Socialist Republic of Montenegro

Socialist Republic of Montenegro
Socijalistička Republika Crna Gora
Социјалистичка Република Црна Гора
Constituent republic of Yugoslavia

Flag Emblem
Location of Montenegro in Yugoslavia
Capital Podgorica
Languages Serbo-Croatian
Government Socialist republic
Historical era Cold War
 -  Second Session of the AVNOJ
29 November 1943
 - End of World War II 8 May 1945
 -  Federal Republic of Yugoslavia established 28 April 1992
 -  1991 13,810 km² (5,332 sq mi)
 -  1991 est. 615,035 
     Density 44.5 /km²  (115.3 /sq mi)
Currency Yugoslav dinar

Socialist Republic of Montenegro (Serbo-Croatian: Socijalistička Republika Crna Gora, Социјалистичка Република Црна Гора), or SR Montenegro in shortened form, was one of the 6 republics forming the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. It is a predecessor of the modern-day Montenegro. On 7 July 1963, the People's Republic of Montenegro was renamed the "Socialist Republic of Montenegro" (a change ratified both by the Federal Constitution and the newly created Montenegrin Constitution in 1963). It was a non-national free state with Serbo-Croatian as the official language. In 1991, as the League of Communists in Montenegro changed its name to Democratic Party of Socialists of Montenegro after the first free elections, the adjective "Socialist" was deleted from the republic's title (ratified by the 1992 Constitution).


Part of a series on the
History of Montenegro
Middle Ages and early modern
Modern and contemporary
Montenegro portal

1971 census:

1981 census:

1991 census

Heads of Institutions


Prime Minister


    Coordinates: 42°47′N 19°28′E / 42.783°N 19.467°E