Somali Exiled Journalists Association

Somali Exiled Journalists Association (SEJA) is Press Freedom organization established at abroad countries to bring awareness and hope to the journalism professionals fleeing from war-torn Somalia. Journalists in Somalia are among those journalists in the world who have been damaged during the latest implications between Islamic Courts Union and the Ethiopian troops.

According to the Reporters without Borders, journalists in Somalia got fed up with lack of collaboration with the parts concerned whereby all the parts running the civil-war have endorsed to hunt journalists. The most fatal actions occur at the front-lines of the battlefields were audience interest to hear from. Somali journalists also met with problems of the political functions who normally call them and kill the journalists on his way to reach a press conference. Al-Shabaab Al-Mujaahediin have been blamed to have used such tactics during its war in Mogadishu. Al-Shabaab was said to be a terrible terrorist movement against the western influence and mostly depend on Al-Qaeda and Taliban styles. It carried on a major undemocratic rulings on the brooadcast journalism in Somalia central and southern regions. Over 20 years of war, the only sectors in Somali that have been on the move was the telecommunication and journalism industries because the both parts have been liked and interested by both the businessmen and the civilians in the country. While the parents did not had the communication with their evacuated children it was the telecommunication industry that has begun to dominate markets as well as journalism personnel that has imported very good radio transmission systems so that the people under remote areas listen to the news of war or any development reached by Somali warlords.

The FM stations in the city have promoted the lifestyle of the new Somali generation. Radios also later accompanied by televisions those have then been needed for advertising industry. While all these developments were happening the Somali people still waited a central government to come to their country and take over the responsibility of the Somali territory.

Somali Exiled Journalists Association (SEJA) have released information on their self-imposed exile as numerous groups already found themselves in the struggle to find a good organization to stand in their name. Respectful reporters, radio and television presenters, writers groups, media owners, communication professional and non-professionals, academic public relations, advertising and marketing personalities are all under the union. The union helps its members among life-threatening difficulties. The union structure also create an environment of maintaining development and having capacity to return to the mother country and further modernize the job. Somali Exiled Journalists Association (SEJA) operated since its foundation at overseas on February 2006; when media facilities were raided and closed down as top managing journalists killed there. Somali Exiled Journalists Association (SEJA) also collaborate with the Newly Launched Federation of Somali Journalistss (FESOJ). after the National Union of Somali Jourlanists Organization led by Omar Faruk ignored to takecare of the exiled Somali journalists.