Sirona Knight

Sirona Knight is an author, researcher and teacher in the fields of magic, Wicca, metaphysics and the occult. She is also both a published poet and a hypnotherapist. She holds a master's degree in psychology and leisure studies from California State University[1] . Knight is a Third Degree Craftmaster and High Priestess of the Celtic Gywddonic Druid Tradition[2] , and has been a Contributing Editor for Magical Blend magazine and a featured writer for New Age Retailer and Aquarius magazines. She lives in the Sierra Foothills in northern California with her husband Michael and their son Skylor.



  1. "Authors Sirona Knight and Michael Starwyn". Unknown. 2004. Retrieved July 2010.
  2. "Authors Sirona Knight and Michael Starwyn". Unknown. 2004. Retrieved July 2010.

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