Steven Lawther

Steven Lawther is a former Head of Communications for the Scottish Labour Party.[1]

Lawther was the Head of Communications for the Labour Party in the run up to the 2007 Scottish Parliament elections. He came to prominence when he resigned from his post three months before the election campaign.[2] Labour went on to lose the election to the Scottish National Party.

Press reports at the time stated that he left due to internal differences in the Labour campaign [3] and the SNP tried to claim his departure was due to "simmering tensions" at the heart of the Labour campaign.[4] However Lawther left his post to allow him to spend more time with his infant daughter and he continued to contribute to the Labour campaign.

Lawther also conducted opinion polling for the Office of the First Minister and Deputy First Minister of Northern Ireland in relation to the devolution of policing and justice powers in 2010.

He now works in the private sector [5][6]
