Stefano Fassina

Stefano Fassina

Stefano Fassina (born 17 April 1966) is an Italian economist and politician, member of the Italian Democratic Party.

Born in Rome, a former university leader of the Left Youth Organization in 1996, after his graduation in Economics Fassina became consultant for the minister of Finance in the Prodi government. From 2002 to 2005 he has been employed at International Monetary Fund.

On November 2009, Fassina started his political career as coordinator on economic issues for the Partito Democratico . He was elected member of the Chamber of Deputies in 2012. On 2 May 2013, Fassina became vice-minister for Economics and Finance in the Enrico Letta government, but he dismissed on 4 January 2014, in disagreement with the new Democratic Party leader Matteo Renzi's political line.



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