Species (alien species)

The "Species" in the movie Species is an unnamed, aggressive alien species intent on spreading itself throughout the universe by infiltrating and annihilating the intelligent populations of other planets. It is capable of rapid growth and can bond its own DNA to that of other creatures of methods. They are apparently inspired by the mythological succubus and incubus, who were demons who seduced their victims to have sexual intercourse with them.


In Species II a professor named Herman Cromwell, played by Peter Boyle, claims that the original species originated in the Large Magellanic Cloud (called the Magellanic Galaxy), the only other place in the universe where Carbon-based life had apparently been discovered. It is also stipulated that they were a "cancerous" race that visited Mars millions of years ago when its surface was similar to that of Earth, and annihilated all life on its surface before leaving a remnant of DNA in its soil, in case something from another planet came to visit so that their species could continue to infect other planets in a similar manner.

Mankind's first interaction with this particular species occurred in 1994 when the SETI (Search for Extra-Terrestrial Life) project received a pair of messages from outer space. The first message contained a more efficient use of methane, while the second contained a DNA sequence along with directions on how to mix it with Human DNA. As the first message was seen as friendly contact, scientists went ahead and performed the fusion. Three living organisms were created, two of which were put into frozen stasis in liquid nitrogen, while the third was allowed to grow under the nickname "Sil".

Physical appearance and growth

The Species appear to bipedal (humanoid) forms excepted Patrick Ross, a male of the species in Species 2. Patrick Ross has two type of alien form.[1] He also basically is bipedal form for mating with female, but he can transform quadrupedal form for fight. Both genders of the Species have skeletal bodies with proportionally smaller heads to their bodies, mouths having two hair-like mandibles and tentacle-like hair. Both genders have the ability to shape shift between human and natural forms (although both always do so when they are naked) and also exhibit a limited ability to morph their alien forms for the purpose of adaptation to given situations. Females have breast tentacles, are able to manipulate their "hair", and can use retractable spikes on their backs in combat. Males are also able to expose tentacle for the purpose of getting pregnant (In Species 2, a male splits his head in two, thus forming a dual-headed form and exposing a long tentacle from between their "heads" killing). However, it is unknown whether the Species is patriarchal or matriarchal within its own social circles as a population of sufficient size has never been observed in the movies.

Most of the members of the Species seen are actually mutations from humans, but a pure form is seen in the first film. It takes on the form of a blob-like, tentacled monster with a long mouth-like appendage that lashed out at whatever was nearby and grew so fast that it would double in size in a matter of seconds. After a little over two minutes of life, it was killed by immolation.

In the film novelization of Species, the "pure" creature was actually a hybrid between the alien DNA and the DNA of a bat. This was done so that the creature would know no better than to use its natural free form instead of shielding itself behind a camouflage.

The most prominent example of a mutation induced by the species was that of "Sil". Sil grew into a visible fetus in a single day and then into a young girl on the verge of puberty in a few months. She exhibited great speed and strength, but also suffered from terrible nightmares brought on by her alien DNA. Sil later claims that she thinks the nightmares "Tell me who I am".

While on the run, Sil pupates by forming a cocoon of maroon-colored flesh. She was horrified by this development and the process appears to be very painful. After a few hours, she emerged as a fully-grown adult. When Sil finished pupation she is completely naked, the reason for which is unknown but it is possible that her clothes were destroyed by the cocoon or she removed the clothes during the process (although if the later theory is correct it is unknown why).

While still somewhat shy and uneasy, Sil is able to quickly adapt to her surroundings, showing an incredible cunning as she blends into society. Pretty soon, her alien libido takes over and she attempts to mate while in a state of almost constant fertility (She seems to menstruate once). During this time, she demonstrates a strong animalistic survival instinct, regeneration abilities, and an ability to sense genetic flaws in potential mates. She also kills without remorse when she feels threatened.

Her alien form is chitinous and reptilian. Her hair has been replaced with tentacles which are slicked back and her teeth are sharp. Her breasts, rather than storing fat or mammary glands, instead store tentacles which come out of her nipples, serving both as a weapon and as a function in a mating ritual (As shown in the second film). This form seems capable of holding its breath underwater for an extended period.

Her son shows some different traits and, after being born less than an hour after conception, grows at an incredible rate, limbs and spine seeming to grow too fast for his skin to keep up.

In Species 2 (as well as the Dark Horse Comics series Species: Human Race), which has a man infected by alien DNA engaging in sexual intercourse with human women results in the women undergoing accelerated pregnancies and dying after they give birth to hybrid children. According to the comic series, second-generation hybrids develop much faster than the first-generation members. It is also expressed how the male members of the alien species seem more dangerous than the females, as they're able to produce offspring much faster.


In the movie's novelization it is mentioned that the signal that came to Earth was transmitted through several Black Holes which served to hide its point of origin.

It is unknown what level of technological achievement "The Species" are currently at. However, their mentioned mastery of black holes is a testament to their achievements. In the canon versions of both movies and their novelizations, the Species have not been shown to have space travel capabilities; although, in a rejected Species II script, a space faring vehicle of some kind belonging to the original alien race is mentioned.

In the movie novelization of Species II, the Species had once established a colony on Mars and consumed all of the planet's natural resources before moving on. It is unknown how they got to Mars and there is no mention of space travel. However, a character speculates that the Species could be literally billions of years old. Their capabilities remain unknown but the human hybrids show an ability to learn and absorb information extremely fast and put that knowledge to practical use.


  1. "CINEFANTASTIQUE" 30 (1). CINEFANTASTIQUE http://www.littlegiger.com. May 1998.