Stufe (algebra)

In field theory, the Stufe (/ʃtuːfə/; German: level) s(F) of a field F is the least number of squares that sum to -1. If -1 cannot be written as a sum of squares, s(F)=\infty. In this case, F is a formally real field. Albrecht Pfister proved that the Stufe, if finite, is always a power of 2, and that conversely every power of 2 occurs.[1]

Powers of 2

If s(F)\ne\infty then s(F)=2^k for some k\in\Bbb N.[1][2]

Proof: Let k \in \Bbb N be chosen such that 2^k \leq s(F) < 2^{k+1}. Let n = 2^k. Then there are s = s(F) elements e_1, \ldots, e_s \in F\setminus\{0\} such that

0 = \underbrace{1 + e_1^2 + \cdots + e_{n-1}^2 }_{=: a} + \underbrace{e_n^2 + \cdots + e_s^2}_{=: b}\;.

Both a and b are sums of n squares, and a \ne 0, since otherwise s(F)\le 2^k, contrary to the assumption on k.

According to the theory of Pfister forms, the product ab is itself a sum of n squares, that is, ab = c_1^2 + \cdots + c_n^2 for some c_i \in F. But since a+b=0, we also have -a^2 = ab, and hence

-1 = \frac{ab}{a^2} = \left(\frac{c_1}{a} \right)^2 + \cdots +\left(\frac{c_n}{a} \right)^2\;,

and thus s(F) = n = 2^k.

Positive characteristic

The Stufe s(F) \le 2 for all fields F with positive characteristic.[3]

Proof: Let p = \operatorname{char}(F). It suffices to prove the claim for \Bbb F_p .

If p = 2 then -1 = 1 = 1^2, so s(F)=1.

If p>2 consider the set S=\{x^2\mid x\in\Bbb F_p\} of squares. S\setminus\{0\} is a subgroup of index 2 in the cyclic group \Bbb F_p^\times with p-1 elements. Thus S contains exactly \tfrac{p+1}2 elements, and so does -1-S. Since \Bbb F_p only has p elements in total, S and -1-S cannot be disjoint, that is, there are x,y\in\Bbb F_p with S\ni x^2=-1-y^2\in-1-S and thus -1=x^2+y^2.


The Stufe s(F) is related to the Pythagoras number p(F) by p(F) ≤ s(F)+1.[4] If F is not formally real then s(F) ≤ p(F) ≤ s(F)+1.[5][6] The additive order of the form (1), and hence the exponent of the Witt group of F is equal to 2s(F).[7][8]



  1. 1.0 1.1 Rajwade (1993) p.13
  2. Lam (2005) p.379
  3. 3.0 3.1 Rajwade (1993) p.33
  4. Rajwade (1993) p.44
  5. Rajwade (1993) p.228
  6. Lam (2005) p.395
  7. 7.0 7.1 Milnor & Husemoller (1973) p.75
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 Lam (2005) p.380
  9. 9.0 9.1 Lam (2005) p.381
  10. Singh, Sahib (1974). "Stufe of a finite field". Fibonacci Quarterly 12: 81–82. ISSN 0015-0517. Zbl 0278.12008.


Further reading