Stan Romanek

Stan Romanek
Nationality American
Occupation Author and UFO enthusiast

Stan Romanek is an author and UFO enthusiast. He appears in the media, and is a regular speaker at the International UFO Congress, presenting his claim to have been an alien abductee.


Romanek says he is an alien abductee, had his first UFO encounter in 2000, and has had many experiences since, including discovering mysterious wounds on his body that glowed under a black light, communication with aliens over a Ghost Box, aliens following over his car or visiting his home, and telepathic communication by aliens.[1][2] In one account from 2003, he said he woke up and found himself wearing flannel ladies wear, and he suspected he had been abducted and returned in different clothing. It was later, while talking to an attendee at another conference that he suspected that the flannel gown was that of Betty Hill, another alien abductee who said she was abducted in 1961.[3]

Dwight Connely, editor of the MUFON UFO Journal, included the Stan Romanek case in his 2004 book The World's Best UFO Cases acclaiming it then as the best current case due to the presence of independent witnesses, markings and injuries on his body, a large burned circle, videos of strange phenomena, and "somewhat complicated mathematical formulas which seem to be well beyond Romanek's ability." Connelly hedges his bet then saying it should only be viewed as a potential long term best case that hopefully will be considered legitimate ten years later.[4]

Appearing on ABC Primetime in 2009, Romanek underwent hypnosis by Dr R. Leo Sprinkle, a psychologist who specialized in alien abduction cases. During hypnosis, Romanek wrote out the Drake Equation, which is a formula used to estimate the number of planets in the galaxy that might have intelligent life. It was suggested that this was done through simple memorization.[5]

Selected Publications

Messages was published by Llewellyn Publications.

The Orion Regressions and Answers were published by Etherean LLC. This company was first registered with the Colorado Secretary of state on September 27, 2011, with the registered agent of Stan Romanek.[6]

Romanek's wife Lisa has also published a book about his abduction experiences, called From My Side of the Bed. This is also published by Etherean LLC.


September 21, 2012

In Romanek’s book Messages, he claimed to have received communications from extraterrestrials. He claimed an astronomer interpreted drawings Romanek made under hypnosis of planetary alignments as indicating the date September 21, 2012. (Although this day has come and gone) Romanek said he did not know what the significant event indicated by that date would be, but speculated it would be when the aliens would make themselves known to humanity, or maybe when the visions he has had of natural disasters would occur.[7]


In 2008, Romanek appeared on Larry King Live, along with Jeff Peckman, former Denver Mayoral candidate endorsing Romanek's story as part of his campaign for a Denver Extraterrestrial Affairs Commission,[8] claiming to have recorded a video of an alien peeking in his window.[9] This video is now commonly referred to as the ‘’Boo Video’’.[10]

In May of 2008 during an interview of Romanek on Coast To Coast AM radio, host George Noory suggested that Romanek take a lie detector test over the authenticity of the Boo Video.[11] Romanek agreed to this test. When it was conducted later that year, Romanek failed on the question "Is the Boo tape a hoax?" Romanek then claimed he has medical conditions that prevent a lie detector test from working on him.[12]

At the 2009 Mysteries of the Universe conference in Kansas City, Romanek claimed he was set up by Noory to fail.[3]

A video expert consulted by Romanek claimed that the Boo Video would have cost $50,000 to fake. A Denver paranormal claims investigations group Rocky Mountain Paranormal Research Society / Warning Radio claims to have reproduced the video for about $90.[13][14]

In 2009 in an interview on ABC Primetime, Romanek said he had physical evidence of his abduction experiences in the way of an alien implant in his leg. When a medical test for the implant was requested, Romanek claimed it had disappeared.[2]

On Feb. 13, 2014, Romanek was arrested on charges of possessing child pornography. Romanek's wife, Lisa, has said "Anyone who follows Stan is already aware of the harassment [sic], break-ins, hacking and remote access of our computers for starters that we have experienced."[15]


  1. Sofge, Erik (June 8, 2008). "New Alien Video Shines (Photoshopped) Light on UFO Hoaxers". Popular Mechanics. Retrieved 22 April 2013.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Chang, JuJU (Aug 18, 2009). "Man Claims Aliens Send Him Messages". ABC Primetime. ABC. Retrieved 22 April 2013.
  3. 3.0 3.1 Scherstuhl, Alan "In Kansas City, celebrity UFO-filmer Stan Romanek finds an audience of believers — and one reporter", 2009-08-13
  4. Dwight Connelly, The World’s Best Ufo Cases, Bookseller, Inc., 2004, pp. 219-232.
  5. Nickell, Joe (May–June 2010). "The Man Who Attracts Aliens". Skeptical Inquirer. The Committee for Skeptical Inquiry. Retrieved 22 April 2013.
  6. Etherean LLC, "Articles of Organization (PDF)" Colorado Secretary of State, 2009-09-27
  7. Romanek, Stan, Messages (Llewellyn Publications), Chapter 30 New Equations and a Date for Change, 2009-05-08
  8. Stollznow, Karen (October 20, 2010). "A Close Encounter with Jeff Peckman". Skeptical Inquirer. Committee for Skeptical Inquiry. Retrieved 22 April 2013.
  9. "Larry King Live: Alien on Tape" Larry King Live, 2008-06-02
  10. Chang, JuJu; Dybreuil, Jm, "Video of Alien at Window" ABC PrimeTime, 2009-08-18
  11. Noory, George "Weird Stories" Coast to Coast With George Noory, 2008-05-30
  12. Noory, George "Stan Romanek's Lie Detector Test Results", 2008
  13. Baxter,“The Stan Romanek Saga” Rocky Mountain Paranormal, 2010-08-23
  14. Warning Radio, “Stan Romanek/Jeff Peckman Reenactment”, Warning Radio YouTube Channel, 2008-06-14

External links