Singapore Think Tanks

There are currently 12 Singapore Think Tanks.

Centre for International Law (CIL)

The Centre for International Law (CIL) was established in 2009 at the National University of Singapore (NUS) in response to the growing need for international law expertise and capacity building in the Asia-Pacific region. The Centre engages in research and training as well as counsel and consultancy on a range of international law and policy issues. CIL also collaborates with a wide-ranging network of partner organisations in Singapore and overseas to further the development of international law thought leadership.

Centre for Liveable Cities (CLC)

CLC brings together Singapore's expertise on sustainable urban development across public and private sectors. It aims to distil and develop Singapore's experience in good governance, integrated urban planning, effective resource management, affordable quality housing, efficient transport management and environmental sustainability. Besides being a key repository of Singapore's expertise in urban management, the Centre will facilitate the sharing of best practices and learning among cities in the region and globally through conferences, forums, seminars and workshops. Working with other international and local think tanks and research institutions, the CLC will also undertake policy-oriented research that is timely, practical and relevant.

East Asian Institute (EAI)

EAI was set up in April 1997 as an autonomous research organization under a statute of the National University of Singapore. It is the successor of the former Institute of East Asian Political Economy (IEAPE), which was itself the successor of the Institute of East Asian Philosophies (IEAP), originally established by Dr Goh Keng Swee in 1983 for the study of Confucianism. The main mission of EAI is to promote academic and policy-oriented research on contemporary China and other East Asian economies. More specifically, EAI scholars conduct studies on various aspects of political, economic and social changes in China arising from its economic reform and open-door policy, the regional and global implications of the economic rise of China, and the cultural and commercial networks of the ethnic Chinese from a global perspective. The Institute also monitors developments in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macau, and China's relations with Japan and Korea.

Energy Studies Institute (ESI)

The global energy landscape is one that is changing rapidly. The threat of a worldwide depletion of fossil fuels, the impact of climate change, and the growing importance of geopolitics on energy supplies have led to an urgent call for new energy policies and interventions. Against this backdrop, ESI seeks to advance the understanding of local, regional and global energy issues through independent research and analyses aimed at addressing, informing and influencing public opinion and policies.

Institute of Policy Studies (IPS)

IPS was established in 1988 as a think-tank dedicated to fostering good governance in Singapore through strategic policy research and discussion. A think-tank within the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy at the National University of Singapore. It seeks to cultivate clarity of thought, forward thinking and a big-picture perspective on issues of critical national interest through strategic deliberation and research. It employs a multi-disciplinary approach in its analysis and takes the long-term view. It studies the attitudes and aspirations of Singaporeans which have an impact on policy development and the relevant areas of diplomacy and international affairs.

Institute of South Asian Studies (ISAS)

ISAS was established in July 2004 as an autonomous research institute within the National University of Singapore (NUS). The establishment of the Institute reflects the increasing economic and political importance of South Asia, and the strong historical links between South Asia and Southeast Asia.

Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS)

ISEAS is a regional research institute dedicated to the study of social-political, security and economic trends and developments in Southeast Asia and its wider geostrategic and economic environment. The aim of the institute is to nurture a community of scholars and policy analysts interested in the region and to engage in discipline-based as well as multi-disciplinary research into the multi-faceted dimensions and issues of stability and security, economic development, regionalism and ASEAN integration as well as political, social and cultural change in regional states. Its research interests also cover the historical interactions among Southeast Asian and other Asian societies and civilizations.

Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy

As countries in Southeast Asia and the Pacific enter a new phase of their development, the importance of public policy has become increasingly recognised. The problems faced by policymakers range over a wide spectrum of issues which are unique to countries in the region. In the regional context, these are further complicated by religious, ethnic, historical and political variables which add to the complexity of governance. Charting public policy within these varied settings and meeting the demands and expectations of different constituents, national and international, require public servants who are trained to look at the issues from the vantage points of several disciplines. LKYSPP was established in 2004 with the mission of educating and training the next generation of Asian policymakers and leaders. Situated in Singapore, a neutral observation ground to witness the historic rise of Asia, the School is thus in the right place at the right time.

Middle East Institute (MEI)

MEI is an autonomous research institute within the National University of Singapore (NUS).It conducts research and organises conferences, seminars and talks in pursuit of its mission to promote a deeper understanding of contemporary Middle East in Singapore. It hosts a Middle East Institute Lecture Series where distinguished visitors and scholars are provided with a platform to share their insights.

S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies

The S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS) was inaugurated on 1 January 2007 as an autonomous School within the Nanyang Technological University (NTU), upgraded from its previous incarnation as the Institute of Defence and Strategic Studies (IDSS), which was established in 1996. The School exists to develop a community of scholars and policy analysts at the forefront of Asia-Pacific security studies and international affairs. Its three core functions are research, graduate teaching and networking activities in the Asia-Pacific region. It produces cutting edge security related research in Asia-Pacific Security, Conflict and Non-Traditional Security, International Political Economy, and Country and Area Studies. The School‘s activities are aimed at assisting policymakers to develop comprehensive approaches to strategic thinking on issues related to security and stability in the Asia-Pacific and their implications for Singapore.

Singapore Institute of International Affairs (SIIA)

The Singapore Institute of International Affairs (SIIA) is Singapore’s oldest independent think tank dedicated to the research, analysis and discussion of regional and international issues. Founded in 1961 and registered as a membership-based society, it organizes local, regional and international events and is a founding member of the ASEAN-Institutes for Strategic and International Studies (ASEAN-ISIS) network. Their research and events reach out to policy-makers, business leaders, professionals and youth, and contribute towards making Singapore a more cosmopolitan and global society.

Singapore International Foundation (SIF)

The Singapore International Foundation is a not-for-profit organisation that aims to build a better world through shared ideas, skills and experiences, so as to uplift lives and create greater understanding between Singaporeans and world communities.

Established on August 1, 1991, SIF builds enduring relationships between Singaporeans and world communities, harnessing these friendships to enrich lives and effect positive change.

Its work is anchored in the belief that cross-cultural interactions provide insights that strengthen understanding. These exchanges inspire action and enable collaborations for good.

SIF's programmes bring people together to share ideas, skills and resources to effect real change in areas such as healthcare, education, the environment, arts and culture, as well as livelihood and business.

This organisation does this because it believes we all can, and should do our part to build a better world, one we envision as peaceful, inclusive and offering opportunities for all.

For its work, SIF was presented the Excellence for Singapore Award. Its Patron is His Excellency Dr Tony Tan Keng Yam, President of the Republic of Singapore.