Sir Wilfrid Laurier Secondary School

Sir Wilfrid Laurier Secondary School
450 Millbank Drive
London, Ontario, Canada
School board Thames Valley District School Board
Principal Mr. B. Nielsen
Vice principal Mrs. L. Akano, Mr. A. Smith
Funding type Public
Campus Urban
Mascot Ram
Colours Kelly Green and Navy Blue
Established 1966-1967 by Sir Wilfrid Laurier [1]
Enrollment 1164 (Approximate) [2] (24 September 2012)

Sir Wilfrid Laurier Secondary School or Laurier is a high school located at 450 Millbank Drive in the south east end of London, Ontario, Canada. The school was built in the school year of 1966-1967 and is in the Thames Valley District School Board. The school has around 1164 students and 80 teachers. Its named after the Canadian prime minister Sir Wilfrid Laurier, when the prime minister founded the school. [3] [4] Wilfrid Laurier is well known for his policies of conciliation, nation building, and compromises between French and English Canada. The school colours are green and blue. It is widely known as being one of the only French immersion high schools in the area. It also provides English courses for students who are not in the French immersion program.

Student council

Laurier does offer "Student Council" also known as "The Sir Wilfrid Laurier Student's Parliament" as part of the Constitution amended in 2013 stated in the administration documents. The student council is responsible for school dances, school charity, motivational speakers, pep rallies, the mascot (Wilf) and other in-school related programs. The student council is divided into three sections: The Executives, Full Council, and Project Task Forces. Each year, [at the end of Semester Two] the student body elects fellow students to take over these positions over the course of the following year. Laurier student council also gets an office put aside a room in the school where they can store supplies for events, have small meetings, or do paper work related to an upcoming event. This room is called the "Ram Room".


The executive positions are of great importance to the council. These positions have more power and have priority over other positions. These positions include The Governor General, Prime Minister, Minister of Finance, Secretary and Student Council Advisors. Aside from normal student council meetings, these members will have an executive meeting every week to discuss the progress of the student council, any problems within student council, or any problems from administration. These positions usually have more responsibilities than any other positions in Council.

Governor General

The Governor General is the student in charge of student council. They are in charge of organising student council meetings, talking to administration about shifting school schedule for events, keeping other council members in moderation, and watching over council activities. If there is ever a problem for an event, the council member would go to the Governor General to solve the problem or find another way of getting around it. The Governor General has the authority to: cancel an event if he/she does not feel it is planned out well enough, call emergency meetings, and call in other members of council to help with events that do not pertain to their position. Certain criteria have to be met before a student can run to become a Governor General of Laurier. The Governor General must have at least one previous year on council in any position. The Governor General must be in Gr. 11 or 12. The Governor General must have at least a 70 grade point average when running for Governor General and throughout the school year of being the Governor General. Every year at the end of second semester, the Governor General is required to update the Student Council constitution based on his/her experience throughout the year with council. This is usually coordinated with the Student Council Advisers and the Administration of the school.

Prime Minister

The Prime Minister is the second to the Governor General. If for some reason the Governor General is not able to do his or her job as Governor General (absence or otherwise) the Prime Minister steps in and takes over the responsibilities of the Governor General. The Prime Minister has the same responsibility of assisting council members in events, encouraging good relations with council, and ensuring that members of council are doing their job correctly and efficiently. There are certain requirements in place to become Prime Minister at Laurier. The student running must have at least a 70% average when running and a 70% average throughout the year. The Prime Minister must have a near perfect attendance throughout their year.

See also


  1. About Us. Retrieved on 2014-05-06.
  2. About Us. Retrieved on 2013-10-05.
  3. About Us. Retrieved on 2014-05-06.
  4. The Political Life of Sir Wilfrid Laurier. Retrieved on 2014-05-06.

External links