Software business community
The software business community (SWBC) is a non-profit community web site that aims to promote the cooperation of researchers, managers, practitioners and end-users in the software business. The site has its roots in the Software Business Foundations (SBF) project of Helsinki's university of technology
About the Software business community
The mission of the Software Business Community is to be an essential source of information about all aspects of the software business, with information available at no cost, and from all points of view, built by its users. The Software Business Community concept and web site have been under development since January 2008. The Community was made public on the Internet in June 2008. The governance policies of the site are set by its editorial board. Recruiting the approximately six-person board is ongoing. It will have geographical and disciplinary diversity in mind, with members chosen to be both well respected as well as knowledgeable and experienced in the field of software business..
- to promote cooperation between researchers, managers, practitioners and end-users in the software business.
- to create a body of knowledge about software business in an encyclopedia ( a wiki)
- to collaboratively write a peer-reviewed book on software business, authored by members of the community
The copyright policies of the encyclopedia and book are designed to encourage a free exchange of knowledge while affording due recognition to contributors.
Notable members
- One of the founding members of the software business community is Prof. David Messerschmitt, of the University of California, Berkeley, who was honored with the IEEE Alexander Graham Bell Medal in 1999.
- One of the members of the editorial board at the software business community is Pekka Abrahamsson . He received the 2007 Nokia Foundation Award for achievements in software research .
Sponsoring organizations
The software business community is currently supported by industrial and academic partners:
Industry partners
- F-Secure Corporation
- Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation
- Ixonos Plc
- Nexit Ventures Ltd
- Proha Plc
- Ravensoft Ltd
- Tekla Corporation
Academic partners
- Fisher Information Technology Center, U. C. Berkeley
In addition, other organizations are involved in creating content for the site.