Smith space

In functional analysis and related areas of mathematics, Smith space is a complete compactly generated locally convex space X having a compact set K which absorbs every other compact set T\subseteq X (i.e. T\subseteq\lambda\cdot K for some \lambda>0).

Smith spaces are named after M. F. Smith,[1] who introduced them as duals to Banach spaces in some versions of duality theory for topological vector spaces. All Smith spaces are stereotype and are in the stereotype duality relations with Banach spaces:[2][3]

  • for any Banach space X its stereotype dual space[4] X^\star is a Smith space,
  • and vice versa, for any Smith space X its stereotype dual space X^\star is a Banach space.


  1. M. F. Smith (1952).
  2. S.S.Akbarov (2003).
  3. S.S.Akbarov (2009).
  4. The stereotype dual space to a locally convex space X is the space X^\star of all linear continuous functionals f:X\to\mathbb{C} endowed with the topology of uniform convergence on totally bounded sets in X.
