Suat Kınıklıoğlu

Suat Kınıklıoğlu (born 1 May 1965) is a Turkish politician, writer and analyst. Kınıklıoğlu began his political career in 1995-1996 with the Democratic Left Party in Ankara. Following a break in politics Kınıklıoğlu was elected as Member of Parliament representing Çankırı in the general election of 22 July 2007 on a Justice and Development Party (AK Party) ticket.[1] Kınıklıoğlu was member of the executive board of the AK Party (2009-2012), deputy chairman of external affairs (2007-2011), spokesman of the foreign affairs committee in the Turkish Parliament (2007-2011), chairman of the Turkey-USA Interparliamentary Friendship Group. Since June 2011 Kınıklıoğlu has been executive director of the Center for Strategic Communication, an Ankara-based foreign policy think tank.[1][2]

Education and professional career

Suat Kınıklıoğlu was born in Duisburg, Germany. He graduated from the Turkish Air Force Academy (Electronics) in 1986 and from Carleton University’s Political Science Department with High Honours in 1994.[1][3] Kınıklıoğlu received his Master in International Relations degree in 1999 at Bilkent University, Ankara. He is still pursuing his PhD studies at Bilkent University. Kınıklıoğlu specializes in Turkish foreign policy, Turkish-Russian relations and Turkey’s strategic identity.[1][4]

Kınıklıoğlu has worked as communications squadron commander in the Turkish Air Force, columnist in Turkish Daily News, editor-in-chief of the foreign policy journal Insight Turkey, executive director of the German Marshall Fund of the US Ankara office and as columnist at Today’s Zaman.[1][5]

In 2006 Kınıklıoğlu received the Sakip Sabanci International Research Award.[1][6] In 2013 he was invited to become a member of the European Council on Foreign Relations.[1] Kınıklıoğlu is a regular contributor to the international media including the Financial Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, International Herald Tribune and the Guardian. He comments frequently to the Turkish and international media on Turkish domestic and foreign policy issues.[1][7]

Kınıklıoğlu speaks good English, German and intermediate Russian.[1][7]

Political career

Suat Kınıklıoğlu began his political career as a party functionary of the Democratic Left Party (DSP) in Ankara. Upon being invited by Prime Minister Bulent Ecevit to the DSP he contributed to the DSP’s work from 1995 to 1996. Following a shuffle in the local party branches he decided to give politics a break. In 2007, he wrote a piece to the International Herald Tribune titled “Getting Turkey Right” and caught the attention of then-foreign minister now President Abdullah Gül. He was elected Member of Parliament in the 22 July 2007 general election representing Çankırı.[1] From 2007 to 2012 he performed the following duties:[1][7]

  • Spokesman of the Foreign Affairs Committee in the Turkish Parliament (2007-2011)
  • Chairman of the Turkey-USA Interparliamentary Friendship Group (2010-2011)
  • Chairman of the Turkey-UK Interparliamentary Friendship Group (2007-2010)
  • AK Party, Member of the Executive Board (2009-2012)
  • AK Party, Deputy Chairman of External Affairs (2007-2011)

Selected Writing


* Democrats, liberals and the AK Party[8] Today’s Zaman – 6 June 2013

* The psychology of conspiracy theories[9] Today’s Zaman – 31 July 2013

* A Little Respect, Please[10] International Herald Tribune - 22 January 2010

* Turkey Is Very Much Still a Western Ally[11] The Wall Street Journal - 28 January 2009

* Getting Turkey right[12] The New York Times - 2 May 2007

* There are limits to patience and optimism[13] Financial Times – 16 December 2004


* Mısır Darbesi Sonrasında Türkiye’nin Ortadoğu Siyaseti[14] Analist Dergisi – August 2013

* Ankara-Washington-Şam Üçgeninde Türkiye-ABD İlişkileri[15] Analist Dergisi – April 2013

* İsrail Hükümeti Çizmeyi Aştı[16] International Herald Tribune - 2 June 2010

* Biraz Saygı Lütfen[17] International Herald Tribune - 22 January 2010

* AB için Stratejik İletişim[18] Kriter - 28 February 2009

* Türkiye'yi Yanlış Okumak[19] The Washington Post - 5 February 2009

* Türkiye Hâlâ Fazlasıyla Batı'nın Müttefiki[20] The Wall Street Journal - 28 January 2009


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.10 "AKP'nin sosyal demokrat adayı". Milliyet (in Turkish). Retrieved 2013-08-13.
  2. "Our Team". STRATIM. Archived from the original on 2013-01-03. Retrieved 2013-08-13.
  3. "Özgeçmiş" (in Turkish). Suat Kınıklıoğlu. Archived from the original on 2013-01-03. Retrieved 2013-08-15.
  4. "Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi 23. Dönem Milletvekili" (in Turkish). TBMM. Archived from the original on 2007-01-03. Retrieved 2013-08-13.
  5. "Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi 23. Dönem Milletvekili" (in Turkish). TBMM. Archived from the original on 2007-01-03. Retrieved 2013-08-13.
  6. "Sakip Sabanci International Research Award Winners Announced". Brookings. Archived from the original on 2006-05-23. Retrieved 2013-08-15.
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 "Özgeçmiş" (in Turkish). Suat Kınıklıoğlu. Archived from the original on 2013-01-03. Retrieved 2013-08-13.

External links