Solar Physics Division

The Solar Physics Division of the American Astronomical Society (AAS/SPD) or (AAS-SPD), often referred to as simply the "Solar Physics Division" (SPD), is the primary trade organization of solar physicists in the U.S. It exists for the advancement of the study of the Sun and to coordinate of such research with other branches of science. SPD organizes meetings and certain solar physics specific prizes, occasionally advocates for solar physics in the political arena, and promotes outreach via formal and informal educational projects.

One contest the division holds is the Poster Contest. According to USC News, contestants are "judged on readability, flow, quality of appearance and proportion of independent work done by the student. Judges also took into account the oral presentation by the student, how well the conclusions lined up with the aim or purpose and the overall quality of the work."[1] One award the division gives out is the Hale Prize.[2]


  1. Johnson, Pamela (30 July 2014). "Solar physicist’s Mount Wilson work shines brightly". USC News. Retrieved 8 February 2015.
  2. Boswell, Evelyn (17 January 2013). "Canfield wins major solar physics award". Montana State University. MSU News Service. Retrieved 8 February 2015.

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