Soyuz TMA-19M

Soyuz TMA-19M
Operator Roskosmos
Spacecraft properties
Spacecraft type Soyuz-TMA 11F747
Manufacturer RKK Energia
Crew size 3
Members Yuri Malenchenko
Timothy Peake
Timothy Kopra
Start of mission
Launch date November 2015
Rocket Soyuz-FG
Orbital parameters
Reference system Geocentric
Regime Low Earth
Docking with ISS

Soyuz programme
(Manned missions)
 Soyuz TMA-18M Soyuz MS-01

Soyuz TMA-19M is a Soyuz spaceflight planned for November 2015. It will transport three members of the Expedition 46 crew to the International Space Station. TMA-19M will be the 128th flight of a Soyuz spacecraft; the first occurred in 1967. The crew will consist of a Russian commander accompanied by American and British astronauts.


Position[1] Crew Member
Commander Yuri Malenchenko, RSA
Expedition 46
Sixth spaceflight
Flight Engineer 1 Timothy Peake, ESA
Expedition 46
First spaceflight
Flight Engineer 2 Timothy Kopra, NASA
Expedition 46
Second spaceflight

Backup crew

Position[2] Crew Member
Commander Anatoli Ivanishin, RSA
Flight Engineer 1 Takuya Onishi, JAXA
Flight Engineer 2 Kathleen Rubins, NASA


  1. Планируемые полёты (in Russian). Retrieved 2012-09-04.
  2. (2013). "Орбитальные полёты".