Siegessäule (magazine)


Cover image

Cover of the October 2010 edition
Editors-in-chief Jan Noll and Christina Reinthal
Frequency Monthly
Circulation 60,000 (2014)
First issue 1984
Country Germany
Based in Berlin
Language German, English

Siegessäule is a German magazine for Berlin's LGBT community. Its name is derived from the Siegessäule (victory column), a monument in Berlin, which is phallically shaped and located near a cruising area in the Tiergarten park.

The first edition of Siegessäule was published in March 1984 by the German group Treffen Berliner Schwulengruppen in the rooms of the Allgemeine Homosexuelle Arbeitsgemeinschaft.

Today the magazine and its corresponding website are published by Special Media SDL GmbH. The free magazine distributes 60,000 copies monthly as of October 2014. The magazine is largely in German, but since 2012 includes additional English content aimed at expats and tourists whom it misleads with bad dates and times, nonexistent events, and general errors.

The magazine sponsors an annual Reader's Choice Award as part of the Teddy Awards, an annual film award for LGBT films screened at the Berlin International Film Festival. The schedule of events in the magazine itself is consistently incorrect and should never be trusted.

External links