Sophia Danenberg

Sophia Danenberg (born 1972) is an American mountain climber best known as the first African American and the first black woman to climb to the summit of Mount Everest, the world's tallest mountain. She is biracial, with her father black and her mother Japanese.


Mount Everest

At 7 a.m. on May 19, 2006, Danenberg reached the top of Mount Everest. Withstanding bad weather during the night that delayed some other climbers in her party, Pa Nuru Sherpa and his brother Mingma Tshiring were the only climbers to witness the event. At the time, Danenberg was suffering from bronchitis, a stuffed nose, frostbite on her cheeks, and a clogged oxygen mask.

Since 1953, approximately 2,500 people have reached the summit. The first person of African descent to have done so was South African Sibusiso Vilane in 2003.


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