Steen Hildebrandt
Steen Hildebrandt (born in 1944) is a Danish academic and author on business, organizational theory and management. He is Professor of Management Studies at Aarhus School of Business, University of Aarhus.
Bibliography in English
- 1998 The learning organisations: Experiences from Danish enterprises. (with Søren Brandi) Original title in Danish: Lærende organisationer. Erfaringer fra danske virksomheder.
- 2001 Gold through competence. (Steen Hildebrandt and Søren Brandi (ed.) Original title in Danish: Kompetenceguldet.
- 2003 Management by use of diversity. (with Søren Brandi) Original title in Danish: Mangfoldighedsledelse.
- 2005 Managing the changes. (with Søren Brandi) Original title in Danish: Ledelse af forandring.