Society for Information Management

Society for Information Management
Motto Where IT Leaders Connect
Formation 1968
Type Professional association
Headquarters Mount Laurel, New Jersey
Official language
Chief Executive
Steve Hufford
  • Eric Gorham, Chair
  • Jim Knight, Chair Emeritus
  • Kevin More, Vice Chair
  • Caren Shiozaki, Treasurer/Secretary
  • Kevin Sauer, Director
  • Rick Pride, Director
  • Joel Schwalbe, Director
  • David Berndt, Director
Affiliations 34 chapters

Society for Information Management (SIM) is a professional organization of over 4,300[1] senior information technology (IT) executives, Chief Information Officers, prominent academicians, selected consultants, and other IT thought leaders built on the foundation of local chapters, who come together to share and enhance their intellectual capital for the benefit of its members and their organizations.

SIM's vision is to be recognized as the community that is most preferred by IT leaders for delivering vital knowledge that creates business value and enables personal development.[2]


Society for Information Management Logo (prior to 2014)
Society for the Management of Information Systems Logo (prior to 1982)

The idea of SIM began during a break session at the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) conference held in Las Vegas in August 1968.[3] A conversation between Robert Head with the Software Resource Group and Herb Schwartz with the United States Atomic Energy Commission ensued on how current professional societies did not emphasize the managerial aspects of computing enough nor did they serve as a good communication mechanism between data processing managers and executive managers. That conversation was the basis for the formation of The Society for Management Information Systems (SMIS) which in 1982 became the Society for Information Management.[4]

A founding committee was formed and the first meeting was held on November 22, 1968 at the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission in Washington D.C. The founders included Joseph P. Cunningham, Richard E. Dooley,[5][6] Dr. James C. Emory, Robert B. Forest, Robert V. Head, Dr. Alan J. Rowe, James G. Rude, M.H. Schwartz, Robert G. Stevens, W. Robert Widener and Robert K. Wilmouth.

The first (founding) conference titled "Bridging the Gap Between the Management Function and Information Technology" with 250 attendees was held at the University of Minnesota on September 8–9, 1969.

Current and Past Presidents or Chairs

1969 Robert V. Head
1970 Robert V. Head
1971 M.H Schwartz
1972 Dr. James C. Emery
1973 Richard E. Dooley
1974 Gerald M. Hoffman
1975 James G. Rude
1976 Dr. Daniel Teichroew
1977 Herbert Z. Halbrecht
1978 Reed Phillips

1979 Richard E. Mahin
1980 Dr. C.W. Getz
1981 Robert J. Jirout
1982 Frederick S. Haines
1983 Darwin A. John
1984 Dr. Robert A. Rouse
1985 Carl C. Williams
1986 Peter W.C. Mather
1987 Thomas E. Morin
1988 Paul Berger

1989 John M. Hammitt
1990 Larry Burdin
1991 John Owens
1992 Patricia Wallington
1993 Robert Rubin
1994 Warren Harkness
1995 Harvey Shrednick
1996 James Kinney[7]
1998 John Stevenson[8]

1999 June Drewry[9]
2000 June Drewry
2001 Raymond Hoving[10]
2002 Steve Finnerty[11]
2003 Ed Trainor[12]
2004 Nancy Markle[13]
2005 Dave Luce[14]
2006 Stephen Pickett[15]
2007 Jim Noble
2008 Bob Keefe[16]

2009 Peter Whatnell
2010 Patricia Coffey
2011 Patricia Coffey
2012 Jim Knight
2013 Jim Knight
2014 Eric Gorham



Practitioner: A senior-level IT professional in either a public or private sector organization meeting the following criteria:

Corporate/divisional head of a corporate or divisional IS organization: Member of an IS management staff supporting corporate/divisional IS heads with key management roles, as certified by the head of the organization.

Academic: A full-time university or college faculty member making a significant contribution to the IS field.

Consultant: Leaders at the partner/principal level who influence the direction of their own company or their clients’ companies, and who directly contribute to the IS profession.

Other leader: A non-IT executive such as vendor, recruiter or leader from another profession who has a major role in matters impacting strategic IT direction.

SIM adheres to a strict policy against marketing or commercial activity. Sales and marketing representatives are only accepted as members through the SIM Partner Program.


Organization Leadership

Strategic direction for SIM is provided by the Society’s elected Board of Directors with approval from the Chapter President’s Board.


Advanced Practices Council

Advanced Practices Council (APC) is a forum for senior IT executives who commission exclusive research and share cross-industry perspectives.[17] APC was founded in 1991 by Warren McFarlan of the Harvard Business School.[18]

Future Potential in IT

In 2005, the Society for Information Management (SIM) published a paper entitled “Trends and Implications for the IT Workforce”.[19] Academics engaged in teaching IT/IS courses all over the country were interviewed to gauge the current and future state of IT workforce development. One of the most startling conclusions, borne out by enrollment statistics at that time which have yet to improve markedly, was that enrollment in Technology programs in U.S. colleges and universities was falling at alarming rates. In some cases enrollment had declined as much as 75%. Some programs then and now have ceased to exist. The implication was that the U.S. was falling behind the rest of the world in developing a Technology workforce and would continue to do so, and has, unless something was done to reverse that trend.

Thus, the Future Potential in IT (FPIT) program was developed within SIM to educate college level students nn the value of pursuing a career in Information Technology. FPIT was originally developed in partnership with Microsoft, but they ceased their funding of the effort about 2007. So, for the last several years, with the encouragement of SIM International, the program has continued to be conducted on a regional basis by SIM chapters at area colleges and universities. As originally envisioned FPIT is a half-day program aimed at college students, conducted on college campuses. Chapters have had the freedom to design their local efforts according to the local situation but a typical program might consist of lunch (e.g. a pizza party), a keynote speaker, such as a CIO of a company which would be recognized by students (e.g. Dunkin Brands), but not necessarily associated by them with technology. The program might include a panel consisting of graduates of that institution that have gone on to successful careers in technology, complete with a “question and answer” period allowing the students the opportunity to quiz the panelists and other senior IT professionals in attendance about their career choices. Where such a program has been conducted it has been well received with students enthusiastically getting involved. At a recent event held at Northeastern University, all the seats were filled, and students filled the windowsills. Post-program, at every institution where a FPIT has been held, enrollments have increased.

While SIM and its Chapters continue to recognize the importance of a program the nature of FPIT they also came to recognize the need to engage students much earlier in their educational and career preparation careers and they began to participate and sponsor STEM initiatives across the K – College level spectrum. This has included multiple Chapter partnerships with YearUp, hundreds of thousands of dollars in college scholarships, and programs such as “IT for Girls”, “icStars”, “NCWIT Award for Aspirations in Computing”, “CyberGirlz Technology Camp”, and various other Teen Tech/Boot Camps, all designed to attract young people to the profession. Efforts to dispel the myth that all technology jobs have been outsourced and there are no longer viable careers in IT, that tech is for “geeks” or “nerds”, and to demonstrate that technology is not just something you can use, you can actually have a great career, making substantial earnings, in IT.

At its Chapter Leadership Summit, held this year (2012) in St. Louis, and attended by the top leaders from SIM Chapter across the country, a proposal was made and approved to expand the boundaries of the FPIT program to encompass all present STEM related initiatives and to serve as a vehicle to encourage the identification and exploration of such programs at the Chapter level. The goal is that such a collaboration on STEM initiatives will lead to the identification and adoption of STEM initiatives on a national level. Beyond that goal, we seek to involve SIM and its Chapters in both helping teachers to introduce Technology and IT as career choices and to influence the curriculum employed to prepare the next generations of IT workers for employment by SIM members.

While a recent analysis of existing SIM Chapter programs clearly shows that involvement in this effort is central to most Chapter Community Outreach programs, those programs will likely continue to support other philanthropic efforts, but support of STEM initiatives is expected to grow. This “transformed” Future Potential in IT program will help SIM to fulfill a key part of our mission, promotion of careers in IT, and will be in the best interests of our Association, our members and the companies that employ them. For that reason, discussions of STEM initiatives will be featured at SIMposium in Dallas this year, at SIMposium 2013 in Boston and beyond, as well as regional CIO forums.

Leadership Development Roundtable (LDR)

The Leadership Development Roundtable (LDR) is based on the very successful Regional Leadership Forum’s (RLF) learning model, which is highly participative and very open in its nature. It continues to address such items as integrity, leadership and results. Its objective is to provide a continuous learning experience for RLF graduates to pursue the development of their authentic, personal leadership style


SIMposium is SIM's annual practitioner-driven conference designed for and by CIOs. Working nationally with key senior IT executives, CIOs and recognized thought leaders, SIMposium addresses the topics, issues, best practices and trends that will give our audience the technology-related insight necessary to make the right decisions to impact their business strategies and future IT direction. From 1995 to 2002, SIMposium was called SIM Interchange Annual Conference.[20]

Past and Future SIMposium Host Cities

1969 Minneapolis, MN
1970 Washington, D.C.
1971 Denver, CO
1972 Montreal, Quebec
1973 Chicago, IL
1974 San Francisco, CA
1975 New York, NY
1976 Chicago, IL
1977 Los Angeles, CA
1978 Washington, D.C

1979 Minneapolis, MN
1980 Philadelphia, PA
1981 Denver, CO
1982 Chicago, IL
1983 San Diego, CA
1984 Chicago, IL
1985 Boston, MA
1986 Dallas, TX
1987 Seattle, WA
1988 Minneapolis, MN

1989 Atlanta, GA[21]
1990 New York, NY
1991 Chicago, IL[22]
1992 Los Angeles, CA
1993 Washington, D.C.[23]
1994 Salt Lake City, UT
1995 Boston, MA*
1996 San Francisco, CA
1997 Boston, MA
1998 Seattle, WA

1999 Atlanta, GA
2000 San Diego, CA
2001 Philadelphia, PA
2002 Salt Lake City, UT
2003 New York, NY
2004 Chicago, IL[24]
2005 Boston, MA
2006 Dallas, TX
2007 Memphis, TN
2008 Orlando, FL

2009 Seattle, WA
2010 Atlanta, GA
2011 Orlando, FL
2012 Dallas, TX
2013 Boston, MA
2014 Denver, CO
2015 Charlotte, NC

SIM Women

SIM Women is a network inside the Society for Information Management to promote communication, mentorship and career development amongst the female members.

In January 2007 SIM Women began a phased roll out starting with the New Jersey, NY Metro and Fairfield-Westchester chapters. In April 2007 the ladies of Philadelphia were added, and in February 2008 the ladies of Boston joined SIM Women as well. There was great participation from each new chapter. In May 2008 the ladies from Central CT and the DC/Capital area were added. In August 2008 the ladies of the Toronto and Raleigh chapters joined. In September 2008 the ladies of Tennessee, Central and South Florida chapters were asked to participate, and Atlanta and Alabama joined in October. In December 2008 the Wisconsin, Minnesota, St. Louis, and Northeast Ohio chapters were welcomed. In January 2009 ladies of Houston, Dallas-Fort Worth, and Indianapolis joined the ranks. Chicago and Detroit ladies joined in the Spring of 2009. SIM women continued to add chapters every month and covered every SIMI chapter by June 2009.[25]

To date SIM Women has held monthly conference calls and multiple successful networking events. SIM Women’s conference calls are typically the last Wednesday of the month at 3pm EST. Executive coaches, successful CIOs, and networking gurus are brought in to facilitate the calls and meetings. Topics covered included: Personal Branding, Peer Communication, Defining Your Personal Success, Internal Networking, Personal Accountability, Industry Visibility, and Mentoring Defined. SIM Women also rotates face-to-face networking events around the country.

As of December 2010, there are over 400 SIM members active in SIM Women. All SIM members can share knowledge, request help or brainstorm on issues important to them via our discussion board. Success stories can be shared by all involved. SIM Women is not separate organization, but a way to bring together the men and women of SIM to leverage common interests as well as differences. Founded and run by Kristen Lamoreaux, President of Lamoreaux Search LLC.[26]

Regional Leadership Forum (RLF)

Regional Leadership Forum

Regional Leadership Forum (RLF) is an intensive, ten-month leadership development program focused on creating authentic leaders. Since 1992 over 3000 graduates and more than 300 sponsors have found RLF the key to developing leadership effectiveness. RLF offers a curriculum of intense reading,[27] open exchanges on leadership practices, and interactive learning focusing on team-building, creative thinking and listening skills.

Founded by Richard Dooley, the first Regional Leadership Forum was held in Chicago in 1992 and was originally called the "SIM Chapter-Hosted Learning Forum".[28]

Local Chapters and Leadership

The strength of the SIM Organization is built around local its local Chapters.[29] There are currently 34 local chapters throughout the United States and Canada:

Alabama Chapter

Alabama Chapter Website Chartered in October 1987.

Arizona Chapter

Arizona Chapter Website Chartered in March 1986.

Austin Chapter

Austin Chapter Website Chartered in January 2012.

Atlanta Chapter

Atlanta Chapter Website. Chartered in October 1984. The Atlanta Chapter is hosting the 2010 SIMposium. The Atlanta Chapter's 2010 Golf Tournament raised over $40,000 to help TechBridge, a nonprofit dedicated to helping other nonprofits use technology to do more and reach more people.[30]

Boston Chapter

Boston Chapter Website. The geographic area of Boston Chapter members consists of Eastern and Central Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont and Rhode Island. The Boston Chapter of SIM was formed through the efforts of Dick Harris, John Dacey and Edgar Canty. In the Fall of 1976 Mr. Harris, who was then ClO at Colonial Gas, was at a meeting in Chicago at which SIM National (then called the Society for the Management of Information Systems - SMIS) was encouraging chapter formation. Harris obtained a listing of SIM members in the Boston area, and called Canty and Dacey to arrange an organizing meeting. The organizing meetings were held at Babson College through the Fall of 1976 and into the Spring of 1977 and, in addition to Harris, Canty and Dacey, involved Don Brown, Les Ball, Chris Bullen and Charles Hewitt.

The first Boston SIM meetings began in the Fall of 1977 with the meeting locations alternated between Babson College and the MIT Faculty Club. Dick Harris was the first Chapter Chairman, and Jerry Kanter was the first speaker. The Articles of Organization were submitted to the Massachusetts Secretary of State’s office in May, 1981, signed by Edgar Canty. The officers were Les Ball, President; Dave Callahan, Clerk; and Arthur Sarazini, Treasurer. Chapter Directors were Bill Synnott, John Dacey, Dick Harris and Dave Callahan. The Charter of Incorporation was received from national SMIS on June 18, 1981.

The Boston Chapter's programs include the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Sloan School CIO Symposium, The Leadership Development Roundtable, SIM Silver, Sharpen the Leadership Saw, CIO Roundtables in both the Providence, RI and greater Boston areas, a Practitioner's Roundtable, a Consultants Roundtable, a Help Desk Roundtable and two all day CIO Summits/Forums. It currently supports the following Outreach programs: Year Up, Teen Voices, Common Impact and Tech Boston.

Past and Current Presidents (Chair) of the Boston Chapter

Year President Year President Year President Year President Year President
1977 Dick Harris 1985 Bart Bolton 1993 Rick Swanborg 2001 Bill Grady 2009 Jo Hoppe
1978 Dick Harris 1986 Warren Harkness 1994 Stew Stokes 2002 Bob Barrett 2010 Bill Wellman
1979 John Dacey 1987 Brad Sweet 1995 Bill Fallon 2003 Dave Brown 2011 Kevin More
1980 Les Ball 1988 Irwin Abrams 1996 Charles Hewitt 2004 Pat Randall 2012 Michael Brooks
1981 Don Brown 1989 Jim Slusser 1997 Kavin Moody 2005 Pat Randall 2013 Tom Catalini
1982 Bill Synnott 1990 Paul Palmisciano 1998 Jim Fitchett 2006 Mike MacKenty 2014 Sara Morgan
1983 Eeve Arkush 1991 David Briggs 1999 Bill Wellman 2007 Mary Meadows
1984 Ralph Loftin 1992 Rick Swanborg 2000 Luke Chilone 2008 Jo Hoppe

Capital Area (Washington, D.C.) Chapter

Capital Area Website SIM's first chapter to be Chartered in May 1979.

Central California (Fresno) Chapter

Central California Chapter Website. The geographical scope of the Central California Chapter is primarily within the San Joaquin Valley – from Stockton, CA to Bakersfield, CA.

Central Connecticut Chapter

Central Connecticut Website Chartered in November 1984.

Central Florida Chapter

Central Florida Chapter Website

Charlotte Region

Charlotte Region Website

Chicago Chapter

Chicago Chapter Website Chartered in September 1979.

Colorado Chapter

Colorado Chapter Website Chartered in February 1988.

Dallas/Fort Worth Chapter

Dallas Fort Worth Chapter Website. Chartered in 1983. The IT Executive of the Year Award was created by the Dallas/Fort Worth Chapter in 1998. The DFW SIM Chapter played host chapter for SIMPosium in 1986, 2006, and will host again in 2012.

Detroit Chapter

Detroit Chapter Website Chartered in October 1987.

Fairfield/Westchester (Connecticut and New York) Chapter

Fairfield/Westchester Chapter Website. Chartered in 2000.[31]

Houston Chapter

Houstn Chapter Website

Indianapolis Chapter

Indianapolis Chapter Website Chartered in September 1986.

Las Vegas Chapter

Las Vegas Chapter Website Chartered in 2012.

Louisville Chapter

Chartered October 2014

Memphis Chapter

Memphis Chapter Website Chartered in October 1988.

Minnesota Chapter

Minnesota Chapter Website

The Minnesota Chapter strives to bring all the above benefits close to home. Through meetings and presentations by fellow top practitioners, industry leaders, and recognized experts in technology and management, the Minnesota Chapter strives to offer members an opportunity to establish peer contacts, share critical leadership issues, and discuss common concerns.[32] The result is access to both local and international perspectives, continuing professional development and an elite network of peer resources. Interested CIOs, VP of Information Systems, Directors and other senior level managers of technology are welcome to apply.

In Minnesota SIM, a typical meeting includes an interactive presentation with engaging dialog between members and presenters followed by time for networking with fellow members.

The following are examples of recent program topics:

"Switching Gears: Learn to Successfully Navigate Through Change"

"Everybody Talks but Few Communicate"

"The Essential Architect: Pulling the Thread"

"Practical Advice to Cutting IT Costs" (Panel Discussion)

“End-of-Life IT Asset Disposal Processes: The Road to Mitigating Financial & Legal Risks” (Panel Discussion)

“The Value of Building Your Professional Network”

“Managing, Leading, Coaching - `Can you afford to be ineffective with your people?'”

"Managing Change in Technology to Maximize Operational and Financial Efficiencies"

"How To Build High Performing Teams"

“Turning B Players into A Players”

"Cyber Crime, Past, Present and Future"

"See Yourself as Others Do"

"Effective Employee Management, Mentoring and Retention"

"Ready Thinking During Times of Change"


Nashville Chapter Website Chartered in 2010

New Jersey Chapter

SIM NJ (Society for Information Management - New Jersey Chapter) - Wikipedia site
New Jersey Chapter Website Chartered in October 1984.

New York Metro Chapter

New York Metro Chapter Website. Perry Rotella, current President

Northeast Ohio Chapter

Northeast Ohio Website

Philadelphia Chapter

Philadelphia Chapter Website Chartered in February 1985.

Portland Chapter

Portland Chapter Website

The Portland Chapter of SIM was formed initially in 1996 as a satellite of the Seattle SIM Chapter through the efforts of Bill Harrison, Norm Alexander, Liz Alexander, Bill Henderson and Fred Pond. These RLF leaders and recent graduates had links to the Seattle Chapter. Independent since 1999, the Portland Chapter primarily draws members from the Portland, Oregon and Vancouver, Washington areas but also has many active members from the Salem and Corvallis regions. As of mid-2012, the chapter boasts more than 170 active members. The region is home to 1.3 million people, over 20 colleges and universities, two professional sports teams and is a center for the apparel industry, especially footwear with such names as Nike, Keen, LaCrosse/Danner, and Adidas.

The Chapter has given back to the Oregon and SW Washington community through support of local charities and scholarships to universities in the area. The Chapter has donated over $250,000 since the beginning of our philanthropic program in 2002. The chapter's primary philanthropic activity is an annual fund-raising golf tournament held in September.

Chapter programs are held monthly from September through May of the following year, traditionally on the second Wednesday evening of each month.

Past and Current Presidents of the Portland Chapter

Year President
1999 Joe Pratts
2000-01 Leslie Rohrs
2002-03 Jim Battan
2004-05 Andy Wihtol
2006-07 Fred Pond
2008-09 Mark Bryan
2010-11 Lance Harris
2012- John Pierce

Research Triangle Park (RTP)

RTP Website. Chartered in October 1988. Formerly known as the North Carolina Chapter.

San Diego

San Diego Website Chartered in 2011

Seattle Area Chapter

Seattle Chapter Website

South Florida Chapter

South Florida Chapter Website Chartered in February 2006.

Southern California Chapter

Southern California Website Chartered in 2011.

St. Louis Chapter

St. Louis Chapter Website The St. Louis Chapter of SIM was formed in 2004 through the efforts of Bob Rouse, Eric Gorham, Judy Winkler, David Kocs, Terry Werner and many RLF graduates. The first meeting was held at Southwestern Bell (now ATT) in May 2004 with Darwin John as the speaker. Geographically, the chapter includes the metropolitan St. Louis region, including surrounding counties in Missouri and Illinois; the region is home to 2.9 million people, 16 colleges and universities, and 9 Fortune 500 companies.

The St. Louis SIM Charter was received at the New York SIMposium in the fall of 2004. Since then many chapter members have served on national SIM boards and committees.

From its beginning the Chapter concentrated on leadership programs at monthly meetings. In 2006 it established the annual Leadership Workshop, a 2.5-day event featuring CIO leaders and networking opportunities. In 2007 Paul Klover organized the first Charity Golf Tournament; it annually provides scholarships for undergraduate students in greater St. Louis. The Chapter is also the primary organizer of a large annual technology conference, Gateway to Innovation, which includes biotech, healthcare, government, and information technology. Drawing over 1000 participants, high-tech start-ups, 50 vendors and leading speakers, the conference provides a forum for the community to meet and highlight progress and developments. The conference also gives back into the local community, donating nearly $500 thousand since the first year.

The chapter has given back to the community in many ways. The chapter has provided over 20 educational scholarships in recent years. It has helped Edgewood Center and Therapeutic Horsemanship, providing needed development and systems support for information technology to support their services and administration.

Past and Current Presidents of the St. Louis Chapter

Year President
2003 Bob Rouse
2004 Mark Barry
2005 Dave Kocs
2006 Karlos Bledsoe
2007 Eric Gorham
2008 Mark White
2009-10 Jeff Villmer
2011-12 David Berndt
2013-14 Lawrence Casey
2015-16 Jeff Kennedy

Toronto Chapter

Toronto Chapter Website

Wisconsin Chapter

Wisconsin Chapter Website. Chartered in 1982. Members are primarily located in southeastern Wisconsin.

Society publications

The organization’s website provides an online library of publications

MIS Quarterly Executive

See also

Chief Information Officer

Chief Technology Officer


  1. About SIM Delivering Business Value through IT Leadership
  2. Luce, Dave, "Message from SIM" MIS Quarterly Executive, Vol. 4 No. 4 / December 2005
  3. Thomas Hoffman (14 October 2003). "Q&A: Society for Information Management President Ed Trainor". Computerworld. Retrieved 3 February 2015.
  4. Dickson, Gary W (August 1989) "A history of the Society for Information Management: the first 20 years". Published by the Society for Information Management
  5. "Dick Dooley". YouTube. 31 December 1969. Retrieved 3 February 2015.
  6. Eliot, Lance (1993). "A guided tour of the 1993 SIM annual conference,
  7. "CIO". Retrieved 3 February 2015.
  8. "CIO". Retrieved 3 February 2015.
  9. "Network World". Retrieved 3 February 2015.
  10. "2001 House Committee on Judiciary: Subcommittee on Civil Law". Oregon State Archives. 2001-04-18.
  11. (November 18, 2002). "SIM files response to president's national strategy to secure cyberspace".
  12. Letter from SIM to the American Bar Association on UCITA, January 27, 2003
  13. "A CIO Conversation: SIM President Nancy Markle". Retrieved 3 February 2015.
  14. "Portable Document Format (PDF)". Retrieved 3 February 2015.
  15. Bob Brown (19 September 2005). "Q&A: Incoming user group president: Don't believe all those nasty outsourcing rumors". Network World. Retrieved 3 February 2015.
  16. Jay Rajani. "Bob Keefe On The State Of SIM". Retrieved 3 February 2015.
  17. Lacity, Mary (September 1998 "An Empirical Investigation of Information Technology Sourcing Practices: Lessons from Experience", MIS Quarterly Vol. 22 No. 3
  18. "Portable Document Format (PDF)". Retrieved 3 February 2015.
  19. Jim Ericson (28 November 2012). "IT s Workforce Pipeline - Information Management Online Article". Information Management Online. Retrieved 3 February 2015.
  20. Luftman and McLean (June 2002). "Key issues for executives" MIS Quarterly Volume 26 Issue 2
  21. "CIO". Retrieved 3 February 2015.
  22. "CIO". Retrieved 3 February 2015.
  23. Eliot, Lance (1993) "A guided tour of the 1993 SIM annual conference,".
  24. "SIM: IT and Business Advantage Continue to Thrive". Retrieved 3 February 2015.
  26. "Tech industry searching for girls gone geek". Retrieved 3 February 2015.
  27. Amy Schurr (4 November 2006). "What to read to get ahead". Network World. Retrieved 3 February 2015.
  28. Wilson, Linda (June 28, 1993). "Learning to lead". INFORMATIONWEEK page 90.
  29. Video: An interview with Peter Whatnell, 2009 SIM President
  30. (March 11, 2010) "Atlanta IT leaders hit the links to benefit"
  31. History and Mission page
  32. "About MN SIM". Minnesota SIM. Retrieved 9/7/2011. Check date values in: |accessdate= (help)

External links