St. Michael School Malta

St. Michael School is a Catholic Secondary School in Malta run by the Society of Christian Doctrine, (M.U.S.E.U.M.). The school caters for boys between the ages of 11 and 16. About 340 students from various towns and villages all over Malta attend the school. There are 15 classes in all, 3 classes of each form. Till 2010, for a student to begin attending this school in Form 1 it was necessary for him to sit for the Common Entrance (11+) examination.


6 December 1944 - Anthony Aguis, an Engine Fitter at the Malta Dry Docks discussed with a number of SDC Members the possibility of starting a Dockyard School.

4 November 1946 - Encouraged by George Preca, Founder of the Society of Christian Doctrine, and supported mainly by the Assistant to the General Superior Carmel Callus, Anthony Aguis greeted the first students who were to start their studies at the new St Michael School which at that time was situated in Villa Violette, Marsa.

19 March 1951 - The foundations of the new school were laid in the new land that was bought on the outskirts of St Venera. Architect Joseph D’Amato was commissioned to prepare the necessary building plans while the execution of the whole project was entrusted to Joseph Sultana.

8 May 1951 - George Preca blessed the foundation stone of the new school in the presence of the major superiors of the Society of Christian Doctrine.

May 1951 - The students from Villa Violette were invited to call at the new premises to witness for themselves the advanced work on their new school.

9 August 1951 - Archbishop Msgr Michael Gonzi blessed the first stone of the new school. This official ceremony was also attended by the highest civil authority including the then Prim Minister Dr George Borg Olivier.

September 1953 - A scene depicting the students during their break hour. The work on the building site was still in progress.

1 September 1977 - The Society of Christian Doctrine established a Board of Directors to help Agius in the school running and administration.

29 March 1989 - Anthony Aguis, founder of St Michael School died at St Luke’s hospital.

31 March 1989 - The funeral of A. Aguis was held in the Auditorium at the Central House of the Society in Blata l-Bajda.

16 August 1990 - Start of the new extension of new classrooms, laboratories, a chapel and a large spacious hall on the second floor and a fully fledged new gymnasium on the side of the existing wing.

15 November 1996 - Archbishop of Malta Msgr Joseph Mercieca, blessed the new extension and concelebrated a thanksgiving Mass coinciding with the 50th Anniversary of St Michael School.

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