Sims' position

The Sims' position, named after the gynaecologist James Marion Sims, is usually used for rectal examination, treatments and enemas.[1] It is performed by having a patient lie on their left side, left hip and lower extremity straight, and right hip and knee bent. It is also called lateral recumbent position.[2]

Detailed description

The position is described as follows:

  1. Patient lies on their left side.
  2. Patient's left lower extremity is straightened.
  3. Patient's right lower extremity is flexed at the hip, and the leg is flexed at the knee. The bent knee, resting against bed surface or a pillow, provides stability.

Common uses :

  1. Post partum perineal examination
  2. Per-rectal examination,

See also


  1. "Patient positioning : Sim's position". MoonDragon. Retrieved 27 August 2012.
  2. "Sim's position : Definition". The Free Medical Dictionary. Retrieved 27 August 2012.