
Smithseven (also written as Smith 7 or Smith7) is a nonprofit record label located in Memphis, TN. Smith7 was started in 1999, by Brian Vernon, as a way of promoting young and upcoming bands in the local Memphis music scene. Vernon is also the lead singer for a prominent Smith7 band, Wicker.

Smith7 Records exists to help musicians and music fans. Smith7 has raised way over $5,000 for charities and people in need since the beginning. That includes the help of everyone who puts on the shows, plays at the shows, promotes, makes flyers, passes out flyers, or pays to get into the shows. When bands’ merchandise is sold, the money pays back what is needed for Smith7 to break even. The rest is always donated to a local charity.[1]


Smith7 shows usually happen two or three times a month around the city of Memphis. Common venues are Memphis Music, Woodland Hills, Singleton Community Center, and the Smith7 house.[1]

Pants Tour

Pants Tour is a full week of shows in Memphis where Memphians can see lots of different bands, while at the same time having their money go towards a good cause. This usually happens once a year, usually during the summer. It has been running for four years.

Smith7 Production Team


Merchandise is available for all Smith7 bands and Smith7 itself.[1]

Current Bands

See also


External links