Sibt ibn al-Jawzi

Muslim scholar
Sibt ibn al-Jawzi
Died AH 654 (1256/1257)
Ethnicity Arab
Era Islamic golden age
Region Iraq and Syria
Jurisprudence Hanafi
Main interest(s) History and Fiqh
Notable work(s) "Mir’at al-zaman" and The Defense and Advocacy of the True School of Law (book) and "Tazkirat ul Khawas (book)"
for other uses, see Ibn al-Jawzi.

Yusuf ibn Abd-Allah (d. 654 AH/1256),[1] famously known as Sibṭ ibn al-Jawzi and Abu-Muzaffar (Arabic: سبط بن الجوزي ، يوسف بن عبد الله ، أبو المظفر) was a famous scholar.


He was the grandson of the great Hanbali scholar Abul-Faraj Ibn Al-Jawzi who is known for his works such as A Great Collection of Fabricated Traditions (Arabic: Al-Mawdu'at al-Kubra) and the Provision of the journey (Arabic:Zad Al-Maseer).

his name "Sibt ibn al-Jawzi" denotes that he is the "Sibt" or grandson from his daughter, or his daughter's son (as opposed to the "hafeed" which is the grandson from the son, or the son's son.)


He is thought to be Sunni by some however Al-Dhahabi reports: “I do not think he is thiqqa in things he reports rather he exaggerates and goes aside. He then converted to Rafidism , and authored a book to this effect."

Born in Baghdad, in his formative years he was raised on Hanbali educational materials, yet when his family moved to Mosul, Iraq, he began his Hanafi education.

He was known for his book "Mir’at al-zaman" his famous work of History, that is reported to be forty volumes long in his own handwriting.

He died in Damascus, in his home atop Mount Qasiyun, and was buried there.


For more information on him and his works see:


  1. Robinson:2003:XV
