashes break out over Sufi shrine attack || 7 September 2012
  38. UNESCO urges end to attacks on Libyan Sufi mosques, graves| Reuters| 29 August 2012
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  40. Luke Harding (28 January 2013). "Timbuktu mayor: Mali rebels torched library of historic manuscripts". The Guardian. Retrieved 29 January 2013.
  41. REUTERS (1 July 2012). "Islamist Militants in Mali Continue to Destroy Shrines". New York Times. Retrieved 18 April 2013.
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  47. Paden, John N. (2008). Faith and Politics in Nigeria. US Institute of Peace Press. p. 28.
  48. Hill, Jonathan N. C. (May 2010). SUFISM IN NORTHERN NIGERIA: FORCE FOR COUNTER-RADICALIZATION? (PDF). Strategic Studies Institute. p. 18.
  49. Ben Amara, Ramzi. "Sharia Debates in Africa". circa 2007. Retrieved 22 May 2014.
  50. 50.0 50.1 50.2 Pakistan's Sufis Preach Faith and Ecstasy | By Nicholas Schmidle| Smithsonian magazine| December 2008
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  52. Policy Brief: That Colorless Life: Attacking Shrines and the 'other' Islam| jinnah-institute| By Erum Haider
  53. according to data compiled by the Center for Islamic Research Collaboration and Learning (CIRCLe), a think-tank based in Rawalpindi
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  55. Produced by Charlotte Buchen. "Sufism Under attack in Pakistan" (VIDEO). The New York Times. Retrieved 21 May 2012.
  56. 56.0 56.1 Huma Imtiaz; Charlotte Buchen (6 January 2011). "The Islam That Hard-Liners Hate" (BLOG). The New York Times. Retrieved 21 May 2012.
  57. Sunni Ittehad Council: Sunni Barelvi activism against Deobandi-Wahhabi terrorism in Pakistan – by Aarish U. Khan|| Let Us Build Pakistan
  58. John R. Schmidt states, "although most Deobandis are no more prone to violence than their Christian fundamentalist counterparts in the West, every jihadist group based in Pakistan save one is Deobandi, as are the Afghan Taliban." The Unraveling: Pakistan in the Age of Jihad | John R. Schmidt| 2011
  59. Behuria, Ashok K. (1 January 1970). "Sects Within Sect: The Case of Deobandi–Barelvi Encounter in Pakistan". Strategic Analysis ( 32: 57. doi:10.1080/09700160801886330. Retrieved 24 February 2013.
  60. 60.0 60.1 "In Russia's Dagestan, Salafi Muslims clash with government authorities". 14 September 2011. The National. Retrieved 7 May 2013.
  61. Smirnov, Andrei. [tt_news=3435 "Yaseen Rasulov: Dagestan’s Rebel Scholar"]. Jamestown Foundation. Retrieved 7 May 2013.
  62. 62.0 62.1 "Islamists in Russia". The Economist. 27 April 2013. Retrieved 7 May 2013.
  63. "Sheikh Murdered Over Religious Split Say Analysts | Russia | RIA Novosti". 30 August 2012. Retrieved 24 February 2013.
  64. sufi scholar 5 others killed dagestan suicide bomb attack| 2012.08.30
  65. Kepel, Gilles (2003). Jihad: The Trail of Political Islam. I.B.Tauris. p. 50. ISBN 9781845112578. While most Muslim governments in the 1960s were tolerant of popular Islam, the one state that proscribed the brotherhoods even more strictly than secular Turkey or Algeria (Where prohibition was eventually lifted) was Saudi Arabia. Here, the scholarly Islam of ulemas claimed a monopoly on religious matters and dictated the only acceptable discourse on the central values of society and political order. Mystics and secularist intellectuals were held in particular opprobrium.
  66. There is no such thing as Wahabism, Saudi prince says| Wael Mahdi| The National| 18 March 2010]
  67. Journalist Karen Elliott House refers to Salafism as "a more politically correct term for Wahhabis" (source: House, Karen Elliott (2012). On Saudi Arabia : Its People, past, Religion, Fault Lines and Future. Knopf. p. 150. ISBN 0307473287.)
  68. Ambah, Faiza Saleh (2 May 2006). "In Saudi Arabia, a Resurgence of Sufism". The Washington Post. Retrieved 6 April 2014.
  69. 69.0 69.1 69.2 69.3 The Roots of the Islamic Conflict in Somalia (2)| Aaran news| 28 September 2010| accessed 20 March 2013
  70. Abukar, Hassan. "Somalia's Salafi Groups and Fatwa Wars". November 21, 2012. Somali Observer. Retrieved 27 March 2013. In July of this year [2012], a group of 22 Somali Salafi scholars met in Nairobi, Kenya, and issued a fatwa (a religious edict) that condemned a young Somali cleric based in Kenya named Shaikh Hassaan Hussein Adam .... Many Salafis from the old school, consider him [Hassaan Hussein Adam] to be extremely dangerous because, ... Hassaan provides Al Shabab radicals with the religious justification they need for their militant war in Somalia.
  71. "Libya and Mali: Salafi Islamists destroying shrines courtesy of Saudi Arabia and Qatar". Modern Tokyo Times. 26 August 2012. Retrieved 24 February 2013.
  72. Al Shabab of Somalia Destroy the Graves of Sufi Saints
  73. "Sufism re-emerges in Somalia as al-Shabab's control wanes". bbc. Retrieved 2013-02-26.
  74. 74.0 74.1 Salafis vs Sufis: A Simmering Conflict in Sudan| May Ali| 14 March 2012| accessed 27 March 2013
  75. 75.0 75.1 75.2 Al Sharif, Jamal. "Salafis in Sudan:Non-Interference or Confrontation". 03 July 2012. AlJazeera Center for Studies. Retrieved 7 April 2013.
  76. Benoit-Lavelle, Mischa (30 January 2013). "Tunisian Salafis on the Rise". al-monitor. Retrieved 18 April 2013.
  77. Violent tide of Salafism threatens the Arab spring| Peter Beaumont and Patrick Kingsley| The Observer| 9 February 2013
  78. 78.0 78.1 78.2 BARRY RUBIN (2000). Guide to Islamist Movements. M.E. Sharpe. p. 79. ISBN 0-7656-1747-1. Retrieved 2010-06-28.
  79. Michael Dillon (1999). China's Muslim Hui community: migration, settlement and sects. Richmond: Curzon Press. p. 104. ISBN 0-7007-1026-4. Retrieved 2010-06-28.
  80. Maris Boyd Gillette (2000). Between Mecca and Beijing: modernization and consumption among urban Chinese Muslims. Stanford University Press. pp. 79, 80. ISBN 0-8047-3694-4. Retrieved 2010-06-28.
  81. John L. Esposito (1999). The Oxford history of Islam. Oxford University Press US. p. 462. ISBN 0195107993. Retrieved 2010-06-28.
  82. "A resounding voice in traditional Islam: Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani.". October 1–14, 2002. Institute for World Politics. Retrieved 20 March 2014.
  83. "A Sufi Muslim Takes on Wahhabism". December 12, 2004,. Islamic Supreme Council of America. Retrieved 20 March 2014.

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