Strategic Forum for Construction

The Strategic Forum for Construction is a United Kingdom construction industry organisation established in 2001 as the principal point of liaison between UK government and the major construction membership organisations. It also enables different representatives of the UK industry to discuss strategic issues facing construction and to develop joint strategies for industry improvement.


The Strategic Forum was established by ministers in 2001 as a successor to the Construction Industry Board (established following a recommendation in the 1994 Latham Report) and the Construction Task Force, established by the then Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott in 1997.[1] Parts of the construction industry had withdrawn support for the Construction Industry Board, so construction minister Nick Raynsford MP established it initially as a Government-funded body. The Task Force had produced the 1998 Egan Report, and Sir John Egan was appointed the Forum's first chairman.

In 2002, the Construction Industry Council, with backing from other umbrella bodies and Raynsford's successor as construction minister, Brian Wilson MP, changed the Forum to an independent industry group; Peter Rogers of property developer Stanhope plc succeeded Egan as chairman, serving until 2006.[2] The current chair, appointed July 2011, is Lord O'Neill.

In September 2002, the Strategic Forum published Accelerating Change. This set a headline target that 50% of projects should be undertaken by integrated teams and supply chains by 2007 (progress was made, but the target was not achieved).

The Forum has been repeatedly criticised for not speaking on behalf of the entire industry (a role also claimed by the CBI's construction council). In August 2012, it was reported that the chief construction adviser Paul Morrell, speaking in a personal capacity, had proposed to radically shake up the Forum's governance structure to present a unified industry voice to lobby the government.,[3] with Balfour Beatty chief executive Ian Tyler to chair a new advisory council to the Government Construction Board. This advisory council would also need to co-exist with the CBI's group.


The Strategic Forum has six key sector representatives, each looking after the interests of a particular sector:


The Strategic Forum seeks to promote and to monitor industry progress on six key areas (described in its Construction Commitments):[7]

As appropriate the Forum works with other bodies including Constructing Excellence (which also provides administrative support to the Construction Clients' Group) and ConstructionSkills.


  1. Ward, Don and Crane, Alan (2003) "The story so far" in Jones, David, Savage, David and Westgate, Rona, Partnering and Collaborative Working (Informa Professional, London), pp 1-26.
  2. Construction Industry Council (2008), Reflections on 20 years of CIC (CIC, London), p.14)
  3. Fitzpatrick, Tom. "Balfour Beatty chief asked to lead advisory council with new-look strategic forum". Construction News, 30 August 2012. Retrieved 30 August 2012.
  7. Originally the 2012 Construction Commitments, aimed at promoting good practice on projects associated with the 2012 Olympic Games, the commitments have since been extended to cover key principles that the Forum believes should be applied on all construction projects. See

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