Stanislav Tsalyk

Stanislav Tsalyk
Born July 23, 1962
Kyiv, Ukraine
Occupation Writer, screenwriter, essayist, historian
Alma mater Gerasimov Institute of Cinematography (1996)
Period 1992–present
Genre non-fiction

Stanislav Tsalyk (Ukrainian: Станісла́в Микола́йович Ца́лик; born July 23, 1962) Ukrainian writer, essayist, historian, researcher of region features. The Member of the National Filmmakers Union of Ukraine (screenwriter) since 1997. The Member of the Association of European Journalists since 2013. The author of books and also more than 1000 articles, dedicated to unknown pages of Ukrainian and Kyiv history and life of eminent historical persons.[1]


Stanislav Tsalyk was born and now lives in Kyiv, he is the native Kyivan in the fourth generation. The secondary education received in school nr 48 (1969–1977) and school nr 178 (1977–1979). He has two University degrees. The first degree of economic cybernetics was obtained in the Ukrainian Agricultural Academy in the 1985. In the 1996 he graduated the Gerasimov Institute of Cinematography (scenario studio of people's artist of Russia, professor Valentin Chernykh).

Creative activity

He works in the documental genre. Sphere of his interests includes history of Kyiv, history of national communities, unknown pages of Ukrainian history. He discovers not only political or military collisions, but also a everyday lifestyle of people in different historical periods. He works with memoirs – printed and verbal, archival sources, periodicals from different years, photographic documents, artifacts.

Stanislav Tsalyk's creative method of is featured by the ability to select interesting and usually unknown plots from history, to find out undiscovered aspects in them, to show the exact course of events, to make unexpected, but convincing parallels and connections. His publications are full of different facts, interesting details and resemble investigation. In organization of historical narration he uses successfully drama methods.

He has been publishing since May 1992. Now he is regular author of popular magazines "Країна" / "Country" and "Власть денег" / "Power of money", publishing in Ukrainian, Russian, Polish, English languages.

Historical guide "Евпатория: Прогулки по Малому Иерусалиму" / "Eupatoria: Walks round the Small Jerusalem” (2007) appeared in several editions and became the bestseller in the Crimea. A new expanded and revised edition was published in 2012. The presentation in Kyiv took place Sep 4, 2012 at the coffee house "Бабуин" / "Baboon".

The book "Таємниці письменницьких шухляд. Детективна історія української літератури" / "Secrets of writer's drawers. Detective story of Ukrainian literature" (2010, co-author) had a great response, became one of the most striking literary phenomenon 2010–2011 in Ukraine. The presentation took place March 31, 2012 in Ukrainian House.

The latest book "Інший Київ" / "A Different Kyiv" (2012, co-author) is an alternative guide to the modern capital of Ukraine, published in two languages – Ukrainian and English. He is author of the chapter called "Місто багатьох барв" / "City of many colours" – the guided walking tour, dedicated to the history of ethnical communities of Kyiv. Presentation took place on May 21, 2012 in book coffee shop "Бабуин" / "Baboon".

He is author of more than 30 scenarios for movies and TV, the historical consultant in a number of television series, dedicated to Kyiv antiquity. In 1994–1995 – author and presenter of TV-show about movies, "Фильмоскоп" / "Filmoscope" (УТ-3 channel) In 1994 – author of scenario of full-length feature film "Judenkreis: the eternal wheel” (Dovzhenko Film Studio, 1997) In 2013 – author of scenario of full-length documentary film “Hollywood on the Dnieper. Dreams from Atlantis” (Directory Films, 2013)


As ethnographer Stanislav Tsalik travels a lot around Ukraine. Besides Kyiv, he likes also Eupatoria, Bila Tserkva, Vinnytsia, Lviv and Kraków. Photographic coverages from his journeys are uploaded to his page on Sometimes he organizes historical guided walks through the old Kyiv, where he speaks about unknown details from the past of the Ukrainian capital. On the Facebook he has a page dedicated to his historical walks. He likes to collect artifacts of Kyiv history of the XX century.




Interview and performance