Sublative case

The term sublative case (abbreviated SUBL) is used to refer to grammatical cases expressing different situations: In Hungarian and Finnish (rarely used),[1] it expresses the destination of the movement, originally to the surface of something (e.g. sit down on the ground, climb the tree), but in other figurative meanings as well (e.g. to university, for two nights), while in Tsez and other Northeast Caucasian languages it denotes a movement towards the bottomsides or the area under an object. Examples in Finnish:
minne - where to?
jonne - where? (relative pronoun) moniaalle - to many places
kaikkialle - to everywhere
The sublative case is used in the Finnish, Tsez and Hungarian languages.


  1. Mäkinen, Panu. "Finnish Grammar - Adverbial Cases". University of Jyväskylä. Retrieved 6 March 2015.