Soundscapes by Robert Fripp

Soundscapes by Robert Fripp is a musical style developed by guitarist Robert Fripp, involving the use of audio loops created and modified by a specific set of digital music synthesizers and digital audio processing devices. It is separate from the soundscape concept utilized by various avant-garde composers.


In the late 1970s, Robert Fripp worked with a technique termed "Frippertronics", in solo performances featuring audio loops created with electric guitar and interconnected tape recorders.


In the 1990s Fripp revamped the "Frippertronics" system by incorporating digital electronics in lieu of tape recorders and effects pedals, renaming it "Soundscapes".


The new digital technology included digital delay devices, digital audio processors, and guitar synthesizers.

The audio flow would typically be:


Fripp states on the Discipline Global Mobile web site that "Soundscapes": "has the aim of finding ways in which intelligence and music, definition and discovery, courtesy and reciprocation may enter into the act of music for both musician and audience".

Because Fripp has also stated that the intent is for active listening by the audience, it can be argued that "Soundscapes" may not be considered as a type of ambient music, as it is sometimes described.

The performances are improvised; they can be quite loud, lengthy, dramatic, soothing, eerie, and possibly alarming. Because "Soundscapes" are often held as part of a rock concert, they can prove somewhat taxing on an unprepared audience.

Another common Fripp quote regarding "Soundscapes" is: "this remains the best way I know of making a lot of noise with one guitar".


Fripp has performed "Soundscapes" in several situations:


Fripp has featured "Soundscapes" on various King Crimson albums.

He has also released pure "Soundscape" recordings as well:


On May 4, 2006, Steve Ball invited Robert Fripp back to the Microsoft campus for a second full day of work on Windows Vista following up on his first visit in the Fall of 2005.

On October 21, 2006, Fripp was in Seattle, Washington doing recordings of Soundscapes for Microsoft to be used in sound themes by the Windows Vista operating system.