Shkreli (tribe)

Not to be confused with Shkrel.
Shkreli tribesmen, 1906.

Shkreli is a historical tribe (and region) in Northern Albania (see Malësia). With expansion of the Ottoman Empire, part of the tribe migrated to Rugova beginning in ca. 1700, after which they continued to migrate into the Sandžak region (today in Serbia and Montenegro). The Shkreli tribe converted into Islam in the 18th century, while the Shkreli in Sandžak (known as Škrijelj/Serbian: Шкријељ) over time were Islamized and today declare Bosniak ethnicity. There are minor families which still adhere to Christianity (most of whom are Catholic, the rest Orthodox).

The village and municipality Shkrel was named after the tribe. In Sandžak, there exists a village named Škrijelj. The tribal name has been adopted as a surname by some descending families, in both Albania and former Yugoslavia.


The name of the tribe was first recorded in 1416 as Shkreli. Some other earlier forms include Scarglieli (1614) or Scrielli (1703).[1] Scarglieli was mentioned by Mariano Bolizza in 1614, being part of the Sanjak of Scutari. It was Roman Catholic, had 20 houses, and 43 men at arms commanded by Gion Poruba.[2]

The geographical region which is also referred to as Shkreli is basically Shkrel village near Shkodra in northern Albania. Like many other tribes of Northern Albania, Shkreli came from the region whose population today speaks one of the Slavic languages.[3] According to one story the ancestors of Škrijelj came from Bosnia around 1600 and populated a village in Northern Albania whose population was killed and church burned. The name of the church was St. Charles (Albanian: Shen Kerli) which became Shkrelli (Skrijelj) a name used to refer to the place and to its inhabitants.[4][5][6]

Shkreli tribesman in Shkodra, 1906.

Before converting to Islam in the 18th century, most of them professed Catholicism, and many have continued professing it until today, especially in Kosovo and southeastern Montenegro (Ulcinj). The descendants of this tribe in Kosovo have mostly maintained the Albanian language as their mother tongue and bear similar varieties to the surname: (predominantly Muslim) and Shkrel/Shkryeli (predominantly Catholic). On the other hand, descendants of the tribe professing the Eastern Orthodox faith have remained until today. According to Marko Miljanov their slava was Saint Nicholas Day.[7] The patron saint of Albanian part of the tribe is Saint Nicholas.[8]


A part of the Shkrel tribe was probably endangered by other tribes in Albania, thus has emigrated to different locations: the Montenegro seaside, to Sandžak and to Rugova gill (located in northwestern Kosovo near Peć). Some of the Rugova Shkrels moved to the territory of Rožaje and Tutin in 1700, after the Great Serb Migration.[9] They founded the village named Škrijelje (as they continued residing in Sandžak, by appropriating the yat vowel from the Slavic languages, the surname deviated from Shkrel to Škrijelj). Later in the century they populated the Lower Pešter region and the city of Novi Pazar. Skrijeljs continued to migrate from Rugova to the territory of Pešter until the 19th century.[10] The vast majority of Škrijelji were assimilated by the Slavic population in the Sandžak region. However, in the villages of Boroštica and Gradac at the Upper Pešter plateau, they managed to maintain the original Albanian language until today. After the Second World War and especially with the beginning of the Yugoslav Wars they began migrating to Western Europe, United States of America and Australia.

Today, people bearing the surname Škrijelj live in the following locations:

See also


  1. Robert Elsie (19 March 2010). Historical Dictionary of Albania. Scarecrow Press. p. 415. ISBN 978-0-8108-7380-3. Retrieved 13 May 2013.
  2. Early Albania: A Reader of Historical Texts, 11th-17th Centuries. Otto Harrassowitz Verlag. 2003. pp. 147–. ISBN 978-3-447-04783-8.
  3. Glasnik Zemaljskog muzeja u Bosni i Hercegovini. Zemaljska štamparija. 1911. p. 374. Retrieved 21 May 2013. Племена Хоти, Никај, Шкрели, Клементи, Кастрати, и један дио племена Груда потјечу из краја гдје се данас говори словјенски
  4. Carl Coleman Seltzer; Carleton Stevens Coon; Joseph Franklin Ewing (1950). The mountains of giants: a racial and cultural study of the north Albanian mountain Ghegs. The Museum. p. 45. Retrieved 13 May 2013. The people of Shkrelli, comprising a whole bayrak, are said to have come from Bosnia en masse about 1600 and taken over a valley whose inhabitants had been killed off and whose church, Shen Kerli (St. Charles hence Shkrelli) destroyed
  5. M. Edith Durham (30 June 2009). High Albania. ECHO LIB. p. 466. ISBN 978-1-4068-2855-9. Retrieved 13 May 2013. Skreli is situated in the valley of the Proni Thaat. It is mainly Catholic, and traces its origin from Bosnia.
  6. M. Edith Durham (30 June 2009), High Albania, ECHO LIB, pp. 454, 455, ISBN 978-1-4068-2855-9, All four of these tribe (Skreli, Hoti, Gruda, Kilmeni) tell that their ancestors came from Bosnia or the Herzegovina, precise district unknown....Skreli and Hoti, which say they come from Bosnia
  7. Đerković, Vukale, "P. A. Rovinski i crnogorsko-albanski izvori o stanovništvu slovenskog porijekla u Sjevernoj Albaniji", Stanovništvo slovenskog porijekla u Albaniji : zbornik radova sa međunarodnog naučnog skupa održanog u Cetinju 21, 22. i 23. juna 1990 (in Serbian), Titograd: Istorijski institut SR Crne Gore ; Stručna knj., OCLC 29549273, U njegovim kučko-arbanaškim narodnim izvorima ...zabilježio je da su sjeverna arbanaška plemena... slovenskog porijekla,... u proslavljanju istih krsnih imena... i da su istoslavljenici istoga roda - Hoti slave Ivanj dan, ... Škrijelji - Nikolj dan, i sl.
  8. Balkanistica. 13-14. Slavica Publishers. 2000. p. 41.
  9. Mušović, Ejup (1985). Tutin i okolina. Serbian Academy of Science and Arts. p. 27.
  10. Glasnik Etnografskog instituta 20. Naučno delo. 1980. p. 74.