Simon Egenfeldt-Nielsen

Simon Egenfeldt-Nielsen (Copenhagen, 1975) is a game designer and academic researcher (in the Center for Computer Games Research at the IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark). He has been studying, researching and developing computer games especially for learning since mid-1990s starting with the publication of the Danish book 'Den Digitale Leg - Om børn og Computerspil'. Originally he has a MA in psychology from Copenhagen University (2000). Egenfeldt-Nielsen founded the company Serious Games Interactive in 2006.

At the Center for Computer Games Research at the IT University of Copenhagen, Egenfeldt-Nielsen was among the founding members of the games research group. He received his PhD in videogames studies on August 2005. Following the PhD, he has participated in several research projects within the area serious games alongside starting up the company Serious Games Interactive. He has published several books with games and learning, which includes Understanding Video Games and "Educational Potential of Video Games.

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