Ship-of-the-line lieutenant

This article is about the OF-2 rank Ship-of-the-line lieutenant. For the equivalent rank in the naval forces K.u.k., Croatia, and Slovenia, see Linienschiffsleutnant.
Naval officer ranks
Flag officers:

Admiral of the fleet • Fleet admiral • Grand admiral
AdmiralGeneral admiral
Vice admiralSquadron vice-admiralLieutenant admiral
Rear admiralCounter admiralDivisional admiral
CommodoreFlotilla admiral

Senior officers:

CaptainCapt at seaCapt of sea and warShip-of-the-line Capt
CommanderFrigate captain
Lieutenant commanderCorvette captain

Junior officers:

Captain lieutenantLieutenantShip-of-the-line lieutenant
Frigate lieutenantLieutenant (junior grade)Sub-lieutenant
Corvette lieutenantEnsign

Ship-of-the-line lieutenant is a common naval rank, equivalent to the modern naval rank of lieutenant in the UK, Commonwealth and US. The name of the rank derives from the name of the largest class of warship, the ship of the line, as opposed to smaller types of warship (corvettes and frigates).

While obsolete in most modern navies, some naval forces and merchant fleets still use the rank: lieutenant de vaisseau in French, tenente di vascello in Italian, teniente de navío in Spanish, sorhajóhadnagy in the Hungarian, and Linienschiffsleutnant in the Austrian merchant fleet, while the German Bundesmarine and German merchant fleet use the rank of Captain lieutenant (Kapitänleutnant), like it is the case in other European navies.

The NATO rank code is OF-2.

See also

References and sources