Sotiris Kakisis

Sotiris Kakisis (Greek: Σωτήρης Κακίσης; born 1954, Athens) is a contemporary Greek poet. He is also a prolific translator, most notably of Ancient Greek lyric poetry (Alcaeus, Alcman, Sappho etc.). He has had a long career in journalism, excelling as an interviewer, has written song lyrics, and has scripted several films, notably director Giorgos Panousopoulos' "Love Me Not?" and "Athens Blues".[1] His adaptations of Euripides' "Medea" and Herondas' "Mimiamboi" have been stage-produced by the State Theater of Norway and the Greek National Theater, respectively. He was also a water polo goalkeeper for the Nautical Club of Vouliagmeni.


  1. Sotiris Kakisis, For Me, La Callas, translated by David Connoly
  2. Sotiris Kakisis: The poet who loves Water Polo

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