Steven J. Schloeder

Steven J. Schloeder, AIA Ph.D. (born 1960, Brooklyn, N.Y.) is a theologian, architect and author.

Dr. Steven Schloeder is a licensed architect (State of Arizona) practicing nationally in Catholic Church design. He holds the Bachelor in Architecture cum laude from Arizona State University, the Master in Architecture from University of Bath, and the Doctorate in Theology from the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley California.

Schloeder is the author of Architecture in Communion (San Francisco: Ignatius Press 1998), among numerous other articles in scholarly journals and popular publications.

The works of his firm, Liturgical Environs PC have been featured in Faith and Form, Church Building, St. Anthony Messenger and Ministry and Liturgy.

Schloeder is the founding director of the Institute for Studies in Sacred Architecture, an ecumenical, interfaith, and interdisciplinary initiative.

He lives with his wife in Phoenix, Arizona and works throughout the United States.


Review of The Religious Imagination in Modern and Contemporary Architecture: A Reader, edited by Renata Hejduk and Jim Williamson, New York: Routledge 2011 in Faith and Form (vol XLV, 1/2012): 33.

"The Myth of the Domus Ecclesia" in Sacred Architecture. Pending publication.

"Rudolf Schwarz e la sua ricezione nelgi Stati Uniti" in Il Covile No. 636 (22 Marzo 2011): 7-16.

“Per Lumina Vera ad Verum Lumen: The Anagogical Intention of Abbot Suger”, in ΣΙΜΜΕΙΚΤΑ: Collection of Works – 40th Anniversary of the Institute for Art History, ed.Ivan Stevović, University of Belgrade, Serbia 2011. Pending publication.

"Rudolf Schwarz and His Reception in America" in Das Münster (1/2011): 47-52.

"Oh Ancient Beauty Ever New: Thinking about Sacramental Architecture" in The Official Catholic Directory, Berkeley Heights NJ: P.J. Kenedy & Sons, 2010.

“Heaven Wedded to Earth” in Ministry and Liturgy 34.4 (2007): 8-11, 31-34.

L’architettura del Corpo Mistico: Progettare per il culto secondo il Concilio Vaticano II. Palermo: Casa L’Epos Editrice 2005. Italian edition of Architecture in Communion.

“Sacred Architecture and the Christian Imagination” in The Catholic Imagination: Proceedings Of The 24th Annual Convention Of The Fellowship Of Catholic Scholars. Kenneth D. Whitehead, ed. South Bend, IN: Saint Augustine’s Press 2003: 74-96.

The Church of the Year 2000: A Dialogue on Catholic Church Architecture for the Third Millennium. Ph.D. Dissertation. Berkeley CA: Graduate Theological Union 2003 and Ann Arbor MI: University Microfilm International 2003.

“Sacramental Architecture: Body, Temple, City” in Faith and Form 36.3 (2003): 7-10.

“Recovery of the Symbolic” in Jacques Maritain and the Many Ways of Knowing. Douglas A. Ollivant, ed. Washington DC: The Catholic University of America Press 2002: 303-314.

“If this be ordinary…” Book review of Geometry of Love by Margaret Visser in University Bookman 42.2 (Summer 2002).

“From Mission to Mishmash: How Modernism Has Failed Sacred Architecture” in Nexus, A Journal of Opinion 6.1 (Spring 2001): 67-74.

“Plany odnowy reformy: nowe spojrzenie na architekturę kościelną” (“Plans for the renewal of the reform: New view on the Architecture of the Church”) in Christianitas 6 [Poland] 2000.

“Back to the Drawing Board: Rethinking Church Architecture” in Crisis (February 2000): 33-38.

“Chiesa di S. Teresa” in Riconquistare lo spazio sacro. Cristiano Rosponi, ed. Roma: Editrice Il Bosco e la nave 1999: 129.

“The Altar: Direction and Liturgical Dynamics” in The Bride of Christ 23.1: 4-8 (excerpted from Architecture in Communion).

“Our Lady of the Angels: An Architectural Review” in Catholic World Report (December 1998).

“A Return to Humane Architecture” in Intercollegiate Review 34.1 (Fall 1998).

Architecture in Communion: Implementing the Second Vatican Council through Liturgy and Architecture. San Francisco: Ignatius Press 1998.

The History and Imagery of Church Architecture. Birkenhead UK: Church in History Information Center, 1996.

“Building Paradise for Homo Modernus” book review of Living Machines by E. Michael Jones, in Catholic World Report (October 1995).

“What Happened to Church Architecture?” in Catholic World Report (March 1995).

The Architecture of the Vatican Two Church. M. Arch Thesis. University of Bath, UK 1989.

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