Stress hormone

Stress hormones such as cortisol and epinephrine are released by the body in situations that are interpreted as being potentially dangerous. The hormone regulating system is known as the endocrine system. Cortisol is believed to affect the metabolic system and epinephrine is believed to play a role in ADHD as well as depression and hypertension. Stress hormones act by mobilizing energy from storage to muscles, increasing heart rate, blood pressure and breathing rate and shutting down metabolic processes such as digestion, reproduction, growth and immunity.


Constant stress causes continual release of various stress hormones which can cause:


Techniques that may help reduce stress are: Massage Therapy, scheduling time off, meditation, deep breathing, music, physical activities other than the stress inducing routine activities, relaxing shower/bath/or hot tub, laughing (comedy), traveling, sleep, etc.

Further reading