Snowball (Animal Farm)

Snowball is a character in George Orwell's Animal Farm. He is largely based on Leon Trotsky and describes how he led the opposition against Joseph Stalin (Napoleon), though he also includes elements of Vladimir Lenin. Snowball is not given any specific description, but it seems likely that he is a Landrace pig, a breed common in Britain that is usually colored a light pink. He is shown as a pink pig on the movie poster for the 1999 film Animal Farm.

Snowball's ideas

Snowball believes in a continued revolution: he argues that in order to defend Animal Farm he must strengthen the reality of Old Major's dream of a life without humans, they must stir up rebellions in other farms throughout England. Although Napoleon always disagrees with any ideas that Snowball has because he doesn't want Snowball to lead Animal Farm and gain more popularity than him.

Snowball also writes the first version of the Seven Commandments. These are later altered by Squealer under the orders of Napoleon to accommodate the actions of the pigs. For example, the commandment stating "No animal shall drink alcohol" is changed to "No animal shall drink alcohol to excess", and is later removed entirely. The rule that states "No animal should sleep in a bed" is changed to "No animal should sleep in a bed with sheets".

Snowball is eventually forced out of the farm when Napoleon uses his guard dogs to attack Snowball. After that he is blamed for problems on the farm, and it is claimed he was in support of Jones from the start. Though he fought bravely at the Battle of the Cowshed, the facts are altered to say he openly fought for Jones and the shot wounds are changed to wounds Napoleon inflicted on him. Those accused of supporting him are executed after being forced to confess, and a reward is offered for his capture.

Snowball is a very inventive pig that influenced others to his side with intelligence and compassion. It is never revealed what happened to him after his escape. In the 1950's animated adaptation it is implied that the dogs killed him. However, in the 1999 live action film adaption, he is shown escaping the dogs and surviving. It later talks about him getting the death sentence by Napoleon
