St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Colombo

St. Andrew's Scots Kirk, was founded in the late 19th century, and prospered during the colonial and post-colonial periods, it was a center for the Scots element in Colombo, the capital city of what was then Ceylon. With social change in Sri Lanka in the late 20th century, the congregation dwindled, but the church has found a new niche as a Christian place of worship that is "international, interdenominational and open to all". The congregation is now a mixture of Sri Lankans, expatriates and international visitors, and maintains an English-speaking Protestant form of worship and a keen interest in Christian social service in the midst of a largely non-Christian society. It maintained the label "Presbyterian" during a long period of independence, the former Presbytery of Ceylon having dissolved decades ago, but it is now associated with the Presbytery of Europe in the Church of Scotland. St. Andrew's occupies a venerable stone building at 73 Galle Road, in the historic center of Colombo.

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