Shin SD Sengokuden

Shin SD Sengokuden is part of the SD Gundam franchise, a sub-franchise of the popular Gundam anime.

This series centred on Gundam F91, V Gundam and G Gundam characters and lasted roughly from 1992–1996.

In the G Gundam segment, the land is watched over by the benevolent deity Kido Bujin Tengaiou. However, the sorcerror Masei Dai Shogun secretly plots to seize Tengaiou's power for himself. Using his public face as a trusted advisor, he frames the loyal samurai Godmaru. Godmaru goes on the run to clear his name, encountering four bounty hunters dispatched by Masei. As each hunter realises the truth, the five team up to stop Masei's ambitions.