Silvano Levy
Silvano Levy is an academic and art critic specialising in surrealism. He has published on Belgian surrealism with studies on René Magritte, E.L.T. Mesens and Paul Nougé. His research on The Surrealist Group in England began with a film on Conroy Maddox and the book Conroy Maddox: Surreal Enigmas (1995), while a wider interest in the movement led to the publication of Surrealism: Surrealist Visuality (1997) and Surrealism (2000). Levy has curated national touring exhibitions of the work of Maddox and Desmond Morris, and has published a monograph on the latter entitled Desmond Morris: 50 Years of Surrealism (1997), which was followed by the enlarged re-edition Desmond Morris: Naked Surrealism (1999). Subsequent books on Morris include Lines of Thought: The Drawings of Desmond Morris (2008) and two volumes (2000 & 2012) of an analytical catalogue raisonné spanning eight decades. Silvano Levy’s monograph on Maddox, The Scandalous Eye. The Surrealism of Conroy Maddox, was published by Liverpool University Press in 2003 and further scholarly studies cover Sheila Legge, Toni del Renzio, André Breton, Dina Lenković, Jean-Martin Charcot and Birmingham surrealism. Dr Levy is editor of Surrealist Bulletin and has held academic posts at the University of Liverpool, Newcastle Polytechnic, the University of Bath, the University of Hull and Keele University, where he was promoted to Senior Lecturer in French in 1998 and then to Reader in 2005.
Sheila Legge made the headlines in the hot summer of 1936 when she paraded in Trafalgar Square as the ‘Surrealist Phantom of Sex Appeal’. The public was perplexed by this elegantly dressed young woman whose head was completely shrouded in red roses. Since then, nothing more has been heard of her and she has remained a mystery for some eight decades. Silvano Levy’s painstaking research has now pieced together the main elements of Sheila’s life and involvement in surrealism. His study establishes the Phantom’s biographical chronology and lineage, as well as offering commentaries on texts and other traces she has left behind.
(2015 IN PRESS) Decoding Magritte (Sansom & Co., Bristol)
(2014) Sheila Legge Phantom of Surrealism (Dark Windows Press, Rhos-on-Sea) [ISBN 1909769096, 978-1909769090], 114 pp. 1–114
(2012) Desmond Morris Analytical Catalogue Raisonné 2000–2012 (Redcliffe Press, Bristol) [ISBN Standard edition 978-1-906593-44-5, Collector’s edition 978-1-906593-97-1], 312 pp. 1–312
(2008) Dina Lenković (Vlastito Izdanje, Zagreb) [ISBN 978-953-55071-09], 160 pp. 1–160
(2008) Lines of Thought. The Drawings of Desmond Morris (Kettlestone Press, Norfolk) [ISBN 978-0-9560153-0-3], 200 pp. 1–200
(2003) The Scandalous Eye: The Surrealism of Conroy Maddox (Liverpool University Press) [ISBN 0-85323-559-7], 292 pp. 1–292
(2002) Desmond Morris, translation of Desmond Morris: Naked Surrealism with a foreword by Willy Van den Bussche (Petraco Pandora, Antwerp/Museum Voor Moderne Kunst, Ostend) [ISBN 90-5325-201-0], 87 pp. 11–464 [ISBN 0-7126-7298-2], 224 pp. 1–224
(2001) Desmond Morris: Analytical Catalogue Raisonné 1944–2000 (Petraco Pandora, Antwerp) [ISBN 90-5325-162-6], 464 pp. 1–464
(1999) Desmond Morris: Naked Surrealism (Petraco Pandora, Antwerp) [ISBN 90-5325-157-X], 240 pp. 1–240, augmented re-edition in Belgium of Desmond Morris: 50 Years of Surrealism
(1997) Desmond Morris: 50 Years of Surrealism (Barrie and Jenkins, Ebury Press, London)
(1994, 2002) Understanding French Accounts (Pitman, London, Pearson Educational, London) [ISBN 0-273-60307-8], 151 pp. 1–151
(2012) Desmond Morris Pintura (Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada, Instituto Universitário, Lisbon), 8 pp. not paginated
(2005) 'La psique al desnudo: La obra de Desmond Morris’ in desmond morris pintor surrealista (Guillermo de Osma Galería, Madrid) [Depósito legal M-37.070-2005], 21 pp. 1–21
(2001) Conroy Maddox: A Surrealist Odyssey (Belgrave Gallery Publishing, London) [ISBN 0-906647-06-1], 16 pp. 1–16
(2000) Surrealism (Vade Mecum, Hereford) [ISBN 0-7526-0127-X], 20 pp. 1–20
(1997) Desmond Morris: A Surrealist World (Buxton Museum & Art Gallery) [ISBN 0-906753-19-8], 7 pp. 1–7
(1996) Desmond Morris: 50 Years of Surrealism (Stoke City Museum and Art Gallery) [ISBN 1-874414-12-2], 16 pp. 1–16
(2013) (journal editor) Surrealist Bulletin IV: Arturo Schwarz (Kettlestone Press, Norfolk) [ISBN 978-0-9560153-2-7], 16 pp. 1–16
(2011) (journal editor) Surrealist Bulletin III: Patrick Hughes (Kettlestone Press, Norfolk) [ISBN 978-0-9560153-1-0], 16 pp. 1–16
LEVY, S., PIRSIG-MARSHALL, T. (2009) British Surrealism in Context. A Collector's Eye (Leeds Museums and Galleries), [ISBN 978-0-901981-82-0], 223 pp. 1–223
(2007) (journal editor) Surrealist Bulletin II: Desmond Morris (Belgrave Gallery, London) [ISBN 978-0-906647-09-7], 16 pp. 1–16
(2006) (journal editor) Surrealist Bulletin I: Toni del Renzio (Sherwin & Northern Artists Galleries, Leeds) [ISBN 978-09553976-0-8], 16 pp. 1–16
(1997) Surrealism: Surrealist Visuality (New York University Press) [Hardback ISBN 0-8147-5128-X, Paperback ISBN 0-8147-5127-X], 173 pp. 1–173
(1996, 1997) Surrealism: Surrealist Visuality (Keele University Press) [Hardback 1996 ISBN 1-85331-170-7, Paperback 1997 ISBN 1-85331-193-6], 173 pp. 1–173
(1995) Conroy Maddox: Surreal Enigmas (Keele University Press) [ISBN 185331-1537], 190 pp. 1–190
(1994, 2002 a) (series editor) Donaghy, P. & Laidler, J., Understanding Spanish Accounts (Pitman, Pearson Educational, London) [ISBN 0 273 60308 6]
(1994, 2002 b) (series editor) Höffgen, A. & Duncalf-Edelsbacher, J., Understanding German Accounts (Pitman, Pearson Educational, London) [ISBN 0 273 60309 4]
(2014) Attività del Gruppo Surrealista in Gran Bretagna 1936–2008 in A. SCHWARZ (Ed.), Il Surrealismo, ieri e oggi . Storia, filosofia, politica (Skira Rizzoli, New York, 2014) [ISBN 978-88-572-1634-8]
(2009) Toni del Renzio: Surrealist Champion or Antagonist? in S. LEVY & T. PIRSIG-MARSHALL, T. (Eds), British Surrealism in Context. A Collector’s Eye (Leeds Museums and Galleries, 2009), [ISBN 978-0-901981-82-0], 9 pp. 59–67
(2007) Paul Nougé Constructing Absence in P. ALLMER & H. VAN GELDER (Eds), Collective Invention: Belgian Surrealism Reconsidered (LGC-Series, Leuven University Press, 2007) [ISBN 978-90-5867-592-7], 13pp. 70–82
(2004) Menace. Surrealist Interference of Space in T. MICAL (Ed.) Surrealism and Architecture (Routledge, London, 2004) [ISBN 041532520X], 21 pp. 60–80
(2000) Maddox, the Melvilles and Morris: Birmingham Surrealists in T. SIDEY (Ed.) Surrealism in Birmingham 1935 1954 (Birmingham Museums and Art Gallery, 2000) [ISBN 0 7093 0235 5], 14 pp. 23 36
(2000) André Breton and the Belgian Connection in R. FOTIADE (Ed.) André Breton – The Power of Language (Elm Bank Publications, Exeter, 2000) [ISBN 1-902454-06-5], 13 pp. 125–137
(1996 a) René Magritte: Representational Iconoclasm in S. LEVY (Ed.) Surrealism: Surrealist Visuality (Keele University Press, 1996) [ISBN 1-85331-170-7], 15 pp. 15–29
(1996 b) Introduction in S. LEVY (Ed.) Surrealism: Surrealist Visuality (Keele University Press, 1996) [ISBN 1-85331-170-7], 4 pp. 7–10
(1995 a) Dangerous Cities in S. LEVY (Ed.) Conroy Maddox: Surreal Enigmas (Keele University Press, 1995) [ISBN 1-85331-153-7], 2 pp. 181–2
(1995 b) In pursuit of Enigma: 1935–1940 in S. LEVY (Ed.) Conroy Maddox: Surreal Enigmas (Keele University Press, 1995) [ISBN 1-85331-153-7], 6 pp. 7–12
(2012) Magritte et le refus de l'authentique, Cycnos (Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis, L'Harmattan, Paris) [ISBN 978-2-296-96098-5, EAN 9782296960985], Vol. 28, No. 1, 'Le Refus, esthétique, littérature, société, musique', (M. REMY & C. GUTLEBEN Eds.) (July 2012), pp. 53–62
(2007) Toni del Renzio in extremis: Alter Ego and Doppelganger, The Papers of Surrealism [ISSN 1750-1954],, Issue 6, 13 pp. 1–13
(2005) Magritte at the Edge of Codes, Image & Narrative Online Magazine of Visual Narrative [ISSN 1780-678X],, Issue 13 The Forgotten Surrealists: Belgian Surrealism Since 1924 (November 2005), University of Leuven
(2005) The del Renzio Affair: A leadership struggle in wartime surrealism, The Papers of Surrealism AHRC Research Centre for Studies of Surrealism and its Legacies [ISSN 1750-1954],, Issue 3, 34 pp. 1–34
(2001) Jean-Martin Charcot, une source du surréalisme au dix-neuvième siècle, Pleine Marge [ISSN 0295-1630], No. 34, 16 pp. 175–191
(1997) Surrealism, the Scientist and Sex, Art Review [ISSN 9-770004-409024], Vol. XLIX, 2 pp. 64–5
KELLY, B., LEVY, S. (1996) Music: An Accessory to the Crime. Paul Nougé and Surrealist Music, Aura [ISSN 0968-1736], 20 pp. 97–116
(1995) An Unholy Mission, Modern Painters [ISSN 0953-6698], Vol. 8, No. 1, 3 pp. 61–63
KELLY, B., LEVY, S. (1994) E.L.T. Mesens' Renouncement of Music, French Studies Bulletin [ISSN 0262 2750], No. 52, 3 pp. 13–15
(1994) Paul Nougé and Surreal Invention, New Comparison [ISSN 0950-5814], No. 17, 15 pp. 120–134
(1993 a) Magritte, Mesens and Dada, Aura [ISSN 0968 1736], No. 1, 11 pp. 31 41
(1993 b) Magritte: The Uncanny and the Image, French Studies Bulletin [ISSN 0262 2750], No. 46, 3 pp. 15 17
(1992 a) Magritte and Words, Journal of European Studies [ISSN 0047-2441], Vol. 22, Part 4, No. 88, 19 pp. 313 321
(1992 b) Magritte and the Surrealist Image, Apollo [ISSN 0003 6536], Vol. CXXXVI, No. 366, 3 pp 117 119
(1990) Foucault on Magritte on Resemblance, Modern Language Review [ISSN 0026-7937], Vol. 85, No.1, 7 pp. 50 56
(1987) Some Views on Metaphor: From Classical Rhetoric to Robbe Grillet, The Linguist [ISSN 0268-5965], Vol. XXVI, No. 2, 3 pp. 66 68
(1986) Linguistic Principles and Iconic Communication, Journal of Literary Semantics [ISSN 0341-7638], Vol. XV, No. 3, 11 pp. 216 226
(1985) From Language Loss to the Poetic Function, The Linguist [ISSN 0268-5965], Vol. XXIV, No. 1, 4 pp. 45 48
(1981) René Magritte and Window Display, Artscribe International [ISSN 0309-2151], No. 28, 5 pp. 24 28
(2013) 'Conroy Maddox (1912–2005) The Terminus' in Modern British and Irish Art (Christie's, London, 16 October 2013), 1 p. 75
(2013) 'Conroy Maddox (1912–2005) Cabinet des Merveilles; and Threatening Beetle' in Interiors (Christie's, London, 13 August 2013), 1 p. 46
(2012) 'Conroy Maddox (British, 1912–2005) Departure of the Wayfarer, 1940' in 20th Century Art & Design (Mallams, Oxford, 12 December 2012), 1 p. 88
(2012) 'Conroy Maddox (British, 1912–2005) On the Borderlands, 1937' in 20th Century Art & Design (Mallams, Oxford, 12 December 2012), 1 p. 88
(2012) 'Conroy Maddox (1912–2005) The Treasure Trail, Mythical Figures' in Modern British and Irish Art (Christie's, London (14 December 2012), 1 p. 31
(2012) 'Conroy Maddox (1912–2005) Flag Waving, Organic Threads' in 20th Century British Art (Christie's, London, 12 July 2012) [ISSN 02405506], 1 p. 34
(2012) 'Conroy Maddox (1912–2005) Untitled' in 20th Century Art & Design (Mallams, Oxford, 23 May 2012), 1 p. 107
(2011) 'Conroy Maddox (1912–2005) Atmospherics, Rendezvous' in 20th Century British Art (Christie's, London, 15 December 2011) [ISSN 02405506], 1 p. 52
(2011) 'Conroy Maddox (1912–2005) Threatening Beetle' in 20th Century British Art (Christie's, London, 14 July 2011) [ISSN 02405506], 1 p. 58
(2011) 'Leonora Carrington. Surrealist Painter and Sculptor who Found her Artistic and Spiritual Home in Mexico', The Independent [ISSN 095-194-67], No. 7,684, 28 May 2011, 2 pp. 44–45
(2009) 'The Second World War…' in 20th British Art (Christie's, London, 16 December 2009) [ISSN 02405506], 1 p. 42
(2009) 'Seeing Blindness' in Open Windows an Exhibition of Surrealist Artworks by Patrick Hourihan (Gallery West-Eleven, London, 6–12 July 2009), 2 pp. 2–3
(2008) 'Conroy Maddox (1912–2005)' in 20th British Art (Christie's, London, 16 July 2008) [ISSN 02405506], 1 p. 58
(2008) 'Desmond Morris' in 20th British Art (Sotheby's, London, 18 March 2008) [ISSN], 1 p. 106
(2008) 'Conroy Maddox' in 20th British Art (Sotheby's, London, 18 March 2008) [ISSN], 1 p. 111
(2007) 'Conroy Maddox (1912–2005) The Stillness of the Day' in 20th British Art (Christie's, London, 27 June 2007) [ISSN 02405506], 1 p. 50
(2007) 'Toni del Renzio Surrealist Artist', Yorkshire Post [ISSN 0963-1496], 20 January 2007, 1 p. 10
(2007) 'Toni del Renzio Enfant Terrible of English Surrealism', The Independent [ISSN 095-194-67], No. 6,315, 12 January 2007, 1 p. 41,
(2006) 'Conroy Maddox (1912–2005) The Engaged Couple' in 20th Century British Art (Bonham’s, London, 28 November 2006) [ISSN], 2 pp. 8–9
(2006) 'Freud and Sculpture: Frozen Dynamism', catalogue supplement, Freud’s Sculpture, Henry Moore Institute, Leeds, 2006, 10 pp. 1–10
(2006) 'Conroy Maddox (1912–2005) The Stillness of the Day' in The Poetry of Crisis. The Peter Nahum Collection of British Surrealist and Avant-Garde Art 1930–1951 (Christie’s, London, 15 November 2006) [ISSN 02405506], 1 p. 42
(2006) 'Desmond Morris (B. 1928) Comparative Anatomy' in The Poetry of Crisis. The Peter Nahum Collection of British Surrealist and Avant-Garde Art 1930–1951 (Christie's, London, 15 November 2006) [ISSN 02405506], 1 p. 58
(2006) 'Desmond Morris (B. 1928) Cat VI (Two Cats)' in The Poetry of Crisis. The Peter Nahum Collection of British Surrealist and Avant-Garde Art 1930–1951 (Christie's, London, 15 November 2006) [ISSN 02405506], 1 p. 58
(2006) 'Desmond Morris (B. 1928) Entry to a Landscape' in The Poetry of Crisis. The Peter Nahum Collection of British Surrealist and Avant-Garde Art 1930–1951 (Christie's, London, 15 November 2006) [ISSN 02405506], 1 p. 59
(2005) 'Is it the real Desmond Morris?', Desmond Morris. Surrealist Paintings (1949–2004), Alexander Clayton Art, Stratford upon Avon, 2005, 1 p. 1
(2005) 'Magician Maddox Conjured up Surreal', The Birmingham Post [ISSN ], No. 45,081, 8 February 2005, 1 p. 9
(2005) 'Conroy Maddox', The Times [ISSN 1742-499], No. 68,286, 17 January 2005, 1 p. 50,,,60-1443666,00.html
(1999) 'Conroy Maddox English Surrealist', Conroy Maddox an English Surrealist (Mercer Art Gallery, Harrogate, 1999, 6 pp. 1–6
(1997) 'Conroy Maddox The Surrealist Eye', Conroy Maddox The Surrealist Eye (The Market House, Ledbury, 1997), 1 p. 1
(1994) 'Conroy Maddox: Commitment to Enigma', Conroy Maddox: Paintings and Objects (Gallery M, London, 1994), 3 pp. 2–4
(1993) 'Marcel Mariën', The Independent [ISSN 095-194-67], No. 2,170, 2 October 1993, 1 p. 45
(1992) 'This is a Magritte', The Times Higher Education Supplement [ISSN 0049-3929], No. 1,028, 17 July 1992, 1 p. 18
(1984) 'Waterloo Script and the French Conventions of Letter Writing', University College Dublin Computer Centre Newsletter, Vol. 11, No. 1 (including program), 2 pp. 19–20
(2009) Maddox, Conroy Ronald (1912-2005), in Lawrence Goldman (Ed.) Oxford Dictionary of National Biography 2005-2008 (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2013) [ISBN 978-0-19-967154-0], 2 pp. 739–740; online edition, (Oxford University Press, January 2009) [ISBN 978-0-19-861411-1]
KELLY, B., LEVY, S. (2001) Mesens, Edouard Léon Théodore in S. SADIE (Ed.) The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, second edition, Vol. 16, (Macmillan, London) [ISBN 0333919513], 1 p. 479
(1998 a) Le Surréalisme de Desmond Morris, in E. BURSSENS (Ed.) Scope 99 (Editions Labor, Brussels, Editions Martial, Paris) [ISBN 90-5349-268-2], 1 p. 408
(1998 b) Het Surrealisme van Desmond Morris, in E. BURSSENS (Ed.) Snoecks 99 (Snoeck-Ducaju & Zoon, Ghent) [ISBN 90-5349-270-4], 1 p. 454
(1995 a) Antigone: Play by Jean Anouilh, 1944 in L. HENDERSON (Ed.) Reference Guide to World Literature (St James Press, Detroit) [ISBN 1-5586-2195-4], 2 pp. 43–4
(1995 b) The Outsider (L'Etranger): Novel by Albert Camus, 1942 in L. HENDERSON (Ed.) Reference Guide to World Literature (St James Press, Detroit) [ISBN 1-5586-2195-4], 2 pp. 225–6
(1995 c) The Fall (La Chute): Novel by Albert Camus, 1956 in L. HENDERSON (Ed.) Reference Guide to World Literature (St James Press, Detroit) [ISBN 1-5586-2195-4], 1 p. 225
2014 'Surrealism and the Street', Barber Institute, University of Birmingham
2014 'Surrealism', Abbot Hall Art Gallery, Kendal
2012 'Biomorphism as Ethology', Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada, Instituto Universitário, Lisbon
2012 'Lewis Carroll and British Surrealism', Tate Liverpool
2011 'Magritte's La Saveur des larmes', Tate Liverpool
2011 'Magritte. Le Refus de l'authentique', Le Centre Interdisciplinaire Récits Cultures Psychanalyse Langues et Sociétés (CIRCPLES) de l'Université de Nice
2010 'Surrealism: the Ultimate Defiance’, National Gallery of Scotland, Edinburgh
2010 ‘Surrealism’, National Association of Decorative and Fine Arts Societies, Harrogate
2009 ‘Desmond Morris’, University of Cambridge
2009 ‘Surrealism in Britain’, University of Cambridge
2009 ‘Fleeting Phantom: Sheila Legge’, Across the Frontiers. International Surrealism, Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities, University of Cambridge
2009 ‘What is Surrealism?’, Leeds Art Gallery
2009 ‘Paul Nougé Constructing Absence’, French Institute, Edinburgh
2008 ‘Surrealism: Anger and Revolt’, University of Durham
2008 ‘Desmond Morris. Lines of Thought’, Williamson Art Gallery and Museum, Birkenhead
2008 ‘Reading Magritte’s La Saveur des larmes’, The Barber Institute, University of Birmingham
2006 ‘Body Language: Communication and Identity’, University of the Arts, Bremen
2005 ‘Magritte at the Edge of Codes’, Conception Reception, Annual Conference, The Association of Art Historians, University of Bristol
2003 ‘Conroy Maddox’, Chelsea Arts Club, London
2003 ‘Chasing Dreams: Freud and the Surrealists’, University of Manchester
2002 ‘La Lumière de l'inconscient’, Université catholique de l'Ouest, Angers
2002 ‘Surrealism’, City Art Gallery, Southampton
2001 ‘The Surrealism of Maddox and Morris’, Birmingham Museums and Art Gallery
2001 ‘Jean-Martin Charcot, a nineteenth-century influence’, Le surréalisme appartient-il au XXe siècle?, International Colloquium, St. Hugh’s College, Oxford
1998 ‘Psychoanalysis and the Surrealist Object’, Identities, Annual Conference, The Association of Art Historians, University of Exeter
1997 ‘Surrealism and Desmond Morris’, Charleston Literary Festival
1997 ‘Surrealism: an introduction’, Ledbury Poetry Festival
1997 ‘Desmond Morris and Surrealism’, Buxton Museum & Art Gallery
1997 ‘Edouard Mesens et la persistance du dadaïsme’, La Littérature et les arts en Belgique francophone, International colloquium, The Department of French, The University of Edinburgh
1997 ‘Sex and Surrealism’, Whitworth Art Gallery, University of Manchester
1996 ‘René Magritte: The Space in Question’, Research Seminar, Keele University
1996 ‘The Unknown Desmond Morris’, City Museum and Art Gallery, Stoke on Trent
1996 ‘André Breton and the Belgian Connection’, André Breton: The Power of Language, International Surrealist Colloquium, University of Glasgow
1995 ‘Conroy Maddox: The Philosophy of a Surrealist’, Leeds City Art Gallery
1994 ‘Belgian Surrealist Theories of music’, University of Reading (with Barbara Kelly)
1993 ‘Paul Nougé and Surrealist Music’, Centre for Research in French Studies, University of Keele (with Barbara Kelly)
1993 Interview with Conroy Maddox, Surrealism: The Scene of the Crime, Eugène Vinaver International Colloquium University of Manchester
1993 ‘Dangerous Music: Belgian Theories of Musical Surrealism’, The Scene of the Crime, Eugène Vinaver International Colloquium, University of Manchester (with Barbara Kelly)
1993 ‘Belgian Surrealist Theories of Music’, University of Liverpool (with Barbara Kelly)
1992 Panellist at Dissecting the exquisite corpse: Surrealism in Words and Images, Symposium, Institute of Romance Studies, University of London
1989 ‘The Theories of Paul Nougé’, North-West, Universities’ Seminar in French, University of Liverpool
1988 ‘Aspects of the Belgian Approach to Surrealism’, University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne
1987 ‘Art Déco’, Newcastle Polytechnic
1987 ‘Jean Cocteau’, Tyneside Cinema, Newcastle upon Tyne
1987 ‘Surrealism on Film: The Movement and its Philosophy’, series of three lectures, Merseyside Film Institute, Liverpool
1985 ‘The Paris 1920 Style’, University of Liverpool
1985 ‘Jean Cocteau’, Merseyside Film Institute, Liverpool
1984 ‘The Language of Literary Criticism: Structuralism and the Narrative’, University College, Dublin
1984 ‘Dada and Surrealism’, Trinity College, Dublin
1984 ‘Paul Nougé’, University of Liverpool
1983 ‘Belgian Surrealism’, National College of Art and Design, Dublin
1983 ‘Language Loss: A Linguistic Approach’, Dublin Dyslexia Association
1983 ‘The Theory of Abstraction’, National Institute for Higher Education, Dublin
1982 ‘Aphasic Models’, University of Kent
1982 ‘Abstraction, Problems of Interpretation’, University of Kent
1982 ‘René Magritte’, Trinity College, Dublin
2007 Live contributor Ronnie Barbour, BBC Three Counties Radio, 9 March 2007, 5.00–6.00 pm.
2007 Contributor Brief Lives, BBC Radio 5 Live, 18 February 2007, 6.00–6.30 am.
2006 Live contributor Breakfast, BBC Radio Stoke, 21 September 2006, 7.45–8.00 am.
2005 Contributor Front Row, BBC Radio 4, 14 January 2005, 7.15–7.45 pm.
2002 Live contributor The Late Show, BBC Radio Nottingham, 30 October 2002, 10.30–11.00 pm.
2002 Contributor Brugse Radio VBRO (Belgium) 106 FM, 25 March-3 April 2002
2002 Live contributor Morning Show, Saga Radio, 1 February 2002, 10.30 am.
2000 Live contributor Night Waves, BBC Radio 3, 8 December 2000, 10.00–10.30 pm.
2000 Contributor Front Row, BBC Radio 4, 4 December 2000, 7.15–7.45 pm.
1996 Contributor Answers Back: Desmond Morris, BBC Radio Scotland
1995 Director, author & narrator Conroy Maddox: Surreal Enigmas, 16 minutes
1995 Contributor Performance, BBC Radio Stoke
1991 Contributor Mind Your Own Business, BBC Radio Stoke
1987 Interpreting for live stage performance by Antonio Fava, Commedia dell’Arte
1986 Script translator Briefing: The Swiss Connection, Independent Television, 4 December 1986
Surrealist Bulletin
Surrealist Bulletin is a journal edited by Silvano Levy, which throws the spotlight on the personal voice of individual surrealists or those directly related with surrealism. Free rein is given to statements, declarations, reminiscences, comments, confessions, attacks and defences in an egalitarian format comprising sixteen illustrated pages. The journal's singular shape, regarded as annoying by some, was the brainchild of the author of the first issue, Toni del Renzio, who tenaciously insisted on making what was to be his final statement within a vertical and narrow format. It is in his memory that his design has been retained for subsequent issues, each of which comprises 500 numbered copies. A proportion of each issue is signed by the author. Del Renzio was determined to sign his own issue, even though he was seriously ill at the time of publication. He insisted that all copies of his journal be brought to his hospital bed, where he shakily signed as many as he could. He passed away shortly afterwards. It is for this reason that relatively few copies of Surrealist Bulletin No.1 ended up being signed.
Surrealist Bulletion no.1, Toni del Renzio
Surrealist Bulletion no.2, Desmond Morris
Surrealist Bulletion no.3, Patrick Hughes
Surrealist Bulletion no.4, Arturo Schwarz
- Leslie Ross, Language in the Visual Arts: The Interplay of Text and Imagery (Jefferson: McFarland & Co Inc, 2014), p. 192, Endnote 15
- Gary Shapiro, Archaeologies of Vision: Foucault and Nietzsche on Seeing and Saying (University of Chicago Press, 2003), p. 425, Endnote 22
- Joseph J. Tanke, Foucault's Philosophy of Art: A Genealogy of Modernity (London, New York: Continnuum-3PL, 2009), Chapter 3, Endnote 8
External links
- University of Hull, School of Languages, Linguistics & Cultures