States of Palau

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Palau is divided into sixteen administrative regions, called states (the still separately listed Rock Islands did originally not belong to any state, but now belong to the state of Koror).

State Capital Area
(Census 2005)
North of Babeldaob
Kayangel Kayangel 3 188
Aimeliik Mongami 52 270
Airai Ngetkib 44 2 723
Melekeok Melekeok 28 391
Ngaraard Ulimang 36 581
Ngarchelong Mengellang 10 488
Ngardmau Urdmang 47 166
Ngaremlengui Imeong 65 317
Ngatpang Ngereklmadel 47 464
Ngchesar Ngersuul 41 254
Ngiwal Ngerkeai 26 223
Southwest of Babeldaob
Angaur Ngaramasch 8 320
Koror Koror 18 12 676
Peleliu Kloulklubed 13 702
Rock Islands, (also called Chelbacheb) 47
Southwest Islands
Hatohobei Hatohobei 3 44
Sonsorol Dongosaru 3 100

See also

External links