Sons of Divine Providence

The Sons of Divine Providence (FDP; Figli della Divina Provvidenza), or the Orionine Fathers, is a Roman Catholic organization founded in 1893 by Saint Luigi Orione (1872–1940) in Turin, Italy. It is dedicated to helping the poor and is currently active in 23 nations.

Saint Luigi Orione's motto, and that of the FDP, is: "Fare del bene a tutti, fare del bene sempre, del male mai a nessuno." ("Do good to all, help everyone, harm no one.")

Currently, the Sons of Divine Providence number 1023: three bishops, 728 priests, 82 brothers, and eight monks. In formation there are 201 clerics and 19 brothers of temporary vows, and 45 novices. The FDP have centers in 296 localities in 28 nations. In the United States, the headquarters of the congregation is at the National Shrine of the Madonna, located on a historic hill in East Boston, Massachusetts, known as Orient Heights.

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