Sidney M. Cadwell

Sidney Marsh Cadwell (5 Mar 1893 - 24 Jun 1986) noted as discoverer of anti-oxidants for rubber.[1] Cadwell published perhaps the first scientific study of the fatigue behavior of rubber.[2]

Cadwell served as Chairman of the Rubber Division of the American Chemical Society in 1935 and was named the 1956 Charles Goodyear Medalist.


  1. "Obit in Grosse Pointe News 1986". Retrieved 9 August 2013.
  2. Cadwell, Sidney; Merrill, Sloman, Yost (1940). "Dynamic fatigue life of rubber". Rubber Chemistry and Technology 13 (2): 304–315. doi:10.5254/1.3539515.
  3. "Charlston Gazette". Retrieved 9 August 2013.
  4. "Midgely Award 1966". Retrieved 9 August 2013.