State-sponsored terrorism

Not to be confused with State terrorism.

State-sponsored terrorism is government support of violent non-state actors engaged in terrorism.[1] The identifications of particular examples are usually subject to political dispute.

By countries


Afghanistan's KHAD is one of four secret service agencies believed to have possibly conducted terrorist bombing in Pakistan North-west during the early 1980s;[2] then by late 1980s U.S state department blamed WAD (a KGB created Afghan secret intelligence agency) for terrorist bombing Pakistani cities.[3][4] Furthermore Afghanistan security agencies supported the terrorist organization called Al zulfiqar since the 1970s-1990s ;the terrorist group that conducted hijacking in March 1981 of a Pakistan International Airlines plane from Karachi to Kabul.[5]


The Sinking of the Rainbow Warrior took place in New Zealand's Auckland Harbour on July 10, 1985. It was an attack carried out by French DGSE Agents Captain Dominique Prieur and Commander Alain Mafart aimed at sinking the flagship craft of the Greenpeace Organization to stop her from interfering in French nuclear testing in the South Pacific. The attack resulted in the death of Greenpeace photographer Fernando Pereira and led to a huge uproar over the first ever attack on New Zealand sovereignty. France initially denied any involvement, and even joined in condemnation of it as a terrorist act. In July 1986, a United Nations-sponsored mediation between New Zealand and France resulted in the transfer of the two prisoners to the French Polynesian island of Hao, to serve three years instead, as well as an apology and a NZD 13 million payment from France to New Zealand.


Pakistan has accused the Republic of India of supporting insurgent groups in Pakistan, but the Center for International Policy in the United States has found no evidence supporting this claim.[6]

India's Research and Analysis Wing has been accused of training and arming the Sri Lankan Tamil group, LTTE, during the 1970s when it was not considered a terrorist organization by any country but it later withdrew its support in the 1980s, when the activities of LTTE became serious, becoming the first country to ban LTTE as a terrorist organization.[7][8][9]

Furthermore India Research and Analysis Wing agencies supported the separatist/nationalist terrorist organization called Al Zulfiqar since 1977. This terrorist group conducted hijacking in March 1981 of a Pakistan International Airlines plane from Karachi to Kabul.The group is currently inactive.[10] Richard Holbrooke in who is United States Special Envoy for Afghanistan and Pakistan stated that Pakistan didn't provide any credible evidence to back their accusations against India.[11]

U.S. Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel suggested in 2011 that "India has over the years financed problems for Pakistan" in Afghanistan.[12][13][14] Sadanand Dhume, former India bureau chief at the Far Eastern Economic Review and current resident fellow at the American Enterprise Institute stated that Hagel's opinion reflect a "paranoid" worldview.[12]

Pakistani Government and ISI have accused Indian consulates in Kandahar and Jalalabad, Afghanistan, for providing arms, training and financial aid to the BLA in an attempt to destabilize Pakistan. But despite these accusations have not provided any proof to the international community to implicate any foreign support for the BLA.[15][16]

More than 1 million weapons are imported to Karachi by the foreign intelligence agencies, contributing to violence and broader unrest in the area. The CIA, Mossad, and Research and Analysis Wing are jointly working towards the ethnic division of Karachi by providing funds to military groups to conduct terrorist activities and destroy Pakistan’s nuclear assets. Through the establishment of a collective network in Pakistan, the foreign spy agencies give the local population financial incentives, thus promoting their strategic interests in the area. The poor, unemployed youth of Karachi is an easy target for the foreign secret agencies that recruit criminals, journalists, and security personnel and train young agents to execute targeted killings. Also, RAW supports Indian Muslims who join the Taliban regime in order to enhance religious schisms in Pakistan.Pakistani ISI has evidence of RAW’s involvement in unrest in Karachi. After conducting terrorist activities, militants went to RAW’s offices to collect their fee and get further directions. Friends and relatives of Fazlullah (militant leader)(a Pakistani Taliban) frequently meet with RAW leaders at the Indian Embassy in Afghanistan and collect money to support terrorist acts in Pakistan.[17]

Pakistan repeatedly has claimed that India is supporting the Baluch uprising. Insurgents deny it, but some Western diplomats believe there's evidence to back up the charge.

The Research and Analysis Wing, in collaboration with Afghan intelligence agency, National Directorate of Security, is also actively providing covert financial and weapon support to Baloch militant groups, Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA), Baloch Republican Army (BRA) and Balochistan Liberation Front (BLF), for terrorist activities in the province. These outfits are pursuing the separatist agenda and are responsible for playing havoc with the province. “Irrefutable evidence” suggests that Baloch militants are being harboured at various places and training camps located at Kabul, Nimroz and Kandahar in Afghanistan by RAW in collaboration with NDS since 2006.Research and Analysis Wing is also providing sustained financial and monetary support to Baloch feudalists and militants, both in Afghanistan and Balochistan. Besides, RAW, with the complete support and patronage of Afghan authorities, is also providing arms and ammunition to Baloch militants for terrorist activities inside Pakistan. Sources privy to the situation also claim they have evidences that RAW is involved in providing fake identity and travel documents to Baloch militants for moving out of Afghanistan to India, UAE and Western countries.[18]

A diplomatic cable sent Dec. 31, 2009, from the U.S. consulate in Karachi and obtained by WikiLeaks said it was "plausible" that Indian intelligence was helping the Baluch insurgents. An earlier 2008 cable - discussing the Mumbai attack that was reportedly hatched by Pakistan-based terrorists - reported fears by British officials that "intense domestic pressure would force Delhi to respond, at the minimum, by ramping up covert support to nationalist militants fighting the Pakistani army in Baluchistan." "Indians are 100 percent funding and training" the separatists in camps in Afghanistan, alleged a senior Pakistan security official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he wasn't authorized to talk to reporters.[19]

Inter-Services Public Relations Director General Major-General Asim Saleem Bajwa after the Peshawar school massacre said that India was funding terrorists in Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) and Balochistan. He said it was not possible for a local terrorist organisation, Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan, to operate without external support and funding. “The issue has been taken up by officials at the diplomatic level. We need to tell the world about this involvement,” the ISPR spokesman told journalists at a press conference at the General Headquarters. He said India was resorting to unprovoked shelling at the Line of Control at a time when Pakistan’s armed forces were engaged in war against terrorists. “Indian violations at LoC are by design,” he said, and added that protests have been lodged at foreign office and military levels. He hoped that India will understand that it is playing a dangerous game in the region.[20]


Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps was instrumental in founding, training, and supplying Hezbollah, a group labeled a terrorist organization by the United States, Israel, the Gulf Cooperation Council, and the European Union.

The governments of the United States, the United Kingdom, Israel, and Yemen have accused the previous Ahmadinejad administration of sponsoring terrorism either in their, or against their, respective countries. United Kingdom and the United States have also accused Iran of backing Shia militias in Iraq, which have at times attacked Coalition troops, Iraqi Sunni militias and civilians, and Anglo-American-supported Iraqi government forces.

Former United States President George W. Bush has described the Iranian regime the "world's primary state sponsor of terror."[21][22][23]


Israel actions during the 2014 Israel–Gaza conflict were described as state-sponsored terrorism by Saudi King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Saud.[24] It is also accused of sponsoring Mojahedin-e Khalq (MEK) which was designated as a terrorist organisation under U.S. law until 2012.[25]


After the military overthrow of King Idris in 1969 the Libyan Arab Republic (later the Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya), the new government supported (with weapon supplies, training camps located within Libya and monetary finances) an array of armed paramilitary groups both left and right-wing. Leftist and socialist groups included the Provisional Irish Republican Army, the Basque Fatherland and Liberty, the Umkhonto We Sizwe, the Polisario Front, the Palestine Liberation Organization and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, while others were on the far-Right such as the Moro National Liberation Front of the Philippines.

In 2006, Libya was removed from the United States list of terrorist supporting nations after it had ended all of its support for armed groups and the development of weapons of mass destruction.[26]


Citing Operation Merdeka, an alleged Philippine plot to incite unrest in Sabah and reclaimed the disputed territory, Malaysia funded and trained secessionists groups such as the Moro National Liberation Front as a retaliation.[27]


Pakistan has been accused by India, Afghanistan, Israel, United Kingdom,[28][29][30] of involvement in terrorism in Kashmir and Afghanistan.[31] Poland has also alleged that terrorists have "friends in Pakistani government structures".[32] In July 2009, the then President of Pakistan Asif Ali Zardari admitted that the Pakistani government had "created and nurtured" terrorist groups to achieve its short-term foreign policy goals.[33] According to an analysis published by Saban Center for Middle East Policy at Brookings Institution in 2008, Pakistan was the worlds 'most active' state sponsor of terrorism including aiding groups which were considered a direct threat to USA.[34]

The Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF) has stated that it was training more than 3,000 militants from various nationalities.[35][36] According to some reports published by the Council of Foreign Relations, the Pakistan military and the ISI have provided covert support to terrorist groups active in Kashmir, including the al-Qaeda affiliate Jaish-e-Mohammed".[37][38] Pakistan has denied any involvement in terrorist activities in Kashmir, arguing that it only provides political and moral support to the secessionist groups who wish to escape Indian rule. Many Kashmiri militant groups also maintain their headquarters in Pakistan-administered Kashmir, which is cited as further proof by the Indian government. Many of the terrorist organisations are banned by the UN, but continue to operate under different names.[39]

The United Nations Organization has publicly increased pressure on Pakistan on its inability to control its Afghanistan border and not restricting the activities of Taliban leaders who have been designated by the UN as terrorists.[40][41]

Many consider that Pakistan has been playing both sides in the US "War on Terror".[42][43]

Ahmed Rashid, a noted Pakistani journalist, has accused Pakistan's ISI of providing help to the Taliban.[44] Author Ted Galen Carpenter echoed that statement, stating that Pakistan "... assisted rebel forces in Kashmir even though those groups have committed terrorist acts against civilians"[45] Author Gordon Thomas stated that whilst aiding in the capture of al-Qaeda members, Pakistan "still sponsored terrorist groups in the disputed state of Kashmir, funding, training and arming them in their war on attrition against India."[46] Journalist Stephen Schwartz notes that several militant and criminal groups are "backed by senior officers in the Pakistani army, the country's ISI intelligence establishment and other armed bodies of the state."[47] According to one author, Daniel Byman, "Pakistan is probably today's most active sponsor of terrorism."[48]

The Inter-Services Intelligence has often been accused of playing a role in major terrorist attacks across the world including the September 11, 2001 attacks in the United States,[49] terrorism in Kashmir,[50][51][52] Mumbai Train Bombings,[53] Indian Parliament Attack,[54] Varnasi bombings,[55] Hyderabad bombings[56][57] and Mumbai terror attacks.[58][59] The ISI is also accused of supporting Taliban forces[60] and recruiting and training mujahideen[60][61] to fight in Afghanistan[62][63] and Kashmir.[63] Based on communication intercepts US intelligence agencies concluded Pakistan's ISI was behind the attack on the Indian embassy in Kabul on July 7, 2008, a charge that the governments of India and Afghanistan had laid previously.[64] Afghan President Hamid Karzai, who has constantly reiterated allegations that militants operating training camps in Pakistan have used it as a launch platform to attack targets in Afghanistan, urged western military allies to target extremist hideouts in neighbouring Pakistan.[65] When the United States, during the Clinton administration, targeted al-Qaida camps in Afghanistan with cruise missiles, Slate reported that two officers of the ISI were killed.[66]

Pakistan is accused of sheltering and training the Taliban as strategic asset[67] in operations "which include soliciting funding for the Taliban, bankrolling Taliban operations, providing diplomatic support as the Taliban's virtual emissaries abroad, arranging training for Taliban fighters, recruiting skilled and unskilled manpower to serve in Taliban armies, planning and directing offensives, providing and facilitating shipments of ammunition and fuel, and on several occasions apparently directly providing combat support," as reported by Human Rights Watch.

Pakistan was also responsible for the evacuation of about 5,000 of the top leadership of the Taliban and Al-Qaeda who were encircled by Nato forces in the 2001 invasion of Afghanistan. This event known as the Kunduz airlift, which is also popularly called the "Airlift of Evil", involved several Pakistani Air Force transport planes flying multiple sorties over a number of days.

On May 1, 2011 Osama Bin Laden was killed in Pakistan, he was living in a safe house less than a mile away from, what is called the West Point of Pakistan, the Pakistan Military Academy. This has given rise to numerous allegations of an extensive support system for Osama Bin Laden was in place by the Government and Military of Pakistan.[68][69]


Operation Merdeka was as destabilization plot planned with the objective of establishing Philippine control over Sabah. The operation failed to carry out which resulted to the Jabidah massacre.[70]


Various US media outlets, commentators and conservative politicians have described the state-funded Al Jazeera as a "terror network."[71][72]

In 2011 the Washington Times reported that Qatar was providing weapons and funding to Abdelhakim Belhadj, leader of the formerly U.S. designated terrorist group, Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) and then leader of the conservative Islamist Al-Watan Party.[73]

In December 2012 the New York Times accused the Qatari regime of funding the Al-Nusra Front, a U.S. government designated terrorist organization.[74] The Financial Times noted Emir Hamad's visit to Gaza and meeting with Hamas, another internationally designated terrorist organization.[75] Spanish football club FC Barcelona were coming under increasing pressure to tear up their £125m shirt sponsorship contract with the Qatar Foundation after claims the so-called charitable trust finances Hamas. The fresh controversy follows claims made by the Spanish newspaper El Mundo that the Qatar Foundation had given money to cleric Yusuf al Qaradawi who is alleged to be an advocate of terrorism, wife beating and antisemitism.[76]

In January 2013 French politicians again accused the Qatari Government of giving material support to Islamist groups in Mali and the French newspaper Le Canard enchaîné quoted an unnamed source in French military intelligence saying that "The MNLA [secular Tuareg separatists], al Qaeda-linked Ansar Dine and Movement for Unity and Jihad in West Africa have all received cash from Doha."[77]

In March 2014, the then Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki has accused the Qatari government of sponsoring Sunni insurgents fighting against Iraqi soldiers in western Anbar province.[78]

In October 2014, it was revealed that a former Qatari Interior Ministry official, Salim Hasan Khalifa Rashid al-Kuwari, had been named by the U.S. Department of the Treasury as an al Qaeda financier, with allegations that he gave hundreds of thousands of dollars to the terrorist group. Kuwari worked for the civil defense department of the Interior Ministry in 2009, two years before he was designated for his support of al Qaeda.[79]

A number of wealthy Qataris are accused of sponsoring the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant.[80][81] In response to public criticism over Qatari connections to ISIL, the government has pushed back and denied supporting the group.[82]

Republic of Ireland

In 1970 the Arms Trial resulted in two cabinet ministers from the Republic of Ireland government – Charles Haughey and Neil Blaney – being sacked for attempting to illegally import arms for the Irish Republican Army in Northern Ireland.

In 2001 the Northern Ireland Assembly passed a motion calling on the Northern Ireland secretary to take up with the Government of the Republic of Ireland allegations that some members of the Garda Síochána colluded with the IRA over a number of murders.[83] As of 2010, the Smithwick Tribunal is an investigation that is currently taking place investigating allegations of collusion between the police in the Republic of Ireland and the Provisional IRA into the murders of two Northern Irish police officers.

In June 2010 Northern Ireland Unionist politician David Simpson called for a full investigation to "investigate the alleged role of the Irish state in funding, arming, training and sheltering hundreds of IRA members during the Troubles".[84]


Main article: Terrorism in Russia

According to Lunev, a probable scenario in the event of war would be poisoning of Potomac River with chemical or biological weapons, "targeting the residents of Washington DC"[85] He also noted that it is "likely" that GRU operatives have placed already "poison supplies near the tributaries to major US reservoirs."[86] That was confirmed by Alexander Kouzminov who was responsible for transporting dangerous pathogens from around the world for Russian program of biological weapons in the 1980s and the beginning of the 1990s. He described a variety of biological terrorism acts that would be carried out on the order of President Putin in the event of hostilities, including poisoning public drinking-water supplies and food processing plants.[87] US Congressman Curt Weldon supported claims by Lunev but noted that Lunev had "exaggerated things" according to the FBI.[88] Searches of the areas identified by Lunev—who admits he never planted any weapons in the US—have been conducted, "but law-enforcement officials have never found such weapons caches, with or without portable nuclear weapons."[89]

Alexander J. Motyl, professor of political science at Rutgers University argues that Russia's direct and indirect involvement in the violence in eastern Ukraine qualifies as a state-sponsored terrorism, and that those involved qualify as "terrorist groups.".[90] Behaviour by Russia with its neighbours was named by Ms Grybauskaitė, President of Lithuania, who gave an interview to the BBC, in which she repeated her charge, saying that “Russia demonstrates the qualities of a terrorist state.”[91]

Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia is said to be the world's largest source of funds and promoter of Salafist jihadism,[92] which forms the ideological basis of terrorist groups such as al-Qaeda, Taliban, ISIS and others. Donors in Saudi Arabia constitute the most significant source of funding to Sunni terrorist groups worldwide, according to Hillary Clinton.[93] According to a secret December 2009 paper signed by the US secretary of state, "Saudi Arabia remains a critical financial support base for al-Qaida, the Taliban, LeT and other terrorist groups."[94]

The violence in Afghanistan and Pakistan is partly bankrolled by wealthy, conservative donors across the Arabian Sea whose governments do little to stop them.[93] Three other Arab countries which are listed as sources of militant money are Qatar, Kuwait, and the United Arab Emirates, all neighbors of Saudi Arabia. Taliban and their militant partners the Haqqani network earn "significant funds" through UAE-based businesses. Kuwait is described as a "source of funds and a key transit point" for al-Qaida and other militant groups.[93][95] The Pakistani militant outfit Lashkar-e-Taiba, which carried out the 2008 Mumbai attacks, used a Saudi-based front company to fund its activities in 2005.[93][96] According to studies, most of suicide bombers in Iraq are Saudis.[97][98][99] 15 of the 19 hijackers of the four airliners who were responsible for 9/11 originated from Saudi Arabia, two from the United Arab Emirates, one from Egypt, and one from Lebanon.[100] Osama bin Laden was a Saudi by birth. His family is a wealthy one intimately connected with the innermost circles of the Saudi royal family.

Starting in the mid-1970s the Islamic resurgence was funded by an abundance of money from Saudi Arabian oil exports.[101] The tens of billions of dollars in "petro-Islam" largess obtained from the recently heightened price of oil funded an estimated "90% of the expenses of the entire faith."[102]

Throughout the Sunni Muslim world, religious institutions for people both young and old, from children's maddrassas to high-level scholarships received Saudi funding,[103] "books, scholarships, fellowships, and mosques" (for example, "more than 1500 mosques were built and paid for with money obtained from public Saudi funds over the last 50 years"),[104] along with training in the Kingdom for the preachers and teachers who went on to teach and work at these universities, schools, mosques, etc.[105] The funding was also used to reward journalists and academics who followed the Saudis' strict interpretation of Islam; and satellite campuses were built around Egypt for Al Azhar, the world's oldest and most influential Islamic university.[106]

The interpretation of Islam promoted by this funding was the strict, conservative Saudi-based Wahhabism or Salafism. In its harshest form it preached that Muslims should not only "always oppose" infidels "in every way," but "hate them for their religion ... for Allah's sake," that democracy "is responsible for all the horrible wars of the 20th century," that Shia and other non-Wahhabi Muslims were "infidels", etc.[107] While this effort has by no means converted all, or even most, Muslims to the Wahhabist interpretation of Islam, it has done much to overwhelm more moderate local interpretations, and has set the Saudi-interpretation of Islam as the "gold standard" of religion in Muslims' minds.[108]

Critics have argued that by its nature, Wahhabism encourages intolerance and promotes terrorism.[109] Former CIA director James Woolsey described it as "the soil in which Al-Qaeda and its sister terrorist organizations are flourishing."[110] However, the Saudi government strenuously denies these claims or that it exports religious or cultural extremism.[111]

Soviet Union

Soviet secret services worked to establish a network of terrorist front organizations and have been described as the primary promoters of terrorism worldwide.[85][112][113] According to Ion Mihai Pacepa, General Aleksandr Sakharovsky from the First Chief Directorate of the KGB once said: "In today’s world, when nuclear arms have made military force obsolete, terrorism should become our main weapon."[114] He also claimed that "Airplane hijacking is my own invention". George Habash, who worked under the KGB's guidance,[115] explained: "Killing one Jew far away from the field of battle is more effective than killing a hundred Jews on the field of battle, because it attracts more attention."[114]

Lt. General Ion Mihai Pacepa described the operation "SIG" ("Zionist Governments") that was devised in 1972, to turn the whole Islamic world against Israel and the United States. KGB chairman Yury Andropov allegedly explained to Pacepa that "a billion adversaries could inflict far greater damage on America than could a few millions. We needed to instill a Nazi-style hatred for the Jews throughout the Islamic world, and to turn this weapon of the emotions into a terrorist bloodbath against Israel and its main supporter, the United States."[116]

The following organizations have been allegedly established with assistance from Eastern Bloc security services: the PLO, the National Liberation Army of Bolivia (created in 1964 with help from Ernesto Che Guevara); the National Liberation Army of Colombia (created in 1965 with help from Cuba), the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP) in 1969, and the Secret Army for Liberation of Armenia in 1975.[117]

The leader of the PLO, Yasser Arafat, established close collaboration with the Romanian Securitate service and the Soviet KGB in the beginning of the 1970s.[118] The secret training of PLO guerrillas was provided by the KGB.[119] However, the main KGB activities and arms shipments were channeled through Wadie Haddad of the DFLP organization, who usually stayed in a KGB dacha BARVIKHA-1 during his visits to Russia. Led by Carlos the Jackal, a group of PFLP fighters accomplished a spectacular raid the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries office in Vienna in 1975. Advance notice of this operation "was almost certainly" given to the KGB.[118]

A number of notable operations have been conducted by the KGB to support international terrorists with weapons on the orders from the Soviet Communist Party, including:

Large-scale terrorist operations have been prepared by the KGB and GRU against the United States, Canada and Europe, according to the Mitrokhin Archive,[124] GRU defectors Victor Suvorov[125] and Stanislav Lunev, and former SVR officer Kouzminov.[126] Among the planned operations were the following:

United Kingdom

A mural in Belfast graphically depicting the collusion between British security forces and Ulster loyalist groups; Image reads: "Collusion is not an illusion, it is state murder"
A mural in Belfast graphically depicting the collusion between British security forces and Ulster loyalist groups.

The United Kingdom (UK) has been accused of supporting Ulster loyalist paramilitaries during The Troubles in Northern Ireland.[132] During the 1970s, a group of loyalists known as the "Glenanne gang" carried out numerous shootings and bombings against Irish Catholics and Irish nationalists in an area of Northern Ireland known as the "murder triangle".[133] It also carried out some cross-border attacks in the Republic of Ireland. The group included members of the illegal Ulster Volunteer Force (UVF) as well as British soldiers and RUC police officers.[134][135] It was allegedly commanded by British Military Intelligence and RUC Special Branch.[135][136] Evidence suggests that the group was responsible for the deaths of about 120 civilians.[137] The Cassel Report investigated 76 killings attributed to the group and found evidence that soldiers and policemen were involved in 74 of those.[138] One former member, RUC officer John Weir, claimed his superiors knew of the group's activities but allowed it to continue.[139][140] Attacks attributed to the group include the Dublin and Monaghan bombings (which killed 34 civilians), the Miami Showband killings and the Reavey and O'Dowd killings.[135][141] The UK is also accused of providing intelligence material, training, firearms, explosives and lists of people that the security forces wanted to have killed.[142]

The Stevens Inquiries concluded that the Force Research Unit (FRU), a covert British Army intelligence unit, helped loyalists to kill people, including civilians.[143][144] FRU commanders say their plan was to make loyalist groups "more professional" by helping them target IRA activists and prevent them killing civilians.[145] The Stevens Inquiries found evidence only two lives were saved and that FRU was involved with at least 30 loyalist killings and many other attacks – many of the victims uninvolved civilians.[143] One of the most prominent victims was solicitor Pat Finucane. A FRU double-agent also helped ship weapons to loyalists from South Africa.[146] Members of the British security forces had tried to obstruct the Stevens investigation.[144]

The UK has also been accused by Iran of supporting Arab separatist terrorism in the southern city of Ahwaz in 2006.[147]

United States

The United States was accused of being a state sponsor of terrorism for their support of Cuban exiles Luis Posada Carriles and Orlando Bosch.[148] The US also supported Afghan Mujahideen as part of the Reagan Doctrine, which arguably contributed to the creation of Al-Qaeda and the Taliban.[149][150] However, scholars such as Jason Burke, Steve Coll, Peter Bergen, Christopher Andrew, and Vasily Mitrokhin have argued that Bin Laden was "outside of CIA eyesight" and that there is "no support" in any "reliable source" for "the claim that the CIA funded bin Laden or any of the other Arab volunteers who came to support the mujahideen."[151][152][153][154] American academic Noam Chomsky, a critic of U.S. foreign policy, has referred to the United States as "a Leading Terrorist State".[155]

See also


  1. Maogoto, Jackson Nyamuya (2005). Battling Terrorism: Legal Perspectives on the Use of Force and the War on Terror. Ashgate. p. 59. ISBN 978-0-7546-4407-1.
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  8. "Full of holes". Frontline (Chennai, India). Nov. 29 – Dec. 12, 1997. Retrieved 2010-06-21. Check date values in: |date= (help)
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  10. PTI Jul 30, 2009, 08.49am IST (2009-07-30). "Pak provided no evidence on India's role in Balochistan: US". Times of India. Retrieved 2013-02-28.
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  85. Lunev, pages 29–30
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  102. Abou al Fadl, Khaled, The Great Theft: Wrestling Islam from the Extremists, HarperSanFrancisco, 2005, pp.48-64
  103. Kepel, Gilles, Jihad: on the Trail of Political Islam, Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, (2002), p.72
  104. Nasr, Vali, The Shia Revival, Norton, (2006), p.155
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  111. Viktor Suvorov Inside Soviet Military Intelligence, 1984, ISBN 0-02-615510-9
  112. Viktor Suvorov Spetsnaz, 1987, Hamish Hamilton Ltd, ISBN 0-241-11961-8
  113. 114.0 114.1 Ion Mihai Pacepa, "Russian Footprints", National Review Online, August 24, 2006
  114. Christopher Andrew, Vasili Mitrokhin, (2000). The Mitrokhin Archive: The KGB in Europe and the West. Gardners Books. ISBN 0-14-028487-7
  115. Pacepa, Ion Mihai (August 24, 2006). "Russian Footprints". National Review. Retrieved 7 March 2014.
  116. Vasili Mitrokhin and Christopher Andrew, The World Was Going Our Way: The KGB and the Battle for the Third World, Basic Books (2005) hardcover, ISBN 0-465-00311-7.
  117. 118.0 118.1 The KGB and the Battle for the Third World, pages 250–253
  118. The KGB and the Battle for the Third World, page 145
  119. KGB in Europe, page 502
  120. Operation was sanctioned personally by Leonid Brezhnev in 1970. The weapons were delivered by the KGB vessel Kursograf. KGB in Europe, pages 495–498
  121. KGB in Europe, pages 503–505
  122. Syria and Turkey: The PKK Dimension
  123. Mitrokhin Archive, The KGB in Europe, page 472–476
  124. Victor Suvorov, Spetsnaz, 1987, Hamish Hamilton Ltd, ISBN 0-241-11961-8
  125. Alexander Kouzminov Biological Espionage: Special Operations of the Soviet and Russian Foreign Intelligence Services in the West, Greenhill Books, 2006, ISBN 1-85367-646-2
  126. The KGB in Europe, page 475–476
  127. KGB in Europe, page 499–500
  128. The KGB in Europe, page 472–473
  129. 130.0 130.1 130.2 The KGB in Europe, page 473
  130. The KGB in Europe, page 473–474
  131. Dr Martin Melaugh. "Text of Sir John Steven's Inquiry into collusion between the UK and Loyalist Terrorists". Retrieved 2010-06-21.
  132. Report of the independent international panel on alleged collusion in sectarian killings in Northern Ireland (The Cassel Report). October 2006.
  133. The Cassel Report (2006), pp. 8, 14, 21, 25, 51, 56, 58–65.
  134. 135.0 135.1 135.2 Collusion in the South Armagh/Mid Ulster Area in the mid-1970s. Pat Finucane Centre.
  135. The Cassel Report (2006), pp. 6, 13
  136. Lethal Allies: British Collusion in Ireland - Conclusions. Pat Finucane Centre.
  137. The Cassel Report (2006), p.4
  138. The Cassel Report (2006), p.63
  139. Connolly, Frank (November 16, 2006). "I'm lucky to be above the ground". Village: Ireland's Current Affairs Weekly. Archived from the original on November 20, 2007. Retrieved 2006-11-16.
  140. The Cassel Report (2006), p.8
  141. "Stevens Inquiry: At a Glance". BBC News Online. 2003-04-17. Retrieved 2006-11-25.
  142. 143.0 143.1 "Scandal of Ulster’s secret war". The Guardian. 17 April 2003. Retrieved 27 September 2013.
  143. 144.0 144.1 "Security forces aided loyalist murders". BBC News. 17 April 2003. Retrieved 27 September 2013.
  144. "Stevens Inquiry: Key people". BBC News. 17 April 2003. Retrieved 27 September 2013.
  145. "Obituary: Brian Nelson". The Guardian (London). 17 April 2003. Retrieved 27 September 2013.
  146. "Iran accuses UK of bombing link". BBC News (BBC News). 2006-01-25. Retrieved 2006-11-25.
  147. Campbell, Duncan (2002-12-02). "The Bush dynasty and the Cuban criminals". London: Guardian. Retrieved 2011-06-07.
  148. "How the CIA created Osama bin Laden". Green Left Weekly. September 19, 2001. Retrieved January 9, 2007.
  149. "1986–1992: CIA and British Recruit and Train Militants Worldwide to Help Fight Afghan War". Cooperative Research History Commons. Retrieved January 9, 2007.
  150. Jason Burke, Al-Qaeda (Penguin, 2003), p59.
  151. Christopher Andrew and Vasili Mitrokhin, The Mitrokhin Archive II: The KGB and the World (Penguin, 2006), p579n48.
  152. Steve Coll, Ghost Wars: The Secret History of the CIA, Afghanistan and Bin Laden (Penguin, 2004), p. 87.
  153. Peter Bergen, The Osama bin Laden I Know (Free Press, 2006), pp60-1.
  154. Chomsky, Noam. "The United States is a Leading Terrorist State". Monthly Review. Retrieved 2011-06-07.

Further reading

External links