Soda Drinker Pro

Soda Drinker Pro is a video game that simulates the act of drinking soda. The game was written by Will Brierly. Soda Drinker Pro was developed over the course of one day in 2008.


The player uses the WASD controls to walk around the soda drinking simulation. The mouse is used to look around the simulation. The left mouse button places the soda onto the players mouth, while the right mouse button sips the soda. The soda has to be at the players mouth for the soda to be sipped. There is a soda meter in the upper left hand corner of the game that measures the amount of soda left in the players cup. Once the player has successfully completed drinking the soda they can then move to the next simulation. Throughout the environments, there are "Bonus Sodas" which can be collected.[1][2][3][4]

On Steam Greenlight

Soda Drinker Pro was posted to Steam Greenlight in March 2013.[5]

Vivian Clark

Soda Drinker Pro contains a secret game titled Vivian Clark that can be accessed during gameplay by standing next to a particular rock for over thirty seconds.[6][7] Vivian Clark has been compared to Wario Wares, LSD, Lucid Dream Simulator and other abstract games.[8]


Too Immersive

In the early builds of the game using the Oculus Rift, play testers were inadvertently trying to drink the screens of their PC monitors.[9] Creator Will Brierly saw this as a potential financial risk for consumers, and added the mouse cursor to the game so players would know that it is only a simulation and not real life.[9]

The Scary Owl Incident

Will has been met with many angry letters from parents after including a scary owl on the game’s 9th level.[10] What many would consider a kid friendly game has been put into question by the owl’s inclusion. Will Brierly has gone on record regarding the owl saying:

Yeah it is very scary and I apologize for that. I get a lot of letters from parents saying that this is not appropriate for kids because it’s too scary. But, I think there are some things that people have to deal with in life and there’s scary owls as one of them.

—Will Brierly, podcast #174[10]


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