St Matthew's Academy

St. Matthew's Academy from Jack's Road
St. Matthew's Academy
Motto Lux Mundi
Established October 2007
Students 1300 approx.
Location Jack's Road, Saltcoats, North Ayrshire, KA21 5NT,
Saltcoats, North Ayrshire, Scotland
Colours Black, White & Gold

St. Matthew's Academy is a Roman Catholic secondary school in the Scottish town of Saltcoats, North Ayrshire. The school is named after Saint Matthew, one of the twelve apostles and has a catchment area encompassing all of North Ayrshire. The Head Teacher is Mr Stephen Colligan. He is supported by 4 Depute Head Teachers. Mr McGuigan is head of S2 and S6. Mrs Turbet is acting head of S3. Mr Herron is head of S4 and Mr Sheerins is head of S1 and S5. Ms McArthur is currently on secondment with Education Scotland.


The school first opened on 29 October 2007 following the merger of pupils from St Andrews Academy, Saltcoats and St Michael's Academy, Kilwinning. As of October 2014, the school roll was 1,235 pupils making it the second largest school in North Ayrshire.[1] The catchment area of the school encompasses all of North Ayrshire.

Building Layout

St. Matthew's is a winged three-story structure with a 'drum' curved area which contains a dining hall and 500-seat auditorium. It is equipped with four P.E. halls including a playing field, running track, astroturf and a fitness suite. It has three pupil entrances and one staff entrance. The ground floor features the classrooms used for Maths,Home Economics and Craft & Design. The departments for Modern Languages (French and Spanish), History, Modern Studies, Music and Science are located on the first floor and those for English, Geography, Art, Religious Education, Computing and Business Studies are on the second floor. The school is also provided a central social area for pupils.

The state-of-the-art teaching facilities in St Matthew’s Academy include interactive whiteboard technology and pupil computers in every teaching area. Well-equipped staff bases are located within main teaching areas and there are tutorial rooms on each floor for individual and small group use.

Subjects Taught

In S1 and S2, pupils are taught English, Maths, French, Science, Social Studies (Geography, History and Modern Studies), Physical Education, Religious Education, Music, Art, Technological Studies, Home Economics, computing science and business education. Students must choose seven subjects to study in S4 at (in the main) National 4/5 level. Maths and English are compulsory as is at least one science and one social subject. In session 2013/14 pupils who stay on to S5 may sit Higher exams for subjects they passed at National 5 level in S4 and those who stay on to S6 may sit Advanced Highers for subjects they passed at Higher in S5.

Associated Primaries

The roll of St Matthew’s Academy is drawn in the main from the ten cluster denominational primary schools located throughout North Ayrshire: St John Ogilvie’s and St Mark’s in Irvine; St Winning’s and St Luke’s in Kilwinning; St John’s in Stevenston; St Anthony’s in Saltcoats; St Peter’s in Ardrossan; St Mary’s in Largs; St Bridget’s in Kilbirnie; and St Palladius’ in Dalry. Pupils from all areas other than Ardrossan, Saltcoats and Stevenston travel to St Matthew’s Academy by contract bus. Around 5% of the First Year roll, however, comprises pupils from non-associated primary schools who have made successful placing requests into St Matthew’s. The proportion of S4 pupils returning for a Fifth Year in 2014-15 is around 85% with the S5 – S6 transfer rate being in the region of 75%.

School Aims

St Matthew’s Academy is a denominational school and, as such, it seeks to be a centre of excellence providing the highest possible quality of education in a Catholic community where care, cooperation and mutual respect are at the centre of everything the school community do. Saint Matthew's Academy is committed to giving all members of our community the opportunity and encouragement to achieve their full potential.

As a Catholic school, Saint Matthew's Academy aims are:

The school benefits from the strong support of the local deanery and liturgical celebration form a key aspect of our ethos. Father Mark Kelly serves as school chaplain and mass is celebrated every Thursday lunchtime in the Oratory. All members of the school community are invited to attend.

School Uniform

St Matthew’s Academy has a school uniform which encourages and supports a sense of identification with the school. All pupils, therefore, are expected to wear uniform at all times. The uniform for St Matthew’s Academy is as follows:

In session 13/14 the school engaged parents in an extensive review of the dress code. Parents were overwhelmingly in favour of the uniform as described above. Jeans, leggings and other non agreed items of clothing are not considered to be school uniform and parents are encouraged to ensure their child adheres the agreed standards.

Pupil Support

St Matthew’s Academy has a team of 6 Principal Teachers of Guidance - Mr Timmons, Mrs Benson, Ms Donnelly, Mr Coyle, Mrs Stevenson and Mr Ross - whose key role is to ensure that the needs of every pupil are met. This will involve a number of important tasks including developing close links with P7 pupils and teachers, interviewing all pupils at least once a year, preparing pupils to make appropriate choices and monitoring academic progress, attendance and behaviour. Every effort is made to ensure that pupils entering St Matthew’s from primary school will have the same guidance teacher as any older brothers or sisters. Every pupil receives a weekly period of personal and social education (P.S.E.) through which their personal development is enhanced. The P.S.E. programme includes information on lifestyle, sexual health and relationships, careers, further & higher education and employment & training.

In parallel with the personal support for pupils provided by the Guidance Team, St Matthew’s Academy has a Pupil Support department under the direction of Mrs King, the Curriculum Leader. It is acknowledged that any pupil may need additional support at some time in their school career and so Pupil Support staff work across the curriculum at all stages to ensure that all pupils are able to learn effectively and progress appropriately. This will involve a range of strategies under the general heading of support for learning and behaviour including individual/small group work, cooperative teaching and the establishment of reading programmes. Pupil Support staff also work with departments to develop courses and materials appropriate for the wide range of pupils within the school. Parents will be kept informed as key partners in the process. A Parental Information leaflet on Pupil Support is issued each year as part of a set of such leaflets on key aspects of the school’s provision.

Close links are maintained with the associated primary schools and Guidance and Pupil Support staff are involved in gathering relevant information from primaries and in ensuring that needs are met on arrival in St Matthew’s. Where there are specific needs, St Matthew’s support staff play an important role in transition reviews.

External links


Coordinates: 55°38′29″N 4°47′22″W / 55.6414°N 4.7895°W