St. Quentin (Pontormo)

St. Quentin
Artist Jacopo Pontormo
Year 1517
Type oil on canvas
Dimensions 150 cm × 100 cm (59 in × 39 in)
Location Pinacoteca Comunale, Sansepolcro

St. Quentin is a painting attributed to the Italian Renaissance master Jacopo Pontormo. According to Giorgio Vasari's Vite, one of Pontormo's pupils, Gianmaria Pichi, was commissioned by his hometown of Sansepolcro a processional standard with the figure of St. Quentin; Pontormo decided to collaborate on the work, at the extent that he finished to complete most of it. The saint's posture resembles that of the "Dying Slave" by Michelangelo: the fact that Pontormo was friend of the latter, confirms the attribution.

The position of the nails in St. Quentin's body is directly inspired to Jacopo da Varagine's Legenda Aurea.
