
Group of the Companies
Industry oil, gas, chemical, energy, etc.
Founded 1978
Headquarters Moscow, Russia
Key people
Tropin Sergei (Chairman of the Board)
Services design, supply, transportation, installation
Website www.en.statgk.ru

Spetstyazhavtotrа́ns (/spətstʌʒʌftəˈtrʌns/; Russian: Спецтяжавтотранс) is the first specialized enterprise in the USSR which was established in the 1970s for shipment of oversized heavy cargoes.

World transport record — October 28, 2013

This is a Russian group of companies that provides a full range of engineering services in the oil, gas, chemical, energy and other industries. Its short name is Spetstyazhavtotrans GC.


Stages of development

1986. Moscow. Transportation pedestal of monument to Lenin


The 1970s were the years of great construction in the USSR. This is the start of construction of dozens of major facilities of industrial and energy complex of the Soviet Union: Atommash, Kureiskaya, Sayano-Shushenskaya, Sakhalin and other HPP, NPP, oil and gas pipelines of Western Siberia, as well as first petrochemical plants.

And each of them needed transportation services for large-sized heavy cargoes and technological equipment with high unit capacity, which could not be delivered “in bulk” or in parts, followed by installation on site.[3]

The problem was so tangible that for its study in 1974 the State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR created the Temporary Scientific and Technical Committee to prepare proposals to ensure the transportation of oversized energy and industrial equipment of a large mass. The committee investigated comprehensively the transportation problems of oversized cargoes of a large mass (OCLM). The Committee’s proposals were reflected in the resolution of the State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated 24.11.76 “On ensuring the transportation of large-sized and heavy energy and other industrial equipment and the development of related research and development work” and “Guidelines for the research and design work to ensure the transportation of the energy and other industrial equipment”. These documents stated the main problems of research and development work, as well as measures to satisfy the needs of the national economy in the equipment transportation, including the search for new technical and organizational solutions.[3]

In May of the same year in Gorky a specialized convoy to transport large-sized heavy cargoes was formed - Gorky company for transportation of large-sized heavy cargoes SPETSTYAZHAVTOTRANS convoy.[3]

On April 6, 1978 the resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR No 262 “On measures to improve the organization of transportation of large-sized and heavy cargoes” [1] was made. Among the series of measures, the establishment of a specialized research and production association (SRPA) “Spetstyazhavtotrans” was indicated. From this moment the oversized cargoes transportation in the country has reached a new level and began to develop actively. For several years in the Soviet Union a clear and effective system of heavy traffic, which functioned until the perestroika era, was created.[3]

By the early 90s “Spetstyazhavtotrans” was no longer a convoy but a powerful research and production association, which share, according to some estimates, accounted for over 60% of all transportation of oversized cargoes of a large mass in the country. It consisted of five major trucking companies in Novgorod, Leningrad, Moscow and Astrakhan, with branches in other cities. The base areas were formed in Siberia, where there were constant transportations – Surgut, Noyabrsk, Nizhnevartovsk and others.[3]

The main outcome of several years of work of “Spetstyazhavtotrans” SRPA was the creation of the unified system of transportation of oversized cargoes of a large mass, its organizational, regulatory and technological foundations in the country. Each of the documents, whether the maintenance provision, calculation methods, safety instructions, typological scheme, – was the result of careful and responsible study of transportation practice, potential of technology, a comprehensive assessment of the actual working conditions of transport workers. Search for the best ways and technologies for the transportation of cargoes, careful preparation of projects and high professionalism of performers became the basic principle of those dealing with large-sized cargo. Their work has established itself as a separate transport activities that are inseparable range of engineering services.[3]

Significant contribution to the organization, creation and development of techniques and technology of transportation of oversized cargoes was made by A.M. Lyovushkin, L.Y. Byzer, V.S. Molyarchuk, V.N. Androsyuk, A.G. Alexandrov, A.S. Diamidov, N.A. Troitskaya, V.A. Alexandrov, V.P. Safronov, L.M. Moshek, A.A. Lvov, A.Ya. Kogan, P.A. Shpolyansky, R.A. Atanasyan and many others.[3]

Foundations were created. Integrated development program of oversized transportation determined prospects until 2000. A further technical and organizational development of the system, with optimal dislocation of transport organizations in the country, with machinery and research support were expected.

Perestroika era

By the end of the 90s the unified and harmonious centralized system of transportation of heavy oversized cargoes in the country inevitably crumbled to pieces. Since 1991 branches began to separate and acquire independence. Due to chronic non-payment of customers, production sites in Siberia and other regions were closed. The Nizhny Novgorod company changed administrative leadership, the corporatization was held. There became less and less work in the enterprise, wages were held back. Machinery were actively sold off, equipment was sometimes just given up in the scrap. Everything that was going on more often reminded the bankruptcy scenario, traditional in those years in many industrial enterprises in Russia. Not only domestic “players” were interested in the Russian market of heavy traffic. Foreign transport and engineering companies began actively working in the country.

New post-perestroika history of “Spetstyazhavtotrans” began in the early 2000s, when, after a long “stagnation” in Nizhny Novgorod a young and successful company of Gorky car factory dealers came, and its leaders were Sergey L. Tropin, Kazimagomed T. Tagirov, Igor V. Merkulov. “Spetstyazhavtotrans” in Nizhny Novgorod found new owners and new leadership. They were not afraid of competition, they perfectly orientated in market conditions, which, unlike the Soviet centralized system, required initiatives, active search for customers, more complex procedures for approvals.

The realization that successful work requires restoration of the scientific and exploration capacities came. Relying on professionals, the best experts, talented engineers, designers and planners were attracted into the team. “EDO “Spetstyazhproekt” LLC was actually re-created, and in 2008 –“NefteGazEnergoStroy Engineering” (“NGES Engineering” LLC), at the same time the group of companies included “Polynom” LLC. A new production and scientific structure, which not only provided high quality of engineering support of transportation, but also raised the level of activity of the group of companies to design of facilities of chemical and petrochemical industries was forming.

Significant transportation

The company today

In 2013, the group of companies “Spetstyazhavtotrans” became the world record holder for “Road transportation of the heaviest cargo (hydrocracking reactor) at the farthest distance of 203 kilometers from the village of Kubekovo Krasnoyarsk Territory to Achinsk Refinery[13]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Resolutions of CM USSR from No 2 to No 374 dated January 3 – May 18, 1978
  2. Long-term comprehensive development program of KTO transportation for the period of 1981-2000. - Moscow: Spetstyazhavtotrans, 1980
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 Diamidov А. S. Development of transportation of oversized cargoes of a large mass // Outcome of science and tech. VINITI. Ser. The interaction of different types of transport and container shipment. – 1992. – 16. – p. 1-164.
  4. Ministry of Transport of the RSFSR //Order dated April 15, 1991 No 10 – On the disposal and management of state property of Sovtransavto, Sovinteravtoservice, Spetstyazhavtotrans and NIIT
  5. IX All-Russian competition for the best design organization on the results of 2012
  6. Prikumsky plastics factory
  7. Diamidov А. S. Improving transportation of large-sized equipment // Erecting and special work in construction.— 1980.— No 5.
  8. Knyazev А. N. Transportation of research vessel а / CBNTI of Minavtotrans of the RSFSR.— Мoscow,— 1989
  9. Alexandrov А. G., Byzer L. Ya., Diamidov А. S. Transportation of large-sized devices // and special work in construction.— 1984.— No 1.
  10. Diamidov А. S., Pavlov V. V., Troitskaya N. А. Creating an organizational framework of the transport system for the transportation of KTG / CBNTI of Minavtotrans of the RSFSR.— Moscow,— 1989.
  11. News Russia -1 Tatarstan
  12. News Vesti dated 10.10.2012
  13. “AGENCY PARI” LLC // World transport record

External links