Stéblová train disaster

Stéblová train disaster
Date 14 November 1960
Location Stéblová
Coordinates 50°05′21″N 15°45′03″E / 50.08917°N 15.75083°ECoordinates: 50°05′21″N 15°45′03″E / 50.08917°N 15.75083°E
Country Czechoslovakia
Operator Czechoslovak State Railways
Type of incident Collision
Trains 2
Deaths 118
Injuries 110
Route map
Accident location in Czechoslovakia

The Stéblová train disaster was a railway accident that occurred on 14 November 1960 at 17:42 CET at single-track railway in Stéblová in Eastern Bohemia, Czechoslovakia (now the Czech Republic). A passenger steam train 608 at speed 55 km/h abreast collided with a diesel railcar 653 at speed 60 km/h. 118 people died as a result of the accident and 110 were injured badly.[1][2]


The personal train 608 drove from Liberec via Hradec Králové to the Pardubice. It was hauled by the steam locomotive type 354.7128 from the engine house Hradec Králové operated by the train driver and assistant/fireman. Behind the locomotive, there following: post car type F 9-2236, freight car type Ztr 1-36700, personal car Bi 3-3323, service car Dd 7-2286 a next eight personal cars. The train crew was composed of head guard, senior conductor, junior conductor and train attendant. The personal train 653 drove from Pardubice to the Hradec Králové at distance 22 kilometers. It was composed of the diesel railcar M 131.1272, four personal cars (Blm 5-2338, Blm 5-2333, BDlm 6-6890, BDlm 6-6899) and another diesel railcar M 131.1327 at the train end. The machine crew was composed of two train driver, the train was accompanied by the head guard and conductor. According train diagram, both trains should pass in the Stéblová station, which has three tracks. At that time, the station was secured by the mechanical equipment with central interlock and mechanical signals in both directions.

Disaster course

Events before disaster

The train 653 departured from Pardubice at 17:22 with 1 minute delay. The train 608 departured from Hradec Králové at 17:25 with 7 minutes delay. The Stéblová station dispatcher set the route for the train 608 to the track number 1 and appointed way for the train 653 to the track number 2; to the contrary on usually. The train 608 arrived at 17:40 to the Stéblová station. The station dispatcher leaved office, but after while he returned to set the route for the train 653. The switchman went away to changeover the switch number 4 for the future departure of the train 653 and also to lift crossing gates after train 608 passing. Meanwhile the station dispatcher confirmed by telephone to the station Čeperka (from which train 608 arrived) that the way is not occupied; next, he set the route for the train 653 arrival.

The exact course of the following events was never clearly explained. The weather was very foggy with visibility up 50 meters. The senior conductor get off from the rear car of the train 608, the same did the junior conductor from the middle car. The senior conductor reputedly saw green light close to the station office, which should mean signal "permission to the departure". He handed over that signal to the junior conductor and shouted "Get on, [station dispatcher] gives departure"; he asserted later that he saw only the flash of green light. Because of fog, he was not able to identify if the green light really came from station dispatcher; in fact, that person was in the office that time. Though the junior conductor personally did not see the green light, he passed the signal to the locomotive. Moreover, although the head guard personally did not see the green light, he accepted it as fact also. Indeed, some passengers later stated that they also saw the green light, but were not absolutely sure. The source of the green light (if any was) was never determined. It could come from junior conductor lantern, which was equipped with colour filters icluding gree one. The passenger with lantern, cyclist or some of switchmen (but they were not equipped by service lantern) were the less probable possibilities.

The train driver (although did not see the green light) after repeated shouting "departure" started the train. Just at the moment the fireman put coal into firebox and found low level of water, so he did not notice that the semaphore is in "stop" position, although the observation of it was his duty. Moreover, the head guard likewise overlooked that "stop" signal. Indeed, as he later mentioned, he remembered that his train 608 should pass with train 653 in the Stéblová station, as usually happens, but then he thought the passing was moved to the next station.

When the station dispatcher found that the train started to move, he rushed out of office and using lantern and whistling on two whistles gave signal "stop by all means". The duty of the senior conductor during departure was to observe signals eventually coming from the station, instead he begun to check tickets. One of the switchmen jumped on bicycle and unsuccessfully attempted to catch up the train. The station dispatcher tried to call to the 2 kilometers distant signal box to ask to stop the train 653. Unfortunately, the signalman was already out of the box to watch just coming train 653 and picked phone after train passed. Meanwhile the switchman from signal box in Stéblová informed station dispatcher that the train 608 passed leaving station area.


The collision between trains 608 and 653 happened on kilometer 8.055 at 17:42 (soume sources says at 17:44). The speed of the steam train 608 was about 55 km/h, train 653 about 60 km/h. Both drivers tried to slow in the loose, but it was too late.

The train 608 driver and fireman survived almost unhurt, because the locomotive construction, especially long boiler, saved them. The first car (post) was seriously damaged, but unrailed. Next car (freight) got jammed and demolished the post car in from of it. The third car (first passenger) was almost totally demolished by the fourth (service) car - there was higher number of victims from train 608. The fourth car was run up from behind by the fifth car. The remaining seven cars sustained minor or none damages.

The train 653 was afflicted much worse. Its first railcar was lifted on the train 608 steam locomotive head. The first passenger car run against steam locomotive side, next three passenger cars were crowded together on the first railcar and totally crushed. The rear railcar cut loose and stayed on the track.

In order to prevent a boiler explosion, the steam machine driver and fireman disposed hot coal and ashes from the firebox on the ground. It ignited diesel fuel outflowing from the first railcar and the destroyed train went into fire with four meters high flames.

Rescue operation

The rescue operation started about 18:00. The medical teams from Pardubice and Hradec Králové, members of police (then called Public Security), soldiers from the close military school and lokal citizens. The field first aid post was set up, ambulances transported injured persons to hospitals in Pardubice and Hradec Králové and the operations were run even in maternity home. The special accident trains equipped by cranes were sent on the place to deal with the wreckages.

The most of survived were set free before 20:00, the last live person was found under wreckage about 23:00, but died during transportation. The disaster remains and debris were removed next day, i.e. 15 November 1960 about 11:30, on the 12:30 the first scheduled train went through. Together 5 fast, 21 passenger and 21 freight trains were cancelled.

The total account was 118 killed and 110 seriously injured (according some sources 110 and 106). It was not possible to identify some victims and on contrary bodies of three were not found. The damage property cost was about 477,000 Kčs (Czechoslovak crowns - country average month income was 1,303 Kčs in 1960).


Court trial

The disaster clarifying begun immediately in the night. The government investigation commission was created, which published the final report on 30 November 1960. In general, it stated flagrant violation of railway transportation elementary rules. The trials took place at the Regional Court in Hradec Králové from 8 to 11 February 1961. Verdict of the train 608 crew was following:

All the convicts were additionally forbidden from the profession for several years.


The official bullletin was issued on 15 November 1960 by Czechoslovak Press Agency, which was printed by the Rudé právo (Communist Party of the Czechoslovakia central newspaper) next day. The bulletin published number of victims, mentioned politicians which visited disaster place and informed about government investigation commission creating. The commission report summarising investigation results was published in Rudé právo on 14 February 1961 together with short information about trial which was concluded day before.


The cross was erected on the place of disaster; it was replaced about 80 meters away in 1967 and enclosed by low grille fence. On the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the disaster in 2000 a memorial ceremony was held in which the municipal office in Stéblová replace the cross (at that time considerably dilapidated and rusty) by the black granite plaque with appropriate inscription, inserted into the modified area.


  1. Haine, Edgar A. (June 1994). Railroad Wrecks. Cornwall Books. p. 235. ISBN 0-8453-4844-2.
  2. "110 DEAD IN CRASH OF 2 CZECH TRAINS; 106 Are Injured Seriously in Disaster 68 Miles East of Prague". The New York Times: 9. 16 November 1960. Retrieved 21 August 2008.