
For fictional characters from "Transformers", see Skyquake (Transformers).

Skyquakes[1] are unexplained reports that sound like a cannon or a sonic boom. They have been heard in several locations around the world such as the banks of the river Ganges in India, the East Coast and inland Finger Lakes of the United States, as well as areas of the North Sea, Japan and Italy.

Local names

Names (according to area) are:

They have been reported from: on an Adriatic island in 1824; Western Australia, South Australia & Victoria in Australia; Belgium; frequently on calm summer days in the Bay of Fundy, Canada; Lough Neagh in Northern Ireland; Scotland; Passamaquoddy Bay, New Brunswick & Cedar Keys, Florida & Franklinville, New York in 1896 & in northern Georgia in the United States.[4]

Their sound has been described as being like distant but inordinately loud thunder while no clouds are in the sky large enough to generate lightning. Those familiar with the sound of cannon fire say the sound is nearly identical. The booms occasionally cause shock waves that rattle plates. Early white settlers in North America were told by the native Haudenosaunee (Iroquois) that the booms were the sound of the Great Spirit continuing his work of shaping the earth.

The term originating in Seneca Lake, NY, mistpouffers, or Seneca Guns, referring to the rumble of artillery fire. An alternative explanation for the term "Seneca guns" is also provided. In 1850, James Fennimore Cooper, author of The Last of the Mohicans, wrote a story, “The Lake Gun,” describing the phenomenon as manifested on Seneca Lake of the upstate New York Finger Lakes, which seems to have popularized the term.


One explanation for why they are usually heard near water is that inland communities are often too noisy to hear these booms. Their origin has not been positively identified. They have been explained as:

See also


  1. "MILITARY: Navy says it caused mysterious 'skyquake'". U-T San Diego. 2012-06-29.
  2. T.D. LaTouche, "On the Sounds Known as Barisal Guns", Report (1890-8) of the annual meeting By British Association for the Advancement of Science , Issue 60, pp. 800.
  3. Eraldo Baldini, "Tenebrosa Romagna", Il Ponte Vecchio, 2014, p. 21.
  4. Appletons' Annual Cyclopaedia and Register of Important Events. 1899. p. 440.
  5. "Milkshakes: unusual earthquakes strike Wisconsin". Ars Technica. 2013-02-25. Retrieved 2013-02-25.
  6. Coastal Review Online, Seneca Guns: The Booms of Summer, 2012-08-01
  7. Earthquake Booms, Seneca Guns, and Other Sounds,, 2013-10-29
  8. The Guns of Barisal and Anomalous Sound Propagation
  9. Dimitar Ouzounov; Sergey Pulinets; Alexey Romanov; Alexander Romanov; Konstantin Tsybulya; Dimitri Davidenko; Menas Kafatos; Patrick Taylor (2011). "Atmosphere-Ionosphere Response to the M9 Tohoku Earthquake Revealed by Joined Satellite and Ground Observations. Preliminary results". arXiv:1105.2841 [physics.geo-ph].

External links

  1. The Guns of Barisal and Anomalous Sound Propagation
  3. New Lands: A Hypertext Edition of Charles Hoy Fort's Book: Account of Barisal guns observed in 1874, and of some meteorite impacts
  4. Account of Lake Guns - 1800's
  5. Le son du Soleil fait résonner la Terre ! (French)
  6. Les sons entendus aux 4 coins de la planète seraient-ils d’origine solaire? (French)
  7. Sound and Light Phenomena: a Study of Historical and Modern Occurrences