Special Execution Agency

Found only in the PlayStation 2 game, Spy Fiction, the S.E.A. acts like any other intelligence agency: gathering information, conducting covert operations, enlisting special agents, etc. The S.E.A. in Spy Fiction conducts operations against NanotechDyne. Inc. and primarily against the international terrorist organization, Enigma.

Inter-Agency Relations

Throughout Spy Fiction the S.E.A. constantly works with other organizations within the United States Government. Particularly, in Case06, the CIA launches F-117 fighter jets to bomb the biochemical plant in southern Colombia. In Case09, Delta Force is called in for back up in bringing down Enigma at Wolfgang Castle.


Like any organization, the S.E.A. is divided into departments. The prime department in Spy Fiction is the Phantom team. These elite, high-tech spies conduct the primary work of the S.E.A.

Known Members
