Southeastern Film Critics Association Award for Best Foreign Language Film

The Southeastern Film Critics Association Award for Best Foreign Language Film is one of the annual film awards given by the Southeastern Film Critics Association.



Year Winner Country Director(s)
1997 Shall We Dance? (Shall we dansu?) Japan Masayuki Suo
1998 Life Is Beautiful (La vita è bella) Italy Roberto Benigni
1999 Run Lola Run (Lola rennt) Germany Tom Tykwer


Year Winner Country Director(s)
2000 Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long) Taiwan Ang Lee
2001 Amélie (Le fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain) France Jean-Pierre Jeunet
2002 And Your Mother Too (Y tu mamá también) Mexico Alfonso Cuarón
2003 City of God (Cidade de Deus) Brazil Fernando Meirelles
2004 Maria Full of Grace (Maria, llena eres de gracia) ColombiaJoshua Marston
2005 Hidden (Caché) France Michael Haneke
2006 Pan's Labyrinth (El laberinto del fauno) Spain Guillermo Del Toro
2007 The Diving Bell and the Butterfly (Le scaphandre et le papillon) France Julian Schnabel
2008 Let the Right One In (Låt den rätte komma in) Sweden Tomas Alfredson
2009 Summer Hours (L'Heure d'été) France Olivier Assayas


Year Winner Country Director(s)
2010 Mother (Madeo) South Korea Bong Joon-ho
2011 A Separation (Jodái-e Náder az Simin) Iran Asghar Farhadi
2012 The Intouchables France Olivier Nakache, Éric Toledano
2013 The Hunt Denmark Thomas Vinterberg
2014 Force Majeure Sweden Ruben Östlund